Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 657 A piece of trash

The techniques are constantly changing, and the elixir is slowly taking shape. The fragrance of the elixir is already spreading out of the elixir furnace.

This is because his level is not enough, but it is already very good to be able to do this. He cannot suppress the elixir at all. The super holy level elixir is too strong.

"Order it for me."

There was more and more cold sweat on the head, and the alchemy furnace gradually seemed to be out of control. With a cruel heart, he bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a drop of blood, and temporarily raised his strength to the pseudo-god emperor, and then barely suppressed it.

In just a short time, Xianyunzi was soaked all over, and now his whole body was weak, but he had a proud smile on his face, because he had successfully refined the elixir of rebirth, although the fragrance of the elixir leaked a little, This leads to a decrease in the quality of the elixir, but a super holy elixir is a super holy elixir.

After the refining was completed, he looked at Su Long and found that Su Long was already standing there looking at him quietly.

"Did you successfully refine it?"

"Of course, isn't it just refining elixirs? Why do you tire yourself to the point of vomiting blood?"

The purpose of refining alchemy is to improve one's strength, heal injuries, and assist one's cultivation. Su Long really doesn't understand why they torture themselves like this.

Su Long said this, which made Xian Yunzi frown. He had been in love with alchemy all his life and dedicated everything to alchemy. He really couldn't stand Su Long's careless look.

"Now that you've made it, let's compete to see whose alchemy skills are better."

Although I don’t know what kind of elixir Su Long is refining, Su Long’s current appearance doesn’t seem like he can refine any good elixirs. As long as he doesn’t refine super saint level elixirs, it’s impossible to defeat him. .

Does this look like it is possible to refine a super saint-level elixir? It is simply impossible. Xianyunzi is very confident in himself. He is sure to win this competition.

Of course, he was the only one who had confidence in himself. Even Xian Hezi didn't have any confidence in him. He was the one who saw Su Long's final alchemy technique.

It is relaxed and elegant, perfect and effortless at all, and the confident look on his face does not seem like a failure. Now I just hope that the quality of Su Long's refining is slightly worse than that of senior brother.

"It seems that you have successfully refined it. Then take out the elixir. I will go on a date after the test."


With a cold snort, Xian Yunzi patted his alchemy furnace, and the Rebirth Pill rushed out of the alchemy furnace, but how could he run away in Xian Yunzi's hands.

"The super holy elixir, the Rebirth Pill, although it has some flaws, is already my limit."

The strong fragrance of the elixir made people feel relaxed and happy. Wang Huayang and the others nodded: "Yes, although the quality is inferior, it is indeed a super-saint-level elixir. You are very strong, and you have retained such a hand."

Wang Huayang had to admire Xianyunzi. The person who could refine super-holy elixirs was not an immortal being. At his current age, he had refined super-holy elixirs and would definitely become a being that the elixir sect would focus on cultivating.

However, even though Xianyunzi had refined a super-saint-level elixir, Wang Huayang was still very relieved about Su Long. There was no trace of worry on this guy's face, and he should be sure of victory.

"Brother-in-law, it's your turn. Xianyunzi's elixir has been displayed. It is of low quality, but it is indeed a super holy elixir."

"I'll get it for you right now."

He slapped the lid of the furnace away and the elixir flew out of the furnace. Su Long grabbed him.

"You still want to run away. I had to disagree with you before the refining was completed. What will I do if you run away?"

Without any elixir fragrance spilling out, Su Long grabbed the elixir in the palm of his hand and threw it to Wang Huayang.

Looking at Su Long's elixir, Wang Huayang and Xian Hezi shook their heads, looking at Xian Yunzi with pity: "Super saint level elixir, of high quality."

Wan Huayang's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue, hitting Xian Yunzi's heart directly. He stood there blankly without speaking, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Give me the elixir."

When I got the Rebirth Pill refined by Su Long, there was still residual warmth on the Rebirth Pill, which denied Su Long's suspicion of cheating.

The elixir pattern on the elixir proved that it was indeed of superior quality, and it was also a rebirth elixir, completely beating him in every aspect.


Xian Yunzi smiled mockingly, threw the pill to Wang Huayang, turned around and left, ignoring Xian Hezi's call.

"Weak and useless, it seems I still think highly of him."

Su Long shook his head. He didn't expect that Xianyunzi could be so fragile. A small failure would hit him like this.

"Hua Yang, what should I do? Senior brother must have been hit. He has never been hit like this before. He has always been the best. If this continues, he will be useless."

"If he can't overcome even this small setback, then he'll be done with it. As I said, he lacks setbacks and has been too smooth along the way."

Wang Huayang was aware of the blow that Xianyunzi received, and it was intentional. He had wanted to do this for a long time, but could not find a suitable candidate.

Now when he met Su Long, he knew that Su Long's alchemy skills were very strong, so he had to give Xian Yunzi a little setback, but he didn't expect that Xian Yunzi would be so weak.

A heart of glass breaks when touched.


"No but, he will have to pass this test sooner or later. If he can't pass it, then let him be a useless person."

There was no room for negotiation, and Wang Huayang's attitude was very firm, but when he saw Xian Hezi's look, Wang Huayang softened his tone.

"Don't worry, I'm doing this for his own good. I do this as he is a friend. I believe he will come out. When the time comes and he is reborn, his alchemy skills will be greatly improved."

This is all that can be done now. The senior brother will definitely not meet anyone now, let alone listen to anyone. He can only rely on himself.

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

Wang Huayang followed Su Long to the side. He knew what Su Long was going to ask and hurriedly admitted his mistake.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I didn't mean it. I won't dare to do it next time."

"You want another time?"

"No, no, there will never be a next time. The next time, you will use the Millennium Body Killing Technique on me a thousand times."

"Hmph..." Su Long didn't care about that much anymore: "You can't tell so much based on your IQ. Who is giving you the advice behind your back?"

Wang Huayang rubbed his head in embarrassment: "I was discovered by my brother-in-law. In fact, no one pointed me out. It's just that I overheard the conversation between the old man and his master at Danmen last time. They have been worried about this matter. ."

"But to be honest with the younger generation, no one is really his opponent. Those of the older generation are not necessarily his opponents. They are his opponents. Their attacks are useless and they can't give him a blow. I'm not being forced. It’s helpless, plus my brother-in-law just happened to catch up.”

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