Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 726 Sword Tower

"You really don't have enough points. You only have less than 500 points left. If you don't earn points as soon as possible, you will lose the qualification to stay in Shenlong Academy."

After returning the token to Su Long, Su Long took a look and found that he only had a few points left. But this is the most surprising thing. He didn't consume any points, so how could he have none?

“Can I see where my points are going?”

"Yes, the passage of any points can be checked in the mission building."

After receiving the instructions, Su Long went directly to the mission building.

"Hello, help me check the flow of points. I want to know where my nearly two hundred thousand points went?"

"Please wait." Taking Su Long's token, the people from the mission tower left, but they came out quickly, returned the token to him, and then looked at Su Long: "Your points are correct. In seven months, you have consumed a total of 187,500 points."

Su Long had the urge to vomit blood and looked at the people in the mission tower: "Are you sure you're right? Did I consume so much myself? It's impossible for me to consume so much. In seven months, I spent half a year They are all in a coma and spend the rest of the time practicing with Elder Punishment."

"I just came out today, how could I have consumed so many points?"

Hearing Su Long's words, the people in the mission tower nodded: "It seems that you know what you have consumed, so I don't need to report it to the superiors."

Su Long was still confused: "What are you talking about? How do I know my own consumption?"

Seeing that Su Long was still confused, the people at the mission tower could only explain it to Su Long in detail.

"There is no problem with your point consumption. Elder Punishment pointed out 60,000 points once, and you were pointed out twice in total, for a total of 120,000 points."

"And the various resources you consumed during the half-year period when you were comatose totaled 40,000 points."

"The rest is the necessary consumption for you to stay in the inner court, a total of 187,500 points."

Su Long was dumbfounded and stood there with a look of disbelief on his face: "You said I spent 120,000 points on Elder Punishment?"

"That's right, an elder's advice costs 80,000 to 100,000 points. Since the punishment elder's advice is too terrifying, his advice is the cheapest, 60,000 per time."

Su Long was filled with hatred now, but he was very helpless. He didn't have the final say on the points, so he transferred them directly. They were all controlled by the mission tower.

"Elder Punishment actually hid it from me. This revenge must be recovered."

"Dang..." Su Long kicked open Elder Punishment's door and looked at Elder Punishment angrily.

"Elder Punishment, you said..."

"Su Long, you're here. I just have something to do with you. I have 200,000 points here. You probably don't have many points left. These points will be used for you first. According to the rules of Shenlong Academy, there is no way. You can't do it for a month. It costs 60,000 points to come to my place once."

"These two hundred thousand points should be enough for you to use for a while. I'll transfer them to you."

Su Long was caught off guard by Elder Punishment. He came here to find out about this matter from him, but now not only did he not lose money, but he gained a lot more.

"By the way, Su Long, what do you want from me? You look anxious."

Now it was Su Long's turn to be embarrassed. He touched his head and looked at the broken door he kicked: "Isn't it because the door of your room is bad? How can an elder use such a bad door?" Well, I will find someone to help you build a bright and elegant door."

Su Long himself felt embarrassed when he said this, and turned around to leave. Su Long left on the front foot, and Elder Punishment and Tianyu burst into laughter. They knew about Su Long's investigation of points.

Of course, the punishment elders do not lack Su Long's points, but this is the rule of the academy. Everything must be paid for points, so that they can be more motivated.

So when Su Long kicked open the door, Elder Punishment directly transferred him 200,000 points, which was enough for Su Long to find him several times. Anyway, the final points would still return to his hands.

As for other aspects of points, Su Long needs to find a way on his own, and Su Long still needs to hone his skills.

Taking the points, Su Long came to the sword tower: "I want to enter the sword tower. This is the token. I have to see it clearly this time."

"One thousand points have been deducted, please come in."

Su Long was penniless just now, but now he had 200,000 points. This shocked the people guarding the sword tower. They really suspected that they had made a mistake just now.

After Su Long paid his points, he entered the sword tower directly. As soon as he entered the room, he felt a strange feeling, and his whole person seemed to become unreal.

"Is this consciousness? It's interesting. You have my strength, but you can't be hurt. Even if you die, you will be reborn."

Su Long entered the first floor directly. The moment Su Long appeared, there was another person in the room who looked exactly like him. It seemed that he was created based on his spirit.


Without any nonsense, he attacked Su Long directly. He waved the sword in his hand quickly, and thousands of sword flowers came out in confusion, covering Su Long.


Su Long dodged to the side. This man's sword skills were similar to his own, but his movements were much stiffer. It was impossible to defeat him with such strength.

"Destroy it for me."

With a flick of the sword flower, Su Long directly strangled him to death. After killing the phantom swordsman, Su Long directly came to the second floor.

There were still swordsmen who looked exactly like him on the second level, but this time there were two more swordsmen. They still didn't talk nonsense with Su Long, and raised their swords to kill Su Long.

The strength of these two people is much stronger than that of the first level, their movements are much smoother, and their sword intent is much stronger, but their power response is slightly inferior.

With a simple swing of his sword, Su Long killed both of them.

On the third floor, there are four swordsmen.

The fourth floor, eight swordsmen.

There were more swordsmen as you went up, but they still couldn't resist Su Long's pace and were quickly killed by Su Long.

Soon Su Long reached the ninth level, using the Nine-Nine Ultimate Technique.

After Su Long broke through to the ninth level, there were not many swordsmen, but only one swordsman, but he did not dare to be careless at all. He felt threatened by these two people. They still had the same appearance as him and the same aura as him. almost.


Su Long and the swordsman soon fought together. The swordsman seemed to know Su Long very well and could avoid Su Long's attacks every time. Su Long also knew him very well and could deflect every attack.

After a hard fight, the two people separated. Su Long looked at the consciousness sword in his hand, and there was a small gap.

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