Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 661 Gathering

After returning to Seven Star City, no one stopped them. After seeing them coming back, they let them in directly. This should be the order given to them by Xian Yunzi. Google search reading

But judging from the way they left in a hurry, they must have gone to report the situation to Xian Yunzi.

"Take a bath and eat something. Xianyunzi will be here soon. I guess there will be complaints."

I found a restaurant to wash away the bloody smell from my body. The anger in my body needs time to resolve. The recent period is not suitable for killing anymore. If they keep killing, they will probably become killing machines.

"Brother, you're here. Sit down quickly. We've been waiting for a long time. You see, we didn't even bother to touch the food. We specially boiled a pot of good wine and waited for you to come."


Looking at Su Long and the others, Xian Yunzi snorted coldly, sat at the dining table, grabbed some meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Without saying a word, the three of them kept eating there, seemingly competing to see who could eat the same amount. Xian Hezi was left with an embarrassed look on his face, and could only pretend not to recognize the three of them.

After the three of them finished eating everything on the table, the three of them started to stare at each other, and then burst into laughter.

All the unhappiness was resolved with laughter.

"You two have the nerve to come back. Do you know that it took me several days to recover from my face? You guys were too cruel. Aren't you afraid of disfiguring me?"

"It's okay. It would be nice to have a handsome guy like me in the world. It doesn't matter to you."

He winked at Xian Hezi, his face full of narcissism.

"It's disgusting. You are like this. If your junior sister hadn't taken pity on you, who would have taken a liking to you."

The three of them were slandering each other there, and the three of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention anything about what happened before.

"Let's go. Look at the vitality of the three of you. You must have killed a lot of blood demons during this time."

"It's not much, it's just the lair of the Blood Demon King."

"The Blood Demon King's lair is not bad. Now your points can be increased a lot. A Blood Demon King can have a thousand points. You guys have increased a lot now."

He doesn't take the Blood Demon King's strength seriously now, but the Blood Demon King still has a lot of points. After all, the Blood Demon King is so rare that he generally can't kill him.

"You are wrong. My points did not increase much. They were all taken away by my brother-in-law. None of the four blood demon kings were left for me. He killed them all."

After Wang Huayang said this, everyone was stunned. The food in other people's mouths fell to the ground, but their eyes were still looking at Su Long blankly.

"What did you say?" Xianyunzi asked again in disbelief.

"All four blood demon kings were killed by my brother-in-law."

"Four? All killed by him?"

Wang Huayang nodded, what's so strange about this? He knew Su Long's strength relatively well, so challenging over the next level was not a problem at all.

But others can't believe his ordinary things.

There is no one here who is stronger than Su Long. They can clearly feel Su Long's strength. He is a middle-level god.

"Intermediate level of god?" Only then did Xian Yunzi see that Su Long's strength had been upgraded to the intermediate level of god. The Su Long he sent was still at the basic level of god before he left.

"You were promoted to the intermediate level of God so quickly?"

"Just give it a try, it's not too fast. It's not too fast." Su Long doesn't want people to know that his strength improves quickly, and keeping a low profile is what he likes best.

But even so, Xianyunzi admired Su Long for his strong alchemy skills. He had already looked away. It didn't matter if he lost, as long as he won back.

Of course, his wish is impossible to come true, and the gap between them will only grow wider.

"Let's go back and look at your standings, and then rest for a while. Later we will participate in a battle to hunt down the Blood Demon Emperor."

"Did you find the Blood Demon Emperor's cave?"

"Of course, but we are not the only ones. All the people in Seven Star City will go there. Of course, only the masters will go there. Others will die if they go."

Being able to hunt down the Blood Demon Emperor is naturally the best. Wang Huayang has been stuck at the peak of the God King for a long time. If he wants to break through, he must go through a life and death battle. Only the Blood Demon Emperor can put pressure on him. This is an opportunity for him to break through. .

After returning to the inner city, the two of them had a good rest for two days without hunting the blood demon. During this period, Su Long and Xian Yunzi, who had broken through, had a two-game sparring match. They were so brutal that Xian Yunzi lost confidence.

"You are really a monster. I will never spar with you again. I suspect that you are the reincarnation of an old monster and you actually have such powerful alchemy skills."

Su Long just smiled awkwardly. He was not the reincarnation of an old monster, but he had a system of guidance that no one else had. Of course, she would not tell it.

After a week's rest, the hostility in the body has been cleansed, and the time is almost up. It's time for them to set off. Where the Blood Demon Emperor stays, there will definitely be no shortage of Blood Demons.

They must fight hard to kill. Although they don't care about the standings, the rewards above are still quite generous, and it is naturally the best to get them.

However, they are still a little far behind, still outside the hundred. After all, they have only been here for a short time. These people came when the divine realm was opened, and they have hunted and killed many blood demons.

"let's go."

"Hezi, stay still and don't go out to hunt any blood demons. Just let me protect you. Don't run into danger. I will worry about you."

"You too, be careful."

Seeing the two people spreading dog food silently, Xian Yunzi and Su Long had cold sweat on their heads. If Xianyunzi wasn't afraid of being alone and being hit again, he would have released Xiao Ling long ago.

"Let's go, ignore him, the Tomb of Heroes of Wenwen Township."

The three people sat in the teleportation array and teleported towards the largest Seven Star City. It took them three full days to arrive.

"As expected of the largest Seven Star City, the Jiang family is really powerful and manages it in an orderly manner."

I have to say that the power of the Jiang family is indeed great, and the difference can be seen through comparison, but it is also related to Xian Yunzi's unwillingness to manage. He focuses on alchemy, and everything is managed by Xian Hezi alone.

But things are much better now. He has successfully broken through to the God Emperor, and his status in the seven cities can also rise two steps.

"Brother Xian, long time no see, please come inside."

"Brother Jiang, long time no see."

The Jiang family gave him enough face and came to pick him up in person. Without giving in, the two of them came to the inner city of the Jiang family. There were already many people in the inner city. These people represented the strongest fighting power in the divine realm.

"Brother Xian."

"Brother Wu."

I met many acquaintances along the way, and Xian Yunzi greeted them warmly. Whether he was sincere or not is another matter. Anyway, no one was offended, no one was pleased, they were all treated the same.

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