Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 749 Growth in the field of Tai Chi


Falling heavily to the ground, Su Long spit out a mouthful of blood. The power of the stick injured Su Long. However, even though the madman's attack had not stopped, he knew that this stick could not end Su Long.

He is such a person, he doesn't care at all when fighting until all the enemies are defeated, otherwise he will keep attacking, keep attacking, and will not relax for a moment.

Su Long didn't have time to recuperate. He couldn't take another hit now and had to dodge the next attack. Fortunately, with the blessing of the Wind God Domain, Su Long was much faster than him and dodged to the side.

The madman's attack fell directly on the ground, and the ground shook with his attack. There were cracks in the ground, which showed the power of this stick. If this stick hit him, with his current situation, My body couldn't bear it at all.

"You are very fast, but you can hide for as long as you want before you take my stick."

The movements were smooth and fluid, without any delay. One blow failed, and another hit came. He didn't give Su Long any chance to breathe, and he attacked and attacked non-stop.

Su Long could only dodge, but this was not the way to go. Sooner or later something would go wrong, and he had to find a way to get rid of him, otherwise there would be no hope of entering here.

"Crazy eighteen sticks."

"not good……"

Su Long only hesitated for a moment before the madman seized the opportunity. It was too late to hide anymore. The madman had blocked all his escape routes. However, he would be mercilessly attacked by the madman wherever he went.

"Your journey is over. You are not qualified here."


The mace hit him head and face. If he was hit, Su Long would completely lose his fighting ability.

"No, I can't end here. It's impossible for a mere lunatic to try to block my way."

"Wind God Realm, Blood Sea Realm."

Directly using the power of the two fields, the blood sea field made Su Long's energy and blood more violent, and Su Long's momentum was strengthened.

"Not enough, not enough. This little blessing is still not enough to stop his attack."

Su Long is also a little crazy now: "The realm of the sex demon, blood explodes."

The power of the three realms blessed Su Long's body. Su Long's momentum increased wildly, waving the Thunder Sword and confronting him head-on.

"Split the sky."

The space was directly torn open by Su Long's attack. All the madman's attacks were swallowed by the void. Su Long took the opportunity to escape from it, panting and looking at the madman.

"You still didn't kill me."

The madman also paused for a moment. The initial disdain turned into surprise, and now he became serious.

There are only a few people here who can block his lunatic's eighteen blows without being injured. Unexpectedly, Su Long escaped without any injuries at all.

"Boy, you really surprised me. You actually control the power of three fields. If I give you a little more time, we may not be your opponents. But now, this is still my territory. If you want to come in, your current The strength is not enough.”

Although the Madman's Eighteen Sticks consume him a little, it does not affect his combat effectiveness. He can still use many powerful attacks, but Su Long controls three areas, so the consumption will be much greater than him.

At this time, the madman is actually sure of victory. He can keep dragging it out and keep Su Long in a state of tension. Su Long doesn't know when the madman will take action, so he must maintain the three areas. That consumes a lot of money. , and finally the madman can win without a fight.

It's a pity that the madman is not that kind of person. What he wants is to fight head-on, break everyone's defense with his own attacks, and make them convinced that they have lost.

"Crazy Eighteen Sticks."

"Domain blessing, splitting the sky."

After once again escaping the madman's attack, Su Long's face was sweating more and more, and his hands and feet were already a little weak. It was estimated that he could still use it twice, and he would use the domain blessing three times beyond the limit. At that time, he would lose his strength.

"What should I do now? I can't hurt him at all. The madman's attack is so strong that it will hurt him if he touches it, and he will die if he touches him. It is extremely difficult to defeat him."

"Conquering strength with softness, and pushing a thousand pounds with four ounces is the right way, and confronting the hard with force is just the way of a reckless man."

The sound of the system suddenly sounded, and Su Long's eyes lit up. He used softness to overcome hardness, using four ounces to move a thousand pounds, and performed Tai Chi.

"Come on, let me see how powerful your attack is."

Putting the domain away, leaving only the speed of the holder of the Wind God Domain, Su Long pointed the thunder sword at the madman, and the aura on his body became much more stable.

"It seems that you have some understanding, but a little understanding can't defeat me. Just let me go."

A blow hit him on the head, but there was no change in Su Long's face.

"Tai Chi generates two yin, two yin generates four images, and four images generates Bagua."

The aura around Su Long became much more harmonious. When the madman's attack came to Su Long's side, he found that his attack was like being stuck by layers of spider webs.

The powerful attack power was stripped away layer by layer. By the time he came to Su Long's side, the strength of the mace had been weakened a lot.

"Well done, let me show you my Thunder Tai Chi Sword."

When the mace hit the Thunder Sword, there was no sound of collision, but he felt that his mace was stuck.

"Open it for me."

"Now that you're here, don't be in such a hurry to leave. You haven't seen the power of my Thunder Tai Chi Sword yet."

The madman wanted to withdraw his mace, but it was a pity that the Velociraptor did not give him this chance. With a hint, the mace started to move along with the movement trajectory of the Thunder Sword, and even the madman moved along with it.

"What kind of attack is this? It actually brings people into it. It doesn't look very powerful."

The people around looked at the madman being controlled remotely by Su Long. They frowned and found nothing unusual. The madman was the only one who felt uncomfortable there.

This move did not cause any harm to him, but it made him feel like he had no power to use, and he was stuck in a quagmire unable to extricate himself.

"Admit defeat?"

"I am crazy and never admit defeat. I will come back and destroy your territory immediately."

Su Long smiled faintly, and his aura was condensing bit by bit, slowly turning into a domain, his own Tai Chi domain.

"Since you don't admit defeat, let's continue with Tai Chi Circle."

The Thunder Sword kept swinging, and the madman also swung with it, unable to control his body at all.

"Ah...blessed by the madness realm."

"Blood explosion."

"The madness breaks the sky."

How could a lunatic endure such entanglement? He opened your realm to the strongest level, and the power of your bloodline began to rage.

After all, Su Long's Tai Chi field had just grown and was not yet too mature. He tore a hole in his body and escaped in an instant.

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