Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 908: Believe it for now

"you guess!"

Looking at the smiling Rolonya, Hardy did not follow the other person's words and ask any more questions.

Because he knows very well that this kind of Riddler is essentially a fun person.

The more you explore, the happier they will be.

"Are we leaving now?" Hardy asked.

"I think so too, the sooner the better." Ilona stood up: "The two of us are ready."

"Two people?" Hardy was a little surprised.

Ilona nodded and said: "That's right, I, Roloniya, and Your Excellency will go there."

Hardy looked at Claire and Qili next to him, and then he understood that these two people would probably not be able to help since they went to the red clay plain.

It's not that they lack strength, but... they are almost pure warriors, and their mental power is relatively weak. They may not be able to withstand special 'parasites'.

In comparison, Rolonia and Ilona have much stronger mental powers, and they have also had the experience of being 'parasitized'. As long as they always pay attention and check their mental state at all times, it will be more difficult for them to be 'parasitized'. of.

"Okay." Hardy also said, "I'll go make some preparations and meet you in the atrium in ten minutes."

"Okay, let's go to the atrium to wait for you."

Hardy walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.

Aya was already waiting there. When she saw Hadi, she immediately handed him several pastries that she had prepared.

She knew very well that Hardy had a special space backpack that could hold a lot of things, so not long ago, she said she would help Hardy make some food and let him take it with him.


Hardy placed the pastries in his backpack.

"You must come back early." Aya hugged Hadi gently. Her face was red and her eye circles were slightly red: "If you come back too late, Neferti will be very unhappy. We... He won’t be happy either.”

Hardy patted Aiya on the head and said: "You have to be careful here. If someone bullies you, go directly to Morado for help. And Claire and Qili will also stay here, they are also good With their fighting power, you can use them forcefully when needed, don’t be embarrassed.”

When Aya heard this, she smiled: "You are still so ignorant of amorous feelings."

She had already seen it, both Qili and Claire were very happy for Hardy.

I don't know how sad they would be if they heard what Hardy said.

"Also...I asked Lilithna to accompany you."

Lilithina is the oldest and most mature of the succubi.

She was great at serving people, in every aspect.

"This is not good." Hardy was a little worried.

"Lilithina specializes in spiritual magic." Aya said with a smile.

"Succubi are all good at spiritual magic."

"She is a very special kind. She has delved deeper and should be able to help you."

Hardy thought for a while and agreed.

Then he walked outside the door and saw Lilithina waiting there.

Lilithina was wearing very conservative clothes at this time. Ever since she followed Hardy, the succubi had wrapped themselves up tightly.

They actually know how to obey men, especially the men they like.

"Hardy." Lilithina looked at the boy, her face full of love.

"I'm going to trouble you along the way."

"It should be." Lilithina obviously had a pretty face, but she still used a quiet smile to show her virtuous temperament.

She was also carrying a big baggage.

Hardy looked at it for a while, then took off her baggage and put it into his system backpack.

Lilithina smiled even wider.

When Hardy brought Lilithina to the atrium, he immediately saw Ilona and Rolonya standing in the pavilion.

The other party also saw them and came over.

"Why do you still need to bring her with you?" Ilona looked at the succubus and frowned slightly: "It will only be a disservice if she goes."

Women of almost all races have a certain degree of hostility towards the succubi, which is very obvious.

There is no way, for the vast majority of women, succubus is an unstable factor that disrupts their mate selection market.

But at this time Roloniya's eyes lit up, as if she had solved some unknown problem.

Then she took two steps forward and said: "Ilona, ​​there is strength in numbers. Besides, I believe Hardy is not the kind of casual man."

Hardy gestured gratefully to Rolonia, and then said: "Lilithina is very good at spiritual magic. Taking her there should be of great use."

That's it!

Ilona nodded: "Okay, then don't waste time, let's set off."

Then the four people left the atrium.

On the balconies on different floors, there were one or two women standing, looking sadly at Hardy's leaving figure.

Hardy and others left the city and rode forward.

In fact, after Hardy transforms into the Nightmare Knight state, his body is more than nine meters tall and eleven meters long, which is almost the same as a medium-sized truck. It is more than enough to carry three women.

But Ilona was very reluctant to ride on the nightmare horse.

Rolonya smiled and explained: "The Bone Demon Tribe... is a very loyal race. Sir Hardy, please understand."

When she said this, Roloniya's expression was very subtle.

It seems to be approval, it also seems to be ridicule, it feels like any explanation is acceptable.

Ilona nodded very reservedly.

Hadi also had a strange expression... In Fina's prediction, this princess would have a 'little' relationship with him in the future, but now it seems that it is not the case.

Is Fina's prediction finally going to be wrong?

Although not riding the nightmare warhorse will slow down the movement speed, it is not much slower.

Ilona knows a very strange wind field magic that can greatly reduce the weight of the horse rider and speed up the movement of the horse.

About fourteen days later, the four people who traveled day and night finally arrived at the outpost outside the red soil plain.

Logically, there should be a large number of soldiers stationed here.

But there is no one here... only a pile of mummies.

Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground, Ilona's expression was very gloomy.

Hadi roughly checked the bodies of these people and said: "All the injured have no obvious fatal injuries and died in a strange way."

"Nothing strange." Ilona sighed and said: "They were killed by the boss."


Hadi was very puzzled.

"My eldest son has a special large-scale innate magic that can evaporate a person's blood in a short period of time, but there is no trace of it on the outside." Ilona looked at the tunnel leading to the red soil plain: "It seems that they came back from inside again, and then found something wrong, so they killed these people..."

Hadi raised his eyebrows. He was not convinced by this explanation.

As if she understood Hadi's expression, Loronia said: "Sir Hadi, the eldest prince is the most kind noble in the Rida family. There is no one else. He must have enough reasons to do this."

"Well, I believe it for now."

Hadi smiled. Is it possible that the eldest prince has been completely parasitized?

Hadi did not say this idea, but he believed that the four people present would have similar ideas. (End of this chapter)

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