Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 361 Ragged clothes

"System, how long have I been practicing?"

"One year and two months, and there are still four months left in the ladder battle. You don't have much time."

"Four months? Do you know where the Ladder Battle is? I can just go there now."

I left the Misty Canyon and collected a lot of medicinal herbs along the way. Anyway, the biggest danger has disappeared now, and I can come back anytime I want.

"It's finally out."

Su Long quickly walked out of the misty canyon. He finally saw the sun and felt much better.

"This kid actually walked out of the misty canyon."

"How is it possible? How can there be alive people coming out of the Misty Canyon? Shouldn't they all be dead?"

Everyone was surprised to see Su Long stepping out of the Misty Canyon. This was the first time they saw someone walking out of the Misty Canyon.

It's just that Su Long's appearance is really unflattering, like a beggar, but Su Long doesn't care about other people's opinions, as long as it's not a bird flying around, it's fine.

"Halloween City, Halloween City..."

Halloween City, where every ladder battle is held, all the masters gather in Halloween City, but not everyone can enter Halloween City. People who are not strong enough are not even qualified to enter. Many people They all come to visit.

More people are entry-level tourists and may be eliminated without even seeing the door.

Halloween City is still a long way away from here, and it would take a month to teleport.

While taking the teleportation array, I met many people. They were all going to Halloween City, some to participate in the competition, and some to watch the fun.

A month later, Su Long arrived outside Halloween City.

When I came to Halloween City, I was shocked by the sight of Halloween City.

Countless people were standing outside the city gate, and the huge city gate blocked everyone. There was a person, an acquaintance, standing on the city wall.

Su Long was very familiar with a person, that person was the skeleton in the Misty Canyon.

The aura of the Dou Sheng Peak made everyone afraid to breathe heavily, and everyone stayed outside.

"If you want to conquer the Halloween City, use your strength. Those with weak strength are not allowed to enter, and those over a thousand years old are not allowed to enter."

"Open the city gate."

The skeleton gave an order, and the city gate slowly opened. No one acted rashly. They all knew that the gate of Halloween City was not so easy to enter.

"Be careful when you enter. Be careful not to be attacked by others. When you get to Halloween City, you can't trust anyone except people from your own sect. Go ahead."

The elders of the sect leader were reminding them.

"A bunch of losers, let me try."

"Master Wan Jian, it turns out to be Master Wan Jian. Master Wan Jian's strength has reached the fifth level of Douzong. This test will definitely not be difficult for him. He must be the first to enter Halloween City."

Young Master Wan Jian walked towards Halloween City with a proud look on his face.

"If there is any difficulty, the first person must be me, Mr. Wan Jian."

Faced with Young Master Wan Jian's arrogance, the others ignored him at all, only his lackeys kept cheering.


Young Master Wan Jian flew directly with his sword and flew towards the City of All Saints.

"Pretend to be cool and fly with a sword."


Faced with Mr. Wan Jian's pretentious behavior, more people showed disdain. If Halloween City is so easy to enter, wouldn't anyone be able to enter?

Sure enough, Young Master Wan Jian is still a little too young. He is still far away from the Halloween City, so he can't move forward. His face becomes ugly. Let alone flying with a sword, he can hardly stand now.

He fell directly from the sword and lay motionless on the ground, his face very ugly.

"How could there be such strong pressure?"

"Go ahead, it's up to you."

With Young Master Wan Jian showing off his embarrassment, all the forces were mobilized. Facing the real genius, this pressure had no effect at all, but there were still many people watching the show, so they could be stopped from the door.

Soon the geniuses from the first-level and second-level forces entered Halloween City.

"Rang Rang, you can't get in, your strength is still too far behind."

Seeing that most of the people had entered, Su Long also set off towards Halloween City.

"Why are you squeezing? Can you get in like a broken beggar? Go to the back."

Facing these unfriendly people, Su Long could only respond to them with a slap in the face, even a mere Dou Zun dared to talk to him like this.

Su Long didn't kill anyone, he just slapped him so that he couldn't be seen.

Su Long's slap directly suppressed everyone, and they all moved out of the way to let Su Long go first.

Su Long smiled and didn't care, and walked towards the city gate easily.

"Beauty, do you need help? I see you are having a hard time."


"No, beauty, let me help you."

Feeling her waist being hugged, Wang Xuerou directly attacked him with her backhand, but before her palm fell, she saw a smiling face.

"Su Long? You? You scared me to death. Who did I think you were?"

Putting away her hand, Wang Xuerou felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you need my help now?"

"Well..." This coercion had such a strong impact on her that if Su Long didn't help, she wouldn't be able to get in at all.

"Hold tight, don't blow you away."

Before Wang Xuerou could react, Su Long hugged her and ran directly towards Halloween City, blocking the pressure directly from the door.

"Who, who hit me? Don't you want to live anymore?"

"Damn it, who is that fierce guy? He's hugging someone else."

All Su Long left for them was his back. This coercion was nothing to him, so he led Wang Xuerou in smoothly.

"Are we in?"

Wang Xuerou was still a little surprised. She didn't expect that Su Long would be so strong, and he took her directly to Halloween City.

"Are you a little surprised? Don't be envious. Who made me your man? I am very powerful. I am qualified to propose marriage."

Seeing the half-smiling expression, Wang Xuerou looked embarrassed.

"Let's go. The rest of the Wang family shouldn't be able to come in. Their strength is still far behind. Let's go to Xiaoyao Valley. We haven't seen them for a long time."

Halloween City arranged other courtyards, but they were basically occupied by the major sects. Soon Su Long and the others found the territory of Xiaoyao Valley.

"Yunyang, I'm back."

"Second Senior Sister, I'm back."

Su Long's voice directly called out the people in Xiaoyao Valley. Yunyang ran out first and attacked Su Long without saying a word.


Seeing Yunyang attacking Su Long, Wang Xuerou thought he was Su Long's enemy and stood directly in front of Su Long.

Su Long smiled, pulled Wang Xuerou behind him, and stretched out his palm to block Yunyang's attack.

"Elder brother, you almost hurt my woman, and you still have such a welcome ceremony."

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