Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 308 Golden Coffin

I don't know how much corpse energy has been absorbed, the bone dragon is completely awakened, and it flaps its wings and flies towards Su Long.

"Damn it, why are you flying towards me?"

Su Long cursed as he ran.

Seeing Su Long escaping, Bone Dragon directly sprayed out a stream of corpse energy dragon flames, sweeping towards Su Long.

"I..." Su Long was on the verge of crying now. He had been locked by the Bone Dragon. It was impossible to escape. Moreover, his speed was indeed not as fast as the Bone Dragon's Corpse Qi Dragon Flame.

"Block him for me..."

Su Long gathered all his fighting spirit in front of him and firmly protected his vitals.


Without any accident, Su Long flew directly upside down as soon as he came into contact with the Corpse Qi Dragon Flame. He flew in the air for a long time before falling heavily to the ground.

Su Long, who fell to the ground, did not stay long. He endured the severe pain and ran towards the distance with his injuries. Now, the longer the distance, the safer he would be. He had no ability to compete with the bone dragon now.

"System, what should we do now? Are you just going to watch me being killed by the bone dragon? Is there any way to make me leave? I'm desperate."

"Why are you so anxious? Aren't you living well now? You're just holding on."

"You...do you want me to die? Don't torture me like this. You know, although we are usually noisy..."

Su Long started the nagging mode again, mumbling in the system's ears.


After being teased by a bone dragon, being knocked away and falling to the ground, Su Long stood up and continued running.

"Is there any other way? Don't be so heartless. The two of us..."

"Shut up..." The system couldn't stand Su Long's nagging anymore: "When did you become so troublesome? Can you stop for a while? My program is almost out of order."

"You can't say that. This is a life-threatening moment. You can't watch me die here..."

Su Long continued to talk, but the system was finally defeated by Su Long's sharp tongue.

"If you say one more word, you will be here waiting to die."

"Okay, I won't say anything, but you have to hurry up."

"Fly to the left, keep flying, don't stop, the Bone Dragon is playing tricks on you now. As long as you reach the destination under his five attacks, you will be safe. Otherwise, there is nothing I can do."


Su Long didn't hesitate and kept flying towards his left. As Su Long turned, the Bone Dragon also changed its direction and followed behind Su Long unhurriedly, still talking. Listening concentrates the power.

Although the bone dragon did not attack, this sense of oppression made Su Long very uncomfortable, and he could only keep flying towards the destination.


In the first attack, Su Long used the power of the attack to fly a long distance forward.

"There are four more chances. I haven't seen anything yet. Are you trying to trick me, system..."

"Trick you? That's right, I'm just tricking you. You don't have to listen. Anyway, your death will be of great benefit to me. You can go and fight with Bone Dragon."


Su Long still believed that the system had not tricked him. To challenge the Bone Dragon head-on would be to seek death, and there would be no way to survive at all.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, am I in a hurry? There are still four attacks left, and I haven't seen anything."

"Just run if I ask you to. There's so much nonsense. If you have the energy to talk, you might as well think of a way to avoid getting hurt."

Su Long could hear the system's contempt and couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "No more, no more, I'll run away right now."


The second attack came as expected, and Su Long was knocked back very far.


In the third attack, Su Long was knocked away again as expected.


The fourth attack had the same outcome. Su Long flew far away, and the clothes on his body were completely shattered. Su Long was running naked now. He didn't have time to change his clothes. No one was around anyway, so he might as well just run.

"What should I do? There is only one last chance to attack. Where should I run?"

Su Long had tried his best to escape along the way. He had taken a lot of pills, but he still couldn't find a place where he could avoid the bone dragon's attack.

"Just run to your place. I will tell you when we get there."

Su Long had no choice but to resign himself to fate, hoping that the system would not trick him.


Su Long was knocked out again, and the last chance was used up. At this time, the Bone Dragon seemed to have lost patience. The corpse energy in his mouth began to concentrate rapidly, and continued to compress, as if he wanted to kill Su Long. Life.

"This...it's over. I didn't expect that I would die at the hands of a beast. I'm really unwilling to accept it."

Facing the attack from the Bone Dragon's mouth, Su Long couldn't think of any resistance. It was something he couldn't resist now. Even the Dou Huang would be injured by such an attack, not to mention he was just a small Dou Zong. Got a little grasp of the rules.


The dragon flames of corpse energy roared in, corroding the air and making a squeaking sound.

"It's really over now, I can't stop it, I can't run away..."

Su Long was already planning to close his eyes and wait for death, and had no energy left to resist.

"What are you waiting for to die? Run to the right. Do you see the biggest tomb? Come in..."

Su Long's face turned dark when he heard the system's words: "Let me go to the grave?"

"Do you want to live? If you want to live, don't talk nonsense and come in."

"..." Su Long was speechless. Survival was more important than going to the grave.

"Life or death depends on this."

Su Long bit the tip of his tongue and used the essence and blood to activate his potential. He doubled his speed and approached the largest grave.

"How do I get in?"

"Crush it."

"God's Stone Breaker..."

Su Long opened the tomb with one palm. After the tomb was opened, what was underneath made Su Long dumbfounded.

"Gold coffin?"

"Why are you so stunned? Do you want to die? Hurry in."

As soon as the system reminded him, Velociraptor reacted. Seeing the attack coming from behind, he was almost frightened. He hurriedly opened the golden coffin, jumped in, and closed the lid.

The movements were completed in one go, flowing smoothly. This was Su Long's fastest speed.

He entered the golden coffin with his front feet, and the Bone Dragon's attack from his hind legs arrived, directly hitting the golden coffin.

There was no sound, no vibration, the bone dragon's attack just dissipated, and disappeared without touching the golden coffin.

Moreover, the bone dragon also fell down, not daring to approach the golden coffin. It landed not far away and lowered its head.

"No sound, is it safe?"

Su Long gently pushed the coffin open, then looked into the distance and saw the Bone Dragon kneeling there, like a minister meeting an emperor.

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