Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 357 Misty Canyon

The system's attitude was very firm and did not give Su Long any right to bargain.

"Thirty thousand is just thirty thousand, it's a money-stealing system."

"I'll give you a bad review later." Su Long muttered secretly in his heart.

"Are you thinking about giving me a bad review?"

The system seemed to have seen through Su Long's thoughts.

"How is it possible, how could I have such an idea? You are so good to me, how could I give you a bad review? It's too late for me to give you a good review."

"That's pretty much it. Let me tell you, your attitude determines my attitude towards you. If you want to get more benefits, treat me well and influence me with love. Maybe I will give you more tips."

"Yes, yes, I will do a good job and influence you with my love."

Su Long was helpless, but he had no choice now. He didn't know what dangers there would be in the Misty Canyon, so he could only rely on the power of the system.

Walked towards the Misty Canyon.

As soon as you enter the misty canyon, you completely lose your direction. Even if you take a step, you will find that you can't get out when you look back. Your position has changed. No wonder no one can get out.

"Random teleportation, where are we now?"

"Still on the edge of the misty canyon, but we have advanced a hundred thousand miles."

"Don't move, are you so reckless? Don't you see the danger on the ground?"

After entering the misty canyon, the Dou Sheng level spiritual consciousness was useless. It could not exert its power at all, and could only observe the surrounding environment with the naked eyes.

In addition, the environment of the misty canyon was always shrouded in thick fog, and Su Long could only see the surrounding environment for a few dozen meters.

But even so, he still didn't see what danger there was. There was nothing on the ground, only two sparse grasses.

"Where is the danger? Are these two little grasses the danger?"

"Summon two black devil insects and let them stop on these two grasses."

Following the system's instructions, Su Long summoned two black devil insects and stopped on the grass.

"It's not that..." At first, the black demon insect stopped on it without any change, but before Su Long could finish speaking.

The two grasses changed. Before the black devil insect could react, a huge mouth formed and swallowed the black devil insect directly.

"Is this a man-eating plant?"

"That's right, even though he looks ordinary, if you walk over him, you will be entangled by him in an instant, and then he will swallow you up. With your current Douzong defense, you probably won't be able to stop him. The bite."

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous..." Su Long patted his chest. No wonder the Misty Canyon is the most dangerous forbidden area. Every step is a hurdle, and you will encounter danger if you are not careful.

If the system hadn't reminded him, he might have been swallowed by man-eating grass.

"Let's go around him and move on. We are only on the outskirts of the Misty Canyon now. If you want to find the Chaos Stone, you must enter the deepest part of the Misty Canyon."

Following the system's instructions, Su Long cautiously walked towards the deepest part of the misty canyon.

Su Long still underestimated the dangers of the Misty Canyon. Even if he was systematic, he encountered danger again and again. If he didn't run fast, he would be killed several times.

There are so many fighting emperors here, and any one of them would be stronger than Su Long. If it weren't for systematic command, he would have been doomed long ago with his current indiscriminate behavior.

"Now you know why the master doesn't let you come to Misty Canyon."

"It is indeed too dangerous. The fog seriously affects the consciousness, and the enemy cannot be found at all. However, they can clearly feel my position. If they are not strong enough, they are seeking death here."

"But fortunately I still have you. You are indeed the strongest. I won't be in danger with you here."

Su Long also knew that he could only rely on the system now, so he flattered him hard.

"Although I know you are flattering me, I like to listen. Go around in a circle to the left. There is danger ahead. A little bird at the beginning of the Fighting Saint. Although he is not strong, he is very dangerous to you. Go around it. Let’s go.”


No matter how hard it is to flatter him, the system will do its best to direct Su Long and lead him to avoid many dangers. Of course, there are many dangers that cannot be avoided.

"Be careful, there are many skeletons here, and they all have the strength of the peak of the Dou Zong. Only through here can you enter the depths of the misty canyon. The other places are guarded by the monsters of the Dou Sect."

"They're just Douzong-level skeletons, watch me kill them."

"Don't underestimate these skeletons. If they can guard here, they must have something unique about them. Discover it yourself slowly. If you discover it, it will be good for you."

Since the system didn't tell him, and Su Long didn't force it, he believed that he would know it soon with his wisdom.


As soon as Su Long stepped into their realization, a large number of skeletons appeared on the ground, holding knives, forks, swords and halberds in their hands, and came towards Su Long to kill him.

"How come there are so many of them? There must be at least tens of millions of them. I will be exhausted before they are all killed."

"Kill slowly and you will find it. I believe you. If you can't find it, then you might as well die."

Facing the ridicule of the system, Su Long didn't take it to heart at all. He didn't have time to worry about whether his scalp was numb or not. The skeleton had already come to kill him.

"Go to hell."

Su Long took out the dragon-beating whip and attacked the skeletons. With one stroke of the whip, they immediately fell into pieces. Moreover, they seemed to know how to chop. Although their chops were very powerful, they had no effect in front of Su Long. .

In just a few breaths, Su Long crushed dozens of skeletons.

But something that surprised him even more happened in the next second. These shattered skeletons slowly regrouped, regrouped, and became a brand new skeleton, which continued to kill Su Long.

"Holy crap, is there such an operation? How can I kill him? He's basically immortal."

No wonder they can be together with the Dou Sheng monster and cannot be killed at all.

Although Su Long was surprised, the movements of his hands have not stopped. Although they are immortal, repairing them will take a certain amount of time. He can slowly grind them in, as long as they break through their defenses.

"Fall them all."

Su Long used his strength and directly smashed the dozen skeletons in front of him into pieces.

"I don't believe it, so you can regroup."

The skeleton still did not disappoint Su Long. Even if it was shattered, it still slowly reorganized. Although the speed was much slower, it was still assembled.

"So that's it."

"Did you discover it?"

"Of course, if I can't find this, then I really might as well die."

Su Long smiled and took back his dragon whip.

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