Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 672 If you don’t listen, you can leave

"I'm really curious who gave us instructions today. Even the sect master was sitting there listening."

"Yes, who exactly is Su Long? I can't see him at all, and Senior Brother Xianyunzi doesn't reveal anything. It's really worrying."

Everyone was whispering below. After getting the news, they had always wanted to see Su Long, but unfortunately Su Long did not give them this opportunity.

"Hello everyone, the explanation meeting will start soon, please be quiet."

After hearing Su Long's voice, everyone became quiet. Unfortunately, they didn't know Su Long.

"What's going on? Isn't it an explanation of the conference? Why hasn't Senior Su Long come up yet? Go hurry up and hurry up Senior Su Long."

"Yes, why are so many of us hanging here? We still need to make elixirs."

Su Long stood on the stage, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't help it. Who made him so young? It was normal for others not to believe him.

"Everyone, please be quiet. If you read correctly, Senior Su Long has arrived."


"How come I didn't see you there? I know everyone here. Why don't I know about Senior Su Long?"

Everyone looked around. They were surrounded by familiar people, and there was no one they didn't know at all.

"No, who is this kid? How can he talk up there?"

"Yes, who is this kid and why is he up there?"

Only then did everyone react, staring at Su Long one by one. Su Long was the only stranger here.

"Could he just..."

"It's impossible, this..."

Seeing the slowly changing eyes of everyone, Su Long smiled: "If you read it correctly, I am the senior Su Long you talk about."



"My God, so young..."

Everyone was stunned, and then started talking one by one, obviously not believing in Su Long.

Su Long naturally expected this situation, and naturally he wouldn't mind: "Everyone, be quiet. Today I will tell you the basics of alchemy."

"What, explain the basics of alchemy."

"We are already familiar with this thing. Where did this liar come from to fool us?"


The people below were all cursing, and the face of the Danmen Sect Master became very ugly. Isn't this not giving him face? He is still sitting here.

Moreover, Su Long was invited by him. Do they have better vision than him?

As soon as the old man was about to stand up and speak, he was stopped by Su Long's eyes. Su Long was not angry. He was still unwilling to do such a thankless thing, but he still endured it in order to take care of the old man and Xianyunzi's face. .

"Everyone, be quiet."

Su Long's voice was filled with fierce momentum and instantly silenced everyone's voices. Everyone's eyes turned to Su Long again.

"Do you think I'm playing tricks on you?"

"Yes, do we still need you to teach us the basics of alchemy? We are all familiar with these things."

Su Long nodded. He believed that these people were already familiar with the basics: "I believe that you are already familiar with it, so you don't have to listen to my explanation. Well, those who don't want to listen to my explanation can leave."

Everyone stood up, but did not dare to leave. After all, they were summoned by the sect master. If they left, they would really lose face to the sect master. If the sect master blamed them, their life would not be easy in the future.

"Hmph..." They snorted coldly and sat down without choosing to leave. Su Long naturally knew what they were thinking.

"Don't be afraid. Those who don't want to hear can leave. Don't worry, the sect master will never blame you. I guarantee this, right? sect master."

"Yes, you can leave if you feel useless, but you only have this one chance. After you leave, you can't come back to listen to the lecture."

The old man's mood was very stable and he was not angry. The man who was about to leave just stood up again after hearing the door owner's words.

"Senior Su Long, I'm sorry. I still want to make elixirs, so I won't listen to your explanation."

"It's okay, you can leave." Su Long also behaved calmly. He is not a saint. Others don't want to listen to him. He is hot-tempered and cold-hearted. He will only explain to those who believe in him.

There was one person taking the lead, and the people behind him left in a steady stream. Even if the sect leader blamed everyone, he would not blame everyone for so many people. They were not willing to waste time here.

The lineup of tens of thousands of people left in unison, leaving only a few hundred people. Looking at these hundreds of people, Su Long was still a little embarrassed.

But he quickly regained his composure: "Have you decided not to leave?"

"Anyway, we have nothing to do. Let's just listen to Senior Su Long's explanation. I don't believe that the sect leader will ask someone to explain the basics for no reason."

"I've encountered a bottleneck recently, maybe I can get some inspiration."

These people are all smart people, and they are not afraid of delaying a day in making alchemy. Although they still do not believe in Su Long, they choose to stay.

"I know you don't believe me, but since you are staying, I can't let you down. Master, these people are worth cultivating. At least they are smart and they believe in you."

The sect master nodded. Although he said he didn't care, he was still a little aggrieved. He couldn't afford to feel that something he had allowed was being doubted.

The people who stayed did not expect that there would be an unexpected gain. They could enter the eyes of the sect master so easily. It didn't matter that the day was wasted.

"Don't be happy, I know what you are thinking, but next I will make you even more grateful that you stayed."


The explanation lasted for a whole day, and it was not until night that everyone left. When they left, they all lowered their heads and didn't know what they were thinking. Even if they were greeted by acquaintances, they ignored them.

But on the second day, all the people who stayed had broken through. Whether it was the bottleneck or those who dared to break through, they all broke through to a new level. Their alchemy skills were all improved by 10%, and the success rate was also improved a lot.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough, Senior Su Long is indeed amazing, it's really like that."

"Breakthrough, great. I'm going to thank Senior Su Long."


Everyone in Danmen was stunned, and those who left all regretted it. They did not expect that these people would break through in one day.

"What's going on? Why did you all break through? What did Senior Su Long explain to you?"

"I'm sorry, I can't say this. The sect leader gave an order. Except for his future disciples, the contents of yesterday's explanation cannot be disclosed."

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