Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 712 Then kill him

"Okay. Google search and read" The first three levels are not that dangerous to them. There is no need to act together. They just need to be careful and they will not die at all.

Su Long was walking on the second level of the Hell Abyss. The smell here was indeed very uncomfortable, as if humans and them were natural enemies. Smelling this smell would make people feel angry.

"Human, human, kill him."

Unknowingly, Su Long was surrounded by a group of minions, but he didn't care at all that these guys were not enough to fill his teeth.

"One sword can separate the world."


In less than half a stick of incense, all the minions were wiped out and turned into points.

Su Long continued to walk on the second floor and found nothing unusual along the way.

"Run quickly, there are too many monsters, we are no match."

"No, I can't run away. There are too many monsters. I don't know where they came from. So many monsters are coming from nowhere. We can't defeat them."

Not far away, Su Long saw a group of people surrounded by monsters. The strength of this group of monsters was much stronger than before, and the strength of this group of people was simply not enough to escape.

But this has nothing to do with Su Long. There is no need for him to wade into this muddy water, and the clothes of the people surrounded should be from the Divine Slaughter Academy.

"This brother saved our lives. I am very grateful."

Su Long had no intention of intervening, but the people surrounded had no intention of letting Su Long go, and planned to drag Su Long into the water together.

In this case, it was not possible for one or two people to save them. In doing so, they would completely drag Su Long into the pit of fire.

Sure enough, their voices not only reminded Su Long, the monsters also looked at Su Long and surrounded him.

Su Long just looked at them calmly: "You guys are good."

After saying that, Su Long started killing crazily. Since he couldn't escape, let's kill them all.

"Here, brother, have we offended a master? If he breaks out of the siege, then we..."

The leader's face was also very ugly. He originally wanted to use Su Long to attract some monsters to increase their hope of escape, but he didn't expect that Su Long would be so strong. These monsters were no match for Su Long.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Su Long was killing crazily, and there were fewer and fewer monsters. However, these monsters did not escape, but instead pounced on them one after another.

"The first form of the nameless swordsmanship."

"One sword breaks the sky."


Su Long's body was covered in blood, his eyes were red, and he was surrounded by fallen corpses, as if he was a Shura coming out of hell.

Holding the sword, he walked towards them step by step.

Seeing Su Long approaching, their scalps felt numb, but they did not dare to run away. Looking at Su Long's appearance, their legs did not obey the command.

"Thank you, sir, for saving me. I'll..."


Before he finished speaking, his head had already rolled on the ground. Su Long was not a kind person. Since he had tried to trick him, he should be prepared to die.

"Everyone come together, otherwise we will all be killed by him."

Seeing the boss being killed, they were very scared, but they still mustered up the courage to kill Su Long, but the difference in strength was too big.

Soon the ground was covered with corpses, not a single one alive.

After shaking the blood off his body and changing into clean clothes, Su Long turned around and left.

"It seems that there is no problem on the second floor, so the problem should appear on the third floor."

When Su Long came to the entrance of the third floor, he jumped straight down. There were many monsters waiting at the entrance of the third floor. If Su Long jumped, he would be a wolf in the sheepfold.

He started a massacre among the monsters, and only after killing them all and getting points in exchange for points did he choose to leave.

Looking at his points that had exceeded 10,000, Su Long couldn't help but sigh: "This is really a nice place, the points are like running water."

Or if other people hear it, they will definitely beat Su Long hard. This place is hell to them. Countless monsters will be surrounded at no time. At that time, it will really be It’s called Tian Wumen.

The scope of each level has doubled than before. The scope of the third level has become very wide, and there are also many people on the third level, and their strength seems to be good.

Su Long did not cause any trouble along the way. Even if he saw people from the Divine Slaughter Academy, he did not kill them. Of course, those who blindly provoked him were all killed, and all the monsters he encountered along the way were killed.

However, after staying here for almost a week, Su Long still found nothing: "Didn't you say there is something abnormal? Why didn't you find anything?"

Su Long didn't think there would be any problems with the Shenlong Academy's mission. There must be something wrong here, but he just didn't find it.

"come here."

"You brat, what did you say? It's good that I didn't cause you any trouble. How dare you talk to me in this tone?"

When passing by a group of people, they were all in peace, but Su Long stopped them.

Shenlong Academy and Shenlan Academy have not dealt with each other since ancient times. Now hearing such a tone, they naturally felt uncomfortable. A group of people stared at Su Long fiercely.

"Boy, don't you want to live?"

"Zheng..." Everyone just saw a flash of silver light and found that Su Long had disappeared, and their boss had been stepped on by Su Long, and the sword was already placed on his neck.

"Can you talk now? I don't like killing."

With the sword held at his neck, his eyes were filled with fear and he kept swallowing his saliva.

"My lord, tell me, tell me, I must know everything and tell you everything, but can you please take the sword away a little, it's too dangerous."

"You better be like this."

Su Long disappeared in front of everyone again and returned to his original place.

"How long have you been here."

"Sir, we have been here for three years, and the third level is very familiar to us."

Su Long nodded, he just needed to be familiar with the third floor, otherwise he wouldn't know anything unusual happened.

"Answer me a question. If you are satisfied, you can leave. If you are not satisfied, you can stay today."

Su Long's heartless words made them shudder, but they still nodded, there was nothing they could do.

"Now think about any abnormalities on the third floor during the recent period. Think about it carefully. I have plenty of time. Don't miss any abnormalities."

Listening to Su Long's question, they all fell into silence. They really didn't pay attention to any changes on the third level. They were busy hunting monsters every day.

After thinking for a long time, they still didn't expect anything unusual.

"Sir, we really didn't find anything unusual. You..."

"Then you are useless."

Su Long's words made their scalps tingle, but there was nothing they could do.

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