"The waves are huge."

After standing up, the sea beast launched an attack directly. His red eyes could tell that he was very angry, having been teased by Su Long for so long.

"Go quickly, go quickly, the sea beast is angry, our boat can't bear such a huge wave."

Seeing the waves filling the sky, the people from the Sihai Chamber of Commerce panicked, turned around and ran away, unable to even think of resisting.

"A bunch of cowards."

Xiaoling flew away directly and came to the front of the drunkard.

"Is this wine that delicious? Try it, little one."

Xiao Ling was very interested in the wine in the wine gourd of the alcoholic madman, but was stopped by the alcoholic madman.

"This is not an ordinary wine. This wine requires specific skills. Most people will get drunk after one sip."

"Really? Then I want to taste it even more."

The alcoholic maniac shook his head: "No, what should you do if you get drunk? No one will save you. I'm asking the young master."

"It's okay. I'm a master at the peak of Shenjun. How can I get drunk? And I only have a taste. It's okay."

"It still doesn't work, the young master won't allow it."

"Please, just take a sip."

The wine maniac still shook his head and did not allow Xiao Ling to taste it.

"Hmph, do you give it or not? I'm going to scream if you don't let me taste it."

The drunkard looked at Xiao Ling helplessly, but shook his head: "I really can't give you a drink, it's not good for you, and it doesn't taste good."


As soon as Xiao Ling shouted a word, the alcoholic maniac covered his mouth: "I'm afraid of you, so drink, but you can only take a small sip."

"It's better, lunatic brother, I'll just take a small sip."

Although the drunk maniac was helpless, there was nothing he could do about it. Su Longdu had nothing to do with Xiao Ling.

But he didn't know that this mouthful made him scared. He never knew that a woman could be so powerful when she was drunk.

"Drink less, drink less, this wine is very powerful."

He finally snatched the wine gourd from Xiao Ling's hand, but found that half of the wine inside was missing.

"Why did you drink so much? The young master will be angry."

"Brother Crazy, your wine is delicious," Xiao Ling's eyes were blurred, her face was reddish, and she had the urge to take a bite.

"Xiao Ling, you are drunk. Find a place to take a good rest and sober up. The young master will be back soon."

"Master? Where is the master?"

Xiao Ling was still looking around. When he turned his eyes to Su Long, he happened to see Su Long being knocked away by the sea beast.

This angered Xiao Ling, and he rushed over drunkenly and angrily.

"You little beast, how dare you bully my young master? I'll kill you if you don't."

In the surprised eyes of Su Long and Jiu Maniac, Xiao Ling began to ravage the sea beast crazily. The sea beast had no resistance at all in Xiao Ling's hands and was whipped continuously. Soon it was scarred and seriously injured and fell to the ground. nautical miles.

But Xiaoling didn't give it up and wanted to continue attacking, but was stopped by Su Long.


As soon as Su Long came over, Xiao Ling stuck to him like an ooze monster. The strong smell of alcohol on his body made Su Long a little confused about the situation.

"Drinking madman, come here. Do you have any intentions towards Xiao Ling? How can you make her drink wine, and drink wine from the gourd?"

When the drunk maniac heard Su Long's words, he knew that Su Long had misunderstood: "Master, how old am I, how could I have any plans for a little girl? It's just that Xiaoling insists on pestering me to drink, and I can't help it. I won't give it." She, she said I was indecent."

"And I only let her take a sip, but who knew she gave me half of it, which made me feel so sad."

In the eyes of the alcoholic maniac, Xiao Ling was not as alluring as wine. He drank half a bottle of wine, which made him feel very distressed.

Su Long also knew that Xiao Ling was no match for him when he was messing around, let alone a drunkard.

"This girl is not a worry at all. I'll spank you later."


Xiao Ling blew a breath of hot air into Su Long's ear, which made Su Long almost lose control. The temptation of this girl was too great.

"Master, what should I do with the sea beast?"

Looking at the appearance of the sea beast, Su Long and Jiu Maniac wanted to laugh. The majestic sea beast was actually trembling there, and looked at Xiao Ling with fear in his eyes.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, my aunt pulled out your skin."

Hearing Xiaoling's words, the sea beast became even more frightened.

"This girl." Although drinking caused trouble, Xiaoling helped him with a big thing. He didn't expect to get rid of the sea beast so easily.

"You, come here, I'm tired, carry me to Wuya Sect."

Not daring to say a word, the sea beast ran over, lowered its head, and held Su Long and the others on top of its head. You must know that this is impossible in normal times.

"Xiao Ling, what have you done? This guy actually listens to you so much."

Xiao Ling smiled: "Master, do you really want to know?"


"Kiss me and I'll tell you."

Xiao Ling became bolder after drinking. Unfortunately, Su Long was timid: "Forget it, let's go and set off for Wuya Sect."

Xiao Ling fell asleep after getting on top of the sea beast's head. As for the sea beast Su Long, he didn't ask much. Everyone has their own secrets. Xiao Ling must have his own secrets. It is absolutely impossible to be obedient after being beaten. I have been fighting for so long but I have never seen the sea beast obey me.

The speed of sea beasts is much faster than that of ships, and since he is still the overlord of this area, he is not afraid of being threatened by other sea beasts, so he arrived at Wuya Sect very smoothly.

"There is a sea monster coming, everyone be prepared."

As soon as the sea beast arrived, the people of Wuya Sect were ready. As long as the sea beast attacked, they would fight back, but the sea beast stopped not far from Wuya Sect.

Su Long and the others also appeared in their eyes.

"There's someone on the leviathan's head."

"Really, someone actually rode on the head of the sea beast."

They have seen a lot of sea beasts, but they rarely see one that can ride on the head of a sea beast. After all, sea beasts are also arrogant beings. Even if they can defeat the sea beast, it is still difficult to convince the sea beast.

"Okay little guy, Wuya Sect has arrived. You can go, but you have to be on call at any time, you know."

Listening to Xiao Ling's words, the sea beast nodded.

The three of them flew directly away from the sea beast's head and landed at Wuya Sect.

Seeing everyone's tense look, Su Long and the others were confused: "What are you doing? Have we done anything illegal?"


"Then why are you pointing weapons at us?"


They can't say they've never seen anyone riding a sea beast before, and they're afraid something will go wrong.

"Are you okay? If so, I'll go in."

Su Long's first impression of them was that they were sick, and then he swaggered into Wuya Sect without anyone daring to stop them.

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