Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 718 Battle against the Supreme

The abnormal situation here has long attracted the attention of others. People from Shenlong Academy and Shenlan Academy come here from time to time to observe the situation.

However, the power inside was too raging, and none of them were sure of entering. If they were accidentally injured, they believed that the other party's people would definitely make a sneak attack.

No one on the two sides was willing to go in, and they just guarded outside. It was not until Su Long began to reshape his body and felt the thunder and lightning disappearing little by little that they had the urge to go inside.

"Yes, it's perfect. The muscles all over his body are exploding. What makes Su Long most satisfied is the lower part. When the dragon raises his head, his happiness for the rest of his life is greatly guaranteed."


Su Long's soul penetrated into the body of the God of Thunder, without any strange feeling. When he reshaped his body, he was already very familiar with the body of the God of Thunder, just like a human being, and there would be no abnormalities at all.


From time to time, lightning flashes passed through his body, and when he squeezed his fist hard, the air made a bursting sound.

After getting familiar with his body, Su Long began to absorb the remaining thunder and lightning power. The thunder and lightning power began to be consumed rapidly, and gradually gathered into Su Long's body.

"It feels so good."

Feeling the power of his body, Su Long couldn't help but howl, but when he opened his eyes, he found that there were many people standing around, and everyone was looking at him.

"I'll be embarrassed if you look at me like that."

Su Long didn't expect so many people to come all at once. He hadn't put on his clothes yet, so he hurriedly put on his coat, then stood aside and looked at the group of them.

Dragon Domain is indeed the strongest existence. These more than ten people are actually Supremes. Although they are a group of the most ordinary Supremes, they are still powerful enough.

"Boy, who are you?"

"You have no quality. When you ask others for their identity, you shouldn't introduce yourself first. I don't know you, so why should I tell you my identity?"

Su Long couldn't stand his arrogance and taunted him back. Anyway, with his current strength, he could compete with even the Supreme. At worst, he could run away. The speed of the lightning body was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"This young master is an inner disciple of the Divine Slaughter Academy, Tiansha."

His face was filled with pride as he spoke, as if the Divine Killing Academy had given him a lot of confidence.

"Wow, that's amazing. I'm actually an inner disciple of Shenlan Academy. It's a pity that I'm an outer disciple of Shenlong Academy. It doesn't matter if I don't have you."

At first they were quite excited when they heard Su Long's words, but their expressions changed in the next second. There were still smiles on their faces, but the smiles were very sinister.

"It turns out he is a junior fellow student from Shenlong Academy. We are senior fellow apprentices from the inner academy."

Compared to the one at the Divine Slaughter Academy, the tone at the Divine Dragon Academy was much more friendly. Of course, this was just because she was from the Divine Dragon Academy.

"Hello fellow seniors, I don't know why you are here? You have mobilized so many supreme beings to come here."

"The situation here is abnormal. We suspected that there was a treasure here, so we came here to wait. We didn't expect to meet our junior brother."

After hearing what they said, Su Long burst out laughing: "Senior brother, stop looking for it, there are no treasures here at all."

Everyone looked at Su Long. They didn't know what Su Long meant. Could it be that the treasure was taken away by Su Long?

"This is not the place where any treasure appears at all. This is the place where I will overcome the tribulation. It's just that the formation is a little bigger and the power of thunder and lightning has not dissipated."

"So that's it. I've wasted several years in vain. Let's go."

They turned around and prepared to leave, but the people at the Divine Slaughter Academy were not going to let them go so easily. In addition, Su Long had just mocked them, so naturally they would not let them go easily.

"Tiansha, what do you mean? Do you want to fight us?"

"Humph, Tianyu, you can leave, but this kid can't leave. He said this is the place where he will overcome the tribulation. Is this the place where he will overcome the tribulation? The treasure may have been taken away by him. I want to check his storage ring. ."

"Tiansha, you go too far. If you want to bully the people of Shenlong Academy, then you have to pass me first. I want to see how strong you, Tiansha, are."

Tianyu blocked Su Long behind him. This was related to Shenlong Academy's face, and he could not retreat.

Su Long looked at Tianyu's actions and smiled slightly, then came to Tianyu and looked at Tiansha calmly: "You want to check my storage ring?"

"That's right, hand over the storage ring and I'll check it's OK, then you can leave."

"Hahahaha." Hearing what Tiansha said matter-of-factly, Su Long looked up to the sky and laughed, then looked at Tiansha disdainfully: "Who do you think you are? If you want to check my things, just use your strength and give it to me. I kill."

With a flash of lightning, Su Long rushed directly in front of Tiansha, punched Tiansha in the face, and Tiansha flew backwards with a whoosh.

No one expected that even Su Long would be so fast.

"Haha, okay, little junior brother, you are very powerful, you actually knocked away the evil spirit."

Tianyu patted Su Long on the shoulder. He didn't expect that his junior brother was so powerful. Such speed surprised him.

"Luckily, lucky. The rest of these people will be left to the senior brothers. As for Tiansha, let me, the junior brother, test his strength."

Shenlong Shenlan had never known peace with each other, and now that they had started a war, they were naturally not polite and started to kill the people from Shenlan Academy, while Su Long came to the front of Tiansha.

Looking at Tiansha's face that was swollen into a pig's head, Su Long mocked disdainfully: "Is this the strength of the Divine Slaughter Academy? It's really bad. A supreme being was beaten away by me, a junior God Emperor. It seems that you Divine Slaughterers The academy is really far behind.”

Tiansha's eyes were fixed on Su Long. He had suffered such a hidden loss because of his carelessness, and it was time for him to take action.

"Boy, you succeeded in irritating me."

"Oh, I'm so scared. So what if I make you angry? Come and kill me. Come on."

"Heavenly Evil Palm."

Tiansha's speed was also not slow, and he arrived in front of Su Long in an instant. Fortunately, Su Long had always been on guard against Tiansha.

The fact that he succeeded in one attack doesn't mean that he is stronger than Tiansha, it's just that he succeeded in sneak attack due to his sudden speed.

Tiansha is a real supreme being, and a slap from him will definitely hurt him, but he doesn't know how injured the thunder god's body will be.

Su Long kept dodging in the face of Tiansha's attacks. Tiansha's attacks kept passing by Su Long's face, which made his face hurt, but none of the attacks could hit Su Long. .

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