Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 653 Cannibalism

"Let's work together and don't let him break in. As long as he persists for a while, he will collapse. Google search to read"

Facing the last person who went crazy, they did not dare to be careless and could only cooperate with each other in an attempt to resist the attack of the last person.

"How can I let you block it? The Ten Thousand Destruction Formation is not that simple. Go ahead."

The combined efforts of tens of thousands of people made his power expand unprecedentedly, and every move contained great power.

"Get out of my way."

Although they were very strong, they still underestimated the power of the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation. With one punch, everyone was immediately defeated and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

"Open the city gate now."

He looked at them with blood-red eyes, obviously losing his mind. How could he let others take orders?

"Damn it."

Seeing the fists coming at speed, they cursed in a low voice: "The impact of the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation is so great that they are even unconscious."

"Don't order me around, or I'll kill you all."

After one attack, he ignored them and attacked Seven Star City.

"Block him, don't let him destroy the defense of Seven Star City."

They had already tried their best, but the power of the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation was too great. With just a few punches, a big hole was opened in Seven Star City.

"Let's go now."

This is what they want. As long as they enter Seven Star City, they will be really safe.

Everyone rushed towards Seven Star City, quickly rushed in, and then disappeared without giving the people here a chance to make trouble.

"Kill him, I will kill him even if I die."

Since they couldn't catch Su Long and the others, they could only vent their anger on the last person. Although his strength had been enhanced a lot, his body was already on the verge of collapse.

"Death...die...die to me..."


The huge force exploded directly, sending everyone flying out. The entire Seven Star City was affected, but the impact was not big. With the protection of the formation, the Seven Star City was only a little turbulent, not enough to hurt the foundation.

But those people outside were not so lucky. They were closer and paid a heavy price, and everyone suffered a lot.

"Pfft... damn bastard, I will cut him into pieces."

Seeing the extremely dead corpses, they couldn't help but curse in secret, but when they were about to enter Seven Star City, they were stopped.

"What do you mean? Hurry up and open Seven Star City. We want to go in."

"I'm so sorry. There is no place for you losers in Qixing City anymore, so you just wait outside. It will just reduce the pressure on the outer city."

"That's right, you losers just stay outside. Don't you want a good score? It's easy to say. The blood demon will come back at night and will kill you all."

Looking at the faces of a group of villains in Seven Star City, they were angry and angry, but there was nothing they could do. They had been seriously injured now, and facing the blood demon would only lead to death.

"Whatever your requirements are, just let me in and I will definitely satisfy you."

"Same for us."

What they want now is to enter Seven Star City. As long as they enter Seven Star City, they will have a chance. After recovering from their injuries, they will have a chance to take revenge or get their reward back.

"It's not impossible to enter Seven Star City, but you can't do it without paying a little price. Considering that we are old acquaintances, our request will not be too excessive. Please transfer all your points to us."

"Don't go too far. These points are all accumulated by us through hard work. How can we give them to you?"

Points are their treasure, how could they be willing to hand it over to others.

"Then I'm sorry. If you don't pay the points, you can wait outside to die. As long as I'm here, you won't be able to come in. I hope you can survive tonight."

Everyone's expressions became very ugly. If they did not enter the Seven Star City before the Blood Demon came, they would not be protected by the Seven Star Formation, and they would be massacred by the Blood Demon.

"It's okay if we hand over the points, but what if we hand over the points and you still don't open Seven Star City? Then we'll have nothing."

"Hahahaha, it is indeed possible. It depends on my mood. Who said you don't have the right to choose now? You can pay or not. I don't care, I really don't care."

"We'll pay."


"Nothing but, are you willing to become the blood demon's fodder? You can only have a chance if you enter Seven Star City."

Although everyone was very reluctant, they had no choice but to hand over their points.

"Can you let us in now?"

"Of course... you can't, hahahaha."

The faces of the people in the city turned green with anger. Although they had expected it, they did not expect that they would actually go back on their word and lose any credibility.

"Are you really going to break your promise?"

"Credit? What's it for? You are too naive. What is the first rule of the divine realm? Don't trust anyone. Otherwise, you won't even know how to die. Let me help you with class today. "

The people below have reached the edge of rage: "Don't force me, they can use the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation to tear apart the Seven Star City's defenses, and we can also use the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation to tear him apart. If we are pushed to that point, you can't Will survive.”

These people were obviously forced to panic. Although the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation was a self-destructive formation, they had no choice at this time.

"The Ten Thousand Destruction Formation? It's indeed good. I don't want to rush you. Of course, it's impossible for all of you to come in. If you let in eight people, then you can leave eight people. The others...hehe... …”

There were only eight people left in the lineup of hundreds of people.

"Let you go..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his heart feel cold. When he looked down, there was an extra hand at his heart.


He fell to the ground and died immediately. One person took action, and everyone around him took action. Compared to the total annihilation of the Ten Thousand Destruction Formation, the chance of surviving eight people was quite high.

Already seriously injured, coupled with the fierce fighting, the eight people who survived in the end also became scarred, and they seemed to have no strength to even stand.

"Now... now you can let us in."

"Of course, I keep my word. Come in."

Seven Star City opened a passage and let the eight of them in directly. They thought they would be safe once they entered Seven Star City, but unfortunately the people in the city had no intention of letting them go.

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