Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 947 Acting (Part 1)

With the relationship between the two traitors "Larigan" and "Lazar", Qili's attack speed was very fast.

It only took more than two months to feed war with war, and conquered all the Bone Demon Lord's territory.

Sitting on the high bone throne was a young bone demon with a distorted face.

He has not 'removed' his armor, and his face still looks like a bone mask.

"Larigan, I really didn't expect that the person who came here with the enemy was actually you." The male bone demon looked at the girl below: "Obviously, your father and mother are so good to you, you are really a heartless and righteous person ”

"If I were heartless and righteous, I would not think of bringing my father's ashes back." Larigan held the gray jar and looked up at the male bone demon on the throne: "Brother, it was you and your mother who brought the ashes back first. I drove him away, why are you blaming me again now?”

The male bone demon sighed: "What my mother and I do to you is also our family matter. Why are you dragging others into this?"

"But the problem is, from a blood perspective, these two are my cousins." Larigan pointed to Qili and Claire standing next to them: "You may not know that the current princess of the Rida family, In fact, she is my father’s sister.”

There was an expression of surprise in the eyes of the male bone demon, and then he leaned back on the throne and said in a melancholy tone: "Kill me, let me die on the throne, at least I can still have some dignity as a king."

"My cousin and my cousin promised me that they can let you, your mother, and the other brothers and sisters leave." Larigan's tone paused and continued: "After you leave, you'd better live peacefully. Don't think about it. Keep doing something, otherwise...I can't convince them two to let you go again."

"It seems that you have a great status in the new force." The male bone demon stood up: "Did you use your face and your body to get it?"

"Isn't it possible?" Larigan laughed: "Beauty is also a woman's weapon, isn't it? Or, brother, do you like those ugly women?"

In the demon world, entertaining people with sex is not a despicable thing. The reputation of succubi is not good, mainly because they suck semen.

Most men can't handle this, and it can easily make them weak.

The male bone demon didn't speak anymore. After he came down from the high platform, he looked at Qili and Claire and asked, "Two princesses of the Lida family, what are your criteria for choosing a mate?"

"I like it." Claire smiled.

"It has nothing to do with you." Qili said coldly.

The male bone demon could see that the eyes of the two princesses were full of disdain, so he sighed and left slowly.

At this time Qili looked at Larigan and said with a smile: "The throne is up there, why don't you go up?"

"That belongs to Hardy." Larigan said, shaking his head.

Qili chuckled: "Hardy doesn't look down on these things. If he wanted to be a lord, Basov City would have ruled the surrounding areas long ago."

"So what does Hardy like?"

"I don't know. His material desires are actually very low." Qili spread her hands.

Claire said with some expression: "Beautiful women, like us."

"That's true." Qili narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Larrigan recalled everything before and after he met Hardy, and then he smiled charmingly. It seemed that this was really the case.

Apart from being interested in beautiful women, Hardy doesn't care much about anything else.

"What's Hardy doing now?"

"We caught an interesting guy and he's being interrogated."


Larrigan was a little disappointed. In fact, she personally wanted to see Hardy sitting on the throne.

At this time, Hardy was in prison, looking at a tied man through the bars.

A human being.

His expression was full of interest, as if he had seen some strange treasure.

"It's really rare, a human mage."

The man's hands were tied and his back was against the wall. He looked at Hardy and snorted: "What a fuss. There are many human geniuses in our Masons, whether they are mages, warriors, or other rare professions. Less. As a strong human being, you should join us and devote your blood to the rise of mankind."

"Then what?" Hardy asked, "What do I get?"

"To fight for the future of mankind, what else do you need? You have great strength, but your structure is smaller than that of a farmer."

The other party mocked Hardy mercilessly and even looked at him like he was trash.

"So, in your eyes, everyone except you are just consumables that don't deserve anything, right?"

"We are the chosen ones, noble people who are destined to rule the entire human world and lead mankind to create glory. You can work for us, fight for us, and die for us. This is your obligation. Do you understand?"

Hardy couldn't help but nod.

This is indeed the philosophy of the Masons. He really did not expect that for more than 10,000 years, the philosophy of the Masons has never changed and has always maintained its original intention.

"I am willing to dedicate myself to the future of the Masons, but I also want some power. It is difficult for me to do this if you only ask me to pay without giving me anything in return."

The man looked at Hardy: "What do you want, money, power, or beauty?"

"I want them all!" Hardy grasped the void with his right hand, and his greedy look was quite charming: "Can the masons give it to me?"

"You are greedy!"

"Generally speaking, the Masons are also very greedy. I think my philosophy matches well with that of the Masons."

"Why do you become the core member of the Stonemasons? You are not from our Semitic family."

"Just because I now have the management rights of six cities, what do you think?"

The man's face looked a little shocked: "Isn't that the victory gift of the two princesses of the Rida family?"

"I have a very good relationship with them. What's theirs is mine."

The man looked at Hardy's ridiculously handsome face and realized something in a daze.

These words, paired with his face, were so convincing that he couldn't refute them at all.

"If that's the case, I can indeed be your guide." The man stood up with difficulty: "But before that, you have to let me out first, and then give me some food. I'm very hungry."

"No problem." Hardy smiled: "I look forward to becoming one of you."

The man thought for a while and said: "I'm just an introduction. I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not. Although you are very capable, you are not one of our tribesmen after all. You will probably have to go through a very strict test."

"I will do my best." Hardy's expression contained the kind of ambition that was 'acted': "I want to have everything. I can feel the divine power in you. Although it is weaker, I believe that this With this kind of power, we will definitely dominate the world in the future.”

"You are very knowledgeable. Yes, we may be able to talk." The man laughed: "My name is Ubig, a noble Semitic descendant." (End of Chapter)

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