Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 730 Good guess

It has to be said that the sex demon is still very hated by people. I have never encountered a sex demon, but many people have come to arrest the sex demon. Google search reading

But during this period of time, the pervert seemed to have disappeared, and no information was revealed at all, as if he knew they were coming to catch him.

"There's something wrong with the situation. Why are there no traces of the pervert?"

Su Long felt a little weird about the current situation. Since the sex demon appeared here, there couldn't be no trace at all. Could it be that the sex demon is really in the Sun family?

If the sex demon hides in the Sun family, he really has nothing to do. After all, the Sun family is not within his reach now.

"Forget it, I'll be looking for him for three days. If there's still no news after three days, I'll kill the butcher first."

The sex demon really seemed to have disappeared, with no trace at all. Su Long could only turn around and leave first.

"What, do you want to leave? Didn't you find any trace of the sex demon? It's normal. The sex demon is so cunning that most people can't find it."

As soon as Su Long arrived at the teleportation array, he met the previous guide. Su Long didn't pay attention. After all, there were many guides.

"It's really hard to find a sex demon. I'll give up for the time being and go do other tasks first."

Hearing Su Long's words, a glimmer of light flashed in the leader's eyes, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"That's such a pity. Walk slowly. If you come here and don't know it, you can always come to me. After all, I am very familiar with this place."


Su Long sat on the teleportation array and left, but during the teleportation, he felt a little abnormal. The man was so enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that it was weird.

And it sounds like he really wants to leave. Could it be that he...

"You'll know if you try it."

A slight smile appeared on Su Long's lips. After leaving the teleportation array, he returned directly along the same route. However, he did not sit on the teleportation array, but flew all the way.

The journey was long, and it took a day for Su Long to fly back, disguise himself, cover up his aura, and arrive near Sun's house.

"The damn pervert has appeared again. Why can't anyone catch him?"

The best place to get information is a restaurant. When Su Long arrived at the restaurant, he heard everyone discussing the sex demon. As he expected, as soon as he left, the sex demon started to move.

Now that he knew almost everything, Su Long would not sit still and wait for death. If the delay continued, he didn't know how many girls would be poisoned by the pervert.

After Su Long left the restaurant, he wandered around the teleportation array. Sure enough, he was still there and did not move.

"I'm leaving first. Keep an eye on the teleportation array and let me know if there is anything unusual."

With a smile still hanging on his lips, he left the teleportation array, walked towards Sun's house, and walked directly in through the back door.

Su Long had been waiting not far away, and soon he waited for the sex demon to take action.

"As expected, it's you. You've hidden it well. But let's see how you run away this time."

Su Long did not alert the snake, but kept moving forward following the footsteps of the sex demon to see where his destination was.

"What's going on? Why do you feel a little uneasy? Did something happen?"

The sex demon looked around and found that nothing was going on.

"Come out, I found you. If you are following me, don't blame me for being rude."

When Su Long heard the voice of the sex demon, he smiled disdainfully. The Yulong Chaos Platform helped him hide his aura, so that even a small sex demon could detect it.

"It seems like I'm too preoccupied. After catching up today, I can relax for a few days."

After waiting for a long time and finding that there was no movement, the sex devil started to take action. I have to say that the sex devil's methods are very powerful, and he has laid the groundwork in advance, and everyone has planned it in advance.

They caught three women along the way, none of them very powerful. They were at the beginning level of the God-Emperor and had no power to resist. They inhaled the smoke from the pervert's hand and fell unconscious immediately.

The pervert did not touch them, but took the three of them away. Su Long did not alert the pervert, and followed the pervert quietly. He wanted to see what the pervert would do.

The sex demon led the three people very quickly, and they went more and more remote. However, this was also the place Su Long wanted. He was sure to keep the sex demon here. If he was still near the Sun family, if someone from the Sun family came, he would be under great pressure. big.

"Huh? Disappeared?"

Suddenly the sex demon disappeared from Su Long's eyes. Su Long hid himself, but after observing, he found that it was not the sex demon who discovered him, but a formation in front of him.

"The seventh-level psychedelic formation is such a big deal. It uses the seventh-level formation as a cover. What secrets are there?"

The formation was not a big problem for Su Long. After finding the entrance to the formation, Su Long got into the Dragon Slaying Tower and used the Dragon Chaos Platform to hide his figure. He didn't know what was going on inside, so he had to be careful.

Sure enough, after entering, it was a large cave. There were two people guarding the entrance of the cave. A strong man at the peak of the God Emperor was here to look at the cave.

Su Long did not kill the two of them, but got into the cave to see what was going on inside.

There is a cave in the cave, and cells have been built one after another. There are a group of women in the rooms, some are crying, and some have eyes full of despair, as if they are the living dead.

"Damn it, they actually arrested so many women. What are they going to do?"

Su Long kept patrolling the cave and found that it was much more severe than he imagined. With fifteen peak gods, one supreme junior, and the lust demon, his situation was very unfavorable.

"It seems we have to take a long-term approach. If we want to get these people out, we must kill them all."

"Lord Sex Demon, you are really powerful. You brought three more women to play around with those fools, and you still want to catch Mr. Sex Demon. You are really wishful thinking."

"Okay, don't flatter me. Keep a good watch and don't let any accidents happen. Otherwise, the clan leader won't let us go. I'll take a rest for the past two days. There are a lot of people here. After they all leave, I keep moving."

"Yes, sir."

The sex demon looked at the woman in the cell and licked his lips: "What a pity. If it weren't for the patriarch's plan, I would have enjoyed you."

After putting down the three women, the sex demon left. Su Long did not leave with the sex demon. He didn't know the plan, but these people would not be in danger for the time being.

However, it is a bit difficult to rescue them. There are too many people, and if you make any movement, you will be surrounded by them.

"System, is there any way to control the God Emperor?"


"What price."

Su Long knew that the system would not make a loss-making transaction and anything would cost Kuanglong coins.

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