Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 617 So domineering

"The fifteen days are up. Take us to the ruins of the Chaos God Emperor quickly. If you dare to lie to us, you will end up in a terrible end. Google search to read"

"Don't worry, seniors, I still want to live for two more years, how could I lie to you."

"Everyone, come with me."

Following the sect leader, everyone came to the Divine Sea. Looking at the boundless Divine Sea, everyone was searching, but did not find anything abnormal.

"Are you kidding us? Where are the ruins?"

"Seniors, don't be impatient. We're still close to time, so don't be impatient."

They also knew that there was no rush now and were waiting quietly in the Divine Sea.


Soon a gust of wind blew on the sea, and gradually the wind became stronger, and the sea water also rose. This is not uncommon in the Divine Sea. The rise and fall of the tide is a natural law.



He glanced at the sect leader in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

"Everyone, watch out, the passage will be opened soon."

The sea breeze became stronger and stronger, but it did not have any impact on everyone.

The wind blows and the waves rise, and huge waves attack everyone.

"Crush it for me."

"Senior, wait a minute, don't attack the waves, just stay back."

The waves had no effect on them. They could smash the waves with just one palm, but they were stopped by the sect leader. This was the key to unlocking the ruins. If it was crushed, they would have to wait until next month.

This is also the cleverness of the Chaos God Emperor. They are masters. They will not hide when the waves hit, they will only break the waves. However, after breaking the waves, they will lose the opportunity and will not be discovered.

Although they didn't know what the sect leader meant, they still listened to the sect leader's words and avoided breaking the waves one by one.

The waves crashed heavily on the sea, and at this time, a huge whirlpool appeared where the waves hit, as if it was going to swallow up the entire Divine Sea.

"The passage has appeared. The whirlpool is the passage leading to the ruins of the God Emperor. The vortex will only be open for two hours and will disappear after two hours. If you want to enter, you must wait a month."

The sect leader discovered this secret when he was injured and accidentally fell into the whirlpool. He was trapped inside for a month and studied it repeatedly before he completely mastered it.

"You go in and take a look first."

Everyone looked at the sect master, who didn't care at all and entered the vortex with a fierce thrust.

"let's go."

Everyone followed the sect leader into the vortex. Below this vortex was a directional teleportation formation. Through the vortex, they were teleported to the ruins of the Chaos God Emperor.

"Is this the place where the Chaos God Emperor is buried?"

A small island that I have never seen before, very beautiful, like a paradise.

"The aura of chaos seems to be the relics of the Chaos God Emperor."

After they arrived at the island, they began to explore, and there were many signs that this place was indeed the ruins of the Chaos God Emperor.

"Sir, this is it."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of people appeared out of thin air. These people exuded a strong aura.

"The God Emperor is so strong."

"Is this the aura of the God Emperor? You can't even move."

These God-Emperors did not deliberately exude their aura, but just like this, everyone felt unable to resist.

"You all should leave, this place does not belong to you."

With a wave of his hand, the gods were directly excluded. Most of the people were gods. They worked hard to come here just for a chance, but now they were excluded. How could they be willing to accept it.

"We've been waiting so long, why aren't we allowed in."

"Why? Just because I am better than you."

With a wave of his hand, the person who spoke was crushed into pieces. Others had no idea how he died and disappeared inexplicably.

But everyone knows that this matter is definitely related to the God Emperor in front of them, but what can they say? Their skills are inferior to others, and if they say more, they will die.

"Do you have any other opinions? If not, get out. Otherwise, you can all stay here."

The other God-Emperors did not speak. One less person and one less competition. Who knows whether these people will obtain the inheritance of the Chaos God-Emperor.

"let's go."

Although they were unwilling to do so, facing the powerful God Emperor, they had no choice but to die.

The powerful gods all left one by one, and there were only a few hundred people left on the island. Basically, they were all the god kings, and of course Su Long and the sect leader.

"Senior, do you want to drive us away?"

The God Emperor glanced at Su Long and the sect master: "Just stay there. Since we have promised you, we will not make things difficult for you. Of course, don't let us meet you in the ruins. No one will be able to protect you by then."

They still attached great importance to their promises. Since they agreed to Wuya Sect, they were allowed to go in. If a god and a god went in, they would die, so they just ignored it.

"You are here."

A voice came from the island, startling everyone. None of them sensed the presence of anyone else.

"Who is it? Don't be sneaky."

"Hahahaha, little kid, you came to my territory and you dare to speak rudely to me. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

An old man appeared out of thin air with a smile on his face, but no one dared to be careless because they already recognized this man.

"The God Emperor of Chaos."

"you are still alive?"

"I didn't expect that you would still have Lao Cheng, but you should be very happy. Lao Cheng is dead. This is just the last trace left by Lao Cheng, just to wait for you to come."

Looking at the Chaos God Emperor in front of them, everyone was also very emotional. The Chaos God Emperor can be said to be the first person under the Supreme. The law of chaos restrains all laws. Unexpectedly, he still fell. However, the reason for his fall is still a mystery.

"Can you tell us how you fell? Others don't know, but we know that you succeeded in overcoming the tribulation at that time. You were already the supreme power, why did you fall?"

Hearing this news, everyone else was stunned. They had always thought that the Chaos God Emperor fell because he failed to overcome the tribulation. It seems that there are other reasons now.

Thinking of the reason for his death, the Chaos God Emperor looked a little ugly and pointed to the sky.

Seeing the direction that the Chaos God Emperor pointed, all the God Emperor's faces changed color, but others had no idea what it meant.

"Is it really them?"

"Yes, the Law of Chaos is very powerful. It's not that no Chaos Supreme has come out in the past, but they are just like me. Are you still planning to find my inheritance?"

The God Emperor hesitated. The Law of Chaos was indeed powerful, but it would cost lives. They thought about it and decided to give up. They might not be able to do better than the Chaos God Emperor.

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