Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 687 Big Melee

Looking at the remaining fifty people, the Supreme nodded. Many of these people were old faces, and their strength had improved even more than before.

"What follows is a melee. There are no rules in the melee. Only ten people will remain, and all others will be eliminated. You can find someone to cooperate with, or you can rely on others. As long as you can stay, you will be among the top ten."

"There are no rules in battle. The enemies you encounter cannot be of similar strength to you every time. Everyone, it all depends on your luck. The one who stays at the end is the winner."

The Supreme Being is right. The enemy you encounter cannot always fight you alone. You may face a group of people. Don't complain about unfairness. There is not so much unfairness in the world.

"By the way, there is another rule I want to announce. Thousand-year kill is not allowed."

As soon as this rule came out, everyone was stunned. Bugui immediately agreed. This move was too powerful, and he lost all face by accident.

"Really, it's a pity that such good physical skills are not allowed to be used. I still want to test a few more people."

Wang Huayang's eyes glanced at everyone, startling everyone. Their eyes were wandering and they did not dare to look directly at Wang Huayang. If they were caught by him, it would not be good news.


All the arenas disappeared, and a huge arena appeared. Fifty of them stood on the arena, including loners and gangs, each occupying a corner.

Su Long and the other three naturally stand together. Although each of them is very strong and competing for the top ten is basically no problem, it will be easier for the three of them together. Maybe others will not dare to fight with them. , they also save themselves the trouble of not having to fight.

"Jiang Cheng, unite a few people to attack the three of them."

"But the eldest young master, there are three of them."

"Why, do you want to read my order? Don't forget what our ancestors told you."

Jiang Cheng can also be regarded as a genius disciple of the Jiang family, but he has always been suppressed by Jiang Sheng. The light on Jiang Sheng's body is so dazzling that no one among the younger generation of the Jiang family can block his limelight.

Moreover, the ancestor liked Jiang Sheng very much and basically trained him as the next generation clan leader. Everything was done according to Jiang Sheng's opinions.

Before participating in the competition, the ancestors had already stated that everyone in the Jiang family, including the vassal families of the Jiang family, must obey Jiang Sheng's arrangements, even if they die.

"You guys come with me. Jiang Sheng has already spoken. Let us test the strength of Su Long and others for him. It would be best if we can defeat them, but there is little hope."

"Master Jiang Cheng, we..."

"I know you also want to take a step forward, but don't forget what your ancestors said. If your family doesn't want to be destroyed, it's best to listen to Jiang Sheng's words."

There is no way, although they really want to give it a try, but the family is the largest, and they are just a subsidiary force of the Jiang family. If they offend the Jiang family, they will be easily abandoned, and it may even bring disaster.

The Jiang family's power still occupies a lot of people here. Jiang Cheng came to Su Long and the others with the five people behind him.

"The battle is about to begin, get ready."

"Jiang Cheng? Are you going to challenge us? The few people behind you don't seem to be strong enough."

After listening to Xianyunzi's words, Jiang Cheng did not defend himself, but said with a wry smile: "Indeed, compared to the three of you, our hope of winning is indeed small, but there is nothing we can do. Jiang Sheng is too powerful, we can only I can be cannon fodder for him."

"To be honest, I actually hope you can win. Let's take action. If you can't even win against us, you are still not Jiang Sheng's opponent."

He didn't dare to say too many words. The people behind him didn't know if they were Jiang Sheng's thugs. They could express their emotions, but they couldn't tell Jiang Sheng's secrets. If Jiang Sheng knew about it, his end would not be good. many.

"I know you have no choice, but since you have chosen to take action, we can't be polite. Don't worry, your life will not be lost, but you will definitely be injured."

Wang Huayang watched them licking their lips, and then looked at Su Long: "Brother-in-law, do you have any moves stronger than Thousand-Year Kill? This happens to be a good experimental subject."

Su Long looked at Wang Huayang helplessly, how could this guy become so shameless, thinking of dirty tricks everywhere.

"You said the Millennium Killing was created by Su Long?"

"Of course, who is my brother-in-law? Killing for a thousand years is nothing. My brother-in-law also has eight consecutive kills and various super physical skills that kill for ten thousand years."

Wang Huayang's proud look made them all have the urge to hit someone, but what they feared the most now was Su Long. They didn't expect that such a sign was actually created by Su Long. It was terrible.

"Master Su, we have no intention of fighting. We are just forced to have no choice. Can you please give us some dignity? Such a move..."

They were scared. Although the Millennium Killing was banned, the Eighth Consecutive Killing and the Ten Thousand Year Killing were not banned. They were also respectable people in Shenlong City. If they were tortured like this, they would lose their face.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. How could I have created such a trick? He just wants to scare you and lower your will to fight."

"Not brother-in-law..."

"Huh?" Su Long glanced at Wang Huayang indifferently, his eyes full of threats. As long as Wang Huayang dared to say a few more words, he would taste even more humiliating physical skills.

"I admit it, I invented it, come and fight, it has nothing to do with my brother-in-law."

Six people surrounded Su Long and the others. They did not dare to be careless about Su Long. The strength of each of these three people was no worse than Jiang Sheng, or even stronger.

"Brother-in-law, let's just use the same lineup we used against Monkey Boy, don't waste too much time."



Six people rushed over, and attacks continued towards the three of them, but there was no panic on their faces.

"Well done, Vajra is indestructible."

So what about the attacks of the six people? They were not enough to watch in front of Wang Huayang, so he took all the attacks directly. The attacks of the six people only made Wang Huayang take two steps back slightly, and did not cause him much damage.

"let's go."

Just when Wang Huayang was resisting the attack, Su Long and Xian Yunzi were like two cheetahs, seizing the opportunity of their attack to start a counterattack.

It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them. The two of them only targeted the two people closest to them and gave them a thunderous blow just when their old strength had just given way to new strength.

"Come down here and watch my new version of Millennium Killing."

"not good."

When they heard the words "Millennium Kill", their scalps were covered with hair mask, their buttocks trembled, and they hurriedly protected their buttocks.

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