Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 612 Young Master of Wuya Sect

The alcoholic lunatic took out a wanted list from his arms.

"Master, this is the portrait of the young master of Wuya Sect. Since the sect master disappeared, the young master has been hunted down."

"What reason."

He did not believe that the young master, the dignified sect leader, would suddenly be wanted. The confidants of the Wuya sect master would definitely protect him.

"Murder the sect leader with the intention of usurping the sect leader's position."

Su Long thought that this was the case. It seemed like they were putting on a good show. The disappearance of the sect leader must be related to one of them. Not only that, they also wanted to kill everyone and clean up all the unfavorable factors.

"Why does this kid look familiar?"

Staring at the portrait Su Long, he always felt a familiar feeling. He must have never seen this person before, but the feeling told him that he knew this person.

"Okay, let's have a good rest today. We'll start looking for people tomorrow. We must find them before they do."

After discussing the plan for tomorrow, Su Long took the drunkard to Xiao Ling's room. Xiao Ling had a lot of fun with the child. He took a bath and changed into clean clothes, which made him look pretty.

"A very handsome kid, probably from a wealthy family, how could he end up wandering around and stealing things?"


Su Long stared at the child, and suddenly a familiar feeling came to his heart, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Although they didn't look alike, the disguise technique was very simple now, and even changing the appearance was not impossible.

"Little Lord?"

Su Long gave a tentative cry. The child's body trembled unconsciously, but he quickly calmed down and did not dare to look directly into Su Long's eyes.

"Sister, I won't disturb you anymore. Thank you for your hospitality. I'll leave first."


As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Su Long: "Don't leave in a hurry, I still have something to say, young master."

The child's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he pretended to be confused: "Young master, you have recognized the wrong person, I am leaving."

Although he doesn't admit it, his trembling body has betrayed everything. It seems that he is very scared now, but there is nothing he can do. He is just an ordinary middle god, and everyone here is stronger than him.

"How did you find out? Did the Great Elder and the Second Elder send you here?"

At this time, he stopped making excuses. He knew that Su Long had discovered him, lost his fear, and regained his composure. It seemed that this was his true appearance.

"Master, he is..."

"Don't you have the wanted warrant? Didn't you notice it?"

I took out the wanted poster and compared it. I found nothing unusual: "Master, it's completely different. I can see that he is not disguised."

"It's true that he didn't change his appearance, but he probably took a pill that changed the position of his bones so that no one would notice."

The young master nodded: "Yes, I took the Alien Pill. I should have completely changed my appearance now. How did you find me?"

"Do you believe it when I say it feels like you? From the first moment I saw you, I felt that you were no ordinary person. I became even more convinced when I was eating. When I saw the wanted poster, I felt familiar. I confirmed it when I saw you."

It feels like this thing is invisible and intangible, but you can't ignore its existence. Su Long now relies on his feeling to recognize the young master.

"I lost, let's go. I'm no match for you. Take me to see the First Elder and the Second Elder."

Without any fear, he accepted his fate. Now it was impossible for him to escape from these people. Instead of struggling in vain, it was better to go back and fight.

"Go back? Where to go? When did I say that I was the First Elder and the Second Elder's son?"

Su Long looked at him with a smile. The young master was also surprised after hearing Su Long's words: "Aren't you sent by the First Elder and the Second Elder to arrest me?"


"Then why are you?"

"I'm just looking for you. I was asked to find you to help you find your father and take back the Wuya Sect. So you have to tell us the situation of the Wuya Sect in detail."

The young master still didn't believe it. After all, this was an internal matter within the Wuya Sect. If Su Long had ulterior motives and told everything about the Wuya Sect, the Wuya Sect might be destroyed.

Many people are staring at the fat piece of Wuya Sect. As long as there is any abnormality, they will take action against Wuya Sect.

"You don't believe us?"

"Yes, I don't know who you are. If you have other thoughts about Wuya Sect, I will harm Wuya Sect."

Su Long was still very satisfied with his vigilance. If he told the whole story, this kid was not worth supporting at all. Wuya Sect would be destroyed in his hands sooner or later. However, it seemed that he was still good, except for his weak strength.

But he is still young and can continue to practice.

"Very alert, but someone asked me to show you this."

He took out the token given to him by the chess demon senior and handed it into his hand.

"This is... the chess magic order..."

He looked at the token in his hand with a look of disbelief, and then hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"Disciple Wang Haoyang pays homage to his master."

After changing his previous vigilance, Wang Haoyang's face was now full of respect.

"Get up."

Putting the token away, Su Long looked at Wang Haoyang. In fact, he didn't expect that the token would be so easy to use and that it could block a master inexplicably.

"Do you believe me now? Am I still a person with ulterior motives?"

Having said this, Wang Haoyang was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Master, I didn't expect you to have the Chess Demon Token."

"Don't call me Master, I'm not that old."

"No, Master." Wang Haoyang knelt down on the ground again: "Seeing the chess demon order is like meeting the ancestors. This is the rule of Wuya Sect, and the rule cannot be broken."

Seeing Wang Haoyang's serious look, Athlon didn't care anymore: "Okay, get up. Now you can tell us what happened to Wuya Sect, why the sect leader disappeared mysteriously, and why the first elder and the second elder Suddenly vying for the position of sect leader."

"Hey." Wang Haoyang sighed in a low voice: "My father did not disappear, but was imprisoned by them. They used Wushen Powder to disperse my father's divine power, imprisoned him, and even used an excuse to hunt me down."

"Purpose, they must have a purpose for doing this. What is the reason that makes them do such a thing? Don't they know that there is a Supreme Being behind Wuya Sect?"

Wang Haoyang shook his head: "I have never seen the Supreme Senior. I heard that he is the master of the Chess Demon Order, but we have never seen him, so the deterrent effect is not that great. Moreover, the Supreme Senior will only come out at the moment of life and death. Now he only comes out. It’s just civil strife, and they believe that Senior Supreme will not take action.”

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