Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 679 Jumping over the Dragon Gate

Everyone stopped outside and didn't dare to step forward. They didn't want to lose their qualifications.

"Brother, I'll go in and give it a try. You'll greet me outside. If I'm in danger, you must save me."

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you, and our brothers will all pass."

Waiting in vain is not an option here. Some people can't help but want to try it. After all, the people who fell before did not die, they were just unconscious.

Everyone's eyes were staring at him as he walked step by step towards the area covered by the dragon gate.


As soon as he entered, he vomited a mouthful of blood and then walked out.

"What's going on? What's inside?"

"Pressure, endless pressure, pressure that cannot be resisted at all."

After saying that, he fell into a coma, and everyone was stunned. This person's strength was not weak. He had already reached the primary level of the God King, and he couldn't bear it at all. If he hadn't exited as soon as he entered, the consequences would have been the same as before. It fell straight down.

"Get out of here, all of you. With your strength, you are just sending yourself to death. Not even the God King can stop you, let alone you gods."

The faces of those who were at the peak of the Divine Master were very ugly. They had been preparing for so long just to enter the Divine Dragon City, but now, they were not even qualified to enter the Divine Dragon City. How could they be willing to do so.

"I don't believe there is such strong pressure inside. How can I be worthy of my hard work over the years if I don't give it a try?"

They didn't believe Xie and barged in. The result was predictable. They couldn't resist for a moment and fell straight down.

"Hey, you are not overestimating your abilities. Just because you want to enter, this year's test has become much more difficult. It is not something you cats and dogs can enter."

After saying that, the young man holding the folding fan walked into the area covered by the dragon gate. Although he was a little hindered, it did not have much impact on him. He walked towards the dragon gate step by step. The higher he went, the greater the pressure.

Sweat broke out on Mr. Folding Fan's head. He was now only one step away from the dragon gate, but this step was indeed extremely difficult for him. At this point, the pressure had turned into the common pressure of the seven supreme beings.

Being able to persist for a moment under the pressure of the seven supreme beings is already considered an incredible talent.


With a roar, Master Folding Fan used all his strength to step onto the dragon gate. The moment he stepped onto the dragon gate, all the pressure was gone. Master Folding Fan closed his eyes, and in a moment he broke through.

High pressure corresponds to high rewards. He jumped over the dragon gate and his strength has improved a lot. Even if he doesn't get good results, he is satisfied.

"Let's go too."

If someone succeeds, they want to give it a try, but there are more people who fall behind. There are many geniuses, but only the geniuses among geniuses are qualified to cross the dragon gate.

There is no shortage of powerful people among these people. Su Long did not stand out, but followed the crowd. The pressure of the seven supremes may be very powerful, but it had no impact on him, and he crossed towards the dragon gate step by step.

Crossing the Dragon Gate lasted for a whole day. Ninety-nine percent of the people failed, and less than 10,000 people could successfully cross the Dragon Gate.

"It's not bad. It's so difficult, but less than 10,000 people have managed to get through. But this time we only need monster-like geniuses. No matter how many ordinary people there are, it's useless."

"Then continue to grind and increase the difficulty of the second level. The top 100 will also participate in the second level this time."

It is enough for the top 100 people from the previous session to be exempted from the first level. Everyone must participate in the second level.

"Congratulations on crossing the dragon gate. Being able to cross the dragon gate shows your talent, but don't be proud. This is just the first test. There is a second test, which is more difficult than the first and has a higher elimination rate. Hope you can pass.”

After hearing the words of the Supreme, their faces only became serious, and they were not afraid at all. Those who came here were all determined people, how could they be intimidated by mere dangers.

"Have a day off today, and tomorrow the second test will begin."

After crossing the Dragon Gate, Shenlong City reopened. They will go to a secret realm to compete tomorrow. People outside the city have lost their qualifications, but they can continue to watch the competition.

Early the next morning, everyone arrived outside the Dragon Palace. The Seven Supremes had already made preparations. As soon as they arrived, they directly opened the secret realm.

"Seal the mysterious realm, open it."

The voice of the Shenlong Envoy resounded throughout Shenlong City, and a crack suddenly opened in the sky, and an inexplicable suction force sucked everyone in.

"Why has my power disappeared?"

"What kind of place is this? The divine power has been suppressed."

After arriving in the secret realm, they found that their divine power had lost its effect. Compared to the restlessness of others, the people in Shenlong City seemed very calm. It seemed that they had received the news.

"Is that really the case? The old man is really careful."

Su Long and the three of them looked at the environment in front of them. This scene was still vivid in their minds. They had been beaten for four years for this level, and they almost couldn't even recognize their mother.

"This is the Sealed Mystery Realm. Divine power is of no use here. We can only rely on physical power here."

"What is the power of the body used for?"

"Yes, my body is also powerful. What is this?"

"Pa bang..."

The Supreme clapped his hands, and a large number of monsters appeared in the secret realm, such as brachions, mammoths, etc., all of which were physically powerful monsters.

"They are your opponents in the second level. Everyone needs to defeat ten monsters. Whether you cooperate, kill by yourself, or steal other people's achievements, as long as you kill enough ten monsters, you can leave. I wish you all the best. Good luck to you."

The Supreme's words made them wary of each other. They might be able to kill the monsters, but the people around them would be hard to guard against. If the fruits of their labor were robbed, they would be killed in vain.

"Relive the scene and see who kills faster."

"No problem, it's still the same old rules, I defend and you two attack."

Directly attracting thirty monsters to their side, the three of them began to slaughter crazily. At first, Wang Huayang was beaten to death by them, but now it is different. His body has become stronger. Even if their attacks directly hit him, It won't have a big impact on the body.

Everyone looked for their targets one after another. Except for the people in Shenlong City, everyone else found it very difficult to deal with these monsters and were constantly attacked.

"Poor guys, such a weak monster beat them to such a state that they are vulnerable."

Wang Huayang looked at them quietly. Seeing them was like seeing himself before, powerless and weak.

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