Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 878 Hardy left first

People occasionally do inexplicable things. Yago thought for a while and said, "Maybe I'm worried that you can't stand my mother, and I'm afraid that you two will conflict."

Hardy thought for a moment and accepted the statement.

Yago scratched his face and said embarrassedly: "By the way, do you have anything to eat there? The food here is a bit difficult to eat."

Hardy's system backpack contains a lot of food and dry food.

Yago knew this.

Hardy took out a piece of dried meat.

After Yago took it, he took a nice bite with a very happy expression.

The food he has eaten here lately has been terrible.

To be honest, it is remarkable that a prince can endure such poor food until now.

"Hardy, when mother comes, her food will be left to you."

Hardy rolled his eyes: "Why!"

"How about you hire me for a few more years?"

Hardy thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

"Tsk, it means the environment is not good now, otherwise it would be impossible for someone like you to see my mother." Yago sighed: "The weather is getting colder and colder. If we don't put the sun back in the sky, this The world can’t last more than a few years.”

"Actually, it's not a big problem like we have in Basov City."

"Is it really not big?" Yago looked at Hardy: "In a few years, you will be the target of public criticism."

When the scarcity of supplies all over the world reaches a very low level, Basov, a city with sunshine, will become a cake in the eyes of others.

Hardy chuckled: "In a few years... things may be different."

Hardy remembered that Aya, the goddess of light, said that when she was nineteen years old, she raised the Kingdom of God high in the sky, and now she is sixteen.


Yago was a little surprised. He didn't understand where Hardy's confidence came from.

Hardy is indeed very strong, but there are many people in this world who are stronger than Hardy.

But he didn't bother to ask. As long as he continued to live in Basov City, he would know sooner or later.

The two of them were waiting outside, and not long after, Claire came out of the room.

"Has mother's spirit body returned?" Yago asked.

Claire nodded: "She did go back. She said she would be here within three days. At the same time, she also brought a large number of people, all of whom are very powerful."

"It seems that mother wants to solve the problems of the eldest brother and the second brother at once." Yago breathed a sigh of relief.

Hardy touched his chin, and then said: "In that case, I will go back first."

"Hey, why?" Ya Ge was a little confused: "We just agreed that mother's food will be left to you."

Hadi smiled and said: "I thought there were only a few people from your Lida family. Since there are a lot of people here, I won't be needed. Besides... I don't know when the matter here will be resolved. I have to go back to Pakistan." Soft City is in charge.”

If only a few people came to Lida's house, he could stay and help. With so many people, he would not play a big role, and if there were many people, his position here would be a bit awkward.

In addition, he was also a little worried about Basov's situation.

Although Aya now looks a bit like a city lord, in general, she is still not qualified.

Hardy was worried that something might happen there if he stayed away for too long.

"Then do you want me to go to Basov City with you?" Yago asked.

Hardy waved his hand: "No, you stay here and come to Basov City after settling the matter here."

"Okay." Yago nodded gratefully: "I will remember this favor."

Hardy took out a few pieces of dried meat and some dry food from the system backpack, put them in Yago's hand, and then said: "What I promised you just now."

Yago smiled and said nothing, but he already remembered this another favor in his heart.

Claire looked at Hardy with a look of reluctance: "Why did you just leave...forget it, it's normal for you to worry about your family."

She knew she had no reason or excuse to persuade him to stay.

Hardy smiled at her and turned to leave.

Claire suddenly asked from behind: "I will go to Basov City to play with Qili in a while. Will you welcome me?"

"Of course you are welcome." Hardy turned back and replied with a smile.

Claire stood quietly, watching Hardy disappear into the darkness with some disappointment.

Ya Ge laughed at the side and said: "Seventh sister, there seems to be something wrong with you."

Claire looked away and rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"Actually, don't worry. Ninth Sister is in Basov City. You can find an excuse to go see him at any time." Yago said jokingly: "You are so beautiful, it shouldn't be difficult to chase a man."

"Who said I was going to chase him down?" Claire stomped her feet in displeasure, then walked into the room and closed the door firmly.

Yago shrugged helplessly.

Three days later, a large group of people arrived at the level.

The leader was a beautiful woman with pink hair and wearing a red dress.

Her eyes were green, like transparent emerald stones.

When Claire saw her, she ran over and hugged her, smiling and shouting: "Mom, you are finally here."

Ilona gently stroked her daughter's hair, then looked around and asked with some confusion: "The third child is here, but where is the little man you are interested in?"

"He's back."

"Why?" Ilona asked in confusion, "Didn't you detain him?"

"She had a legitimate reason to leave, how could I keep her?" Claire whispered.

"It's okay, you can go find her later." Ilona sighed, "We have to settle the matter between your eldest brother and the second brother now."

At this time, Yago came over and asked, "Is father okay?"

"Very good, he has been fighting with the Lausel family, and now he is barely in the upper hand, and he is very happy."

Yago breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

At this time, a very beautiful woman walked out of the crowd, almost equal to the princess's appearance.

"Claire, I haven't seen you for more than three months, have you missed me?"

Loronia came over, took Claire's hand, and asked very happily.

Her eyes were full of excitement.

"It's been a long time since I saw you."

Claire blushed a little, she remembered Loronia's prediction, and she didn't expect that the prediction was so accurate.

Then she asked, "Why did you come here? Didn't you say you don't like going out?"

"Come and see...see what's going on here." Loronia almost let it slip. After a pause, she continued, "Besides, I'm worried about the princess coming here alone. After all, the princess and I are already good friends."

Ilona looked at Loronia gratefully and said sincerely, "After this incident, I will definitely give you enough compensation."

"You're polite. I came here of my own accord. I don't need compensation." Loronia smiled and asked Claire, "I know you're good at painting. Draw your crush and show me what he looks like."

Claire was embarrassed and annoyed, "I don't like him." (End of this chapter)

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