Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 499: Dragon blood!

Compared with the mutation potions before, the dragon blood potions in Shen Chen's hands were undoubtedly more powerful.

Just holding it gently in his hand, Shen Chen could clearly feel the scorching heat, like a lover's breath, in the small potion bottle.

It's like all the blood of the demon hunter shouting: "I need it!"

Not only that, even in the darker pharmaceutical defenses, the medicine still exudes a lava-like crystal color, rolling and boiling, seeming to want to escape this narrow space.

Shen Chen held it in the palm of his hand like a beloved baby. The effect of this potion was blank on the log!

【Dragon Blood Vessel】

This is a potion made with the true guardian dragon power, mutant dragon and sub-dragon bloodline!

Note: The potion is powerful, and you will face great risks if you drink it!

Usage: "Drink it!"

Warning: The success rate of taking the medicine is less than 10%, and you cannot estimate the specific effect of the medicine! Even, the effect of each potion is different!

"I've come to this point, it's done!" Shen Chen did not hesitate, he suddenly pulled the potion bottle cap with his mouth!

Just pulling out the bottle cap with several layers of enchantment, a smell of fishy but incredibly sweet burnt smell, instantly spewed out.

The temperature of the room suddenly jumped up, especially the lips with their mouths near the bottle mouth, which immediately felt a little dry!

Not dare to delay, Shen Chen closed his eyes, raised his head and drank!


This was Shen Chen's first feeling, it was like pouring boiling water directly into his mouth, even if he was already a Paladin at the Silver Peak!


Then, a stream of heat, it should be said that it was a stream of flames, rushed towards the limbs and a hundred skeletons. Shen Chen only felt as if he was thrown into the magma. After a while of pain passed, he lost his feeling.

I opened my eyes again, but I already saw Miss Angel.

"Uh! Hung up!"

Even if he had been mentally prepared for failure, Shen Chen's heart was a little weak, and there were not many medicines left. Every time he failed, he would lose one bottle!

Fortunately, he has reached level 30, anyway, before breaking through platinum, it is difficult to improve his experience, it doesn't matter if he is dead, just take advantage of this time to let the power of the real body catch up.

After the running corpse was resurrected, Minerva had completely recorded Shen Chen's reaction after drinking the potion.

"Well, we still need to use Agaricus to neutralize the effect of the medicine, and it feels that it is not suitable for mutation in the gloomy pharmaceutical room!" Shen Chen looked at Minerva's record and thought.

He adjusted the potion slightly, walked out of the port, and went straight to the hill in the center of Whiteclaw Camp.

The White Claw Guard did not stop him, Shen Chen walked to the highest point, let the hot sun shine all over his body, and sucked a moist sea breeze into his mouth; he uncovered the potion bottle again.

It was still painful, but this time, Shen Chen survived the first stage;

Soon, Shen Chen heard the bones all over his body crackling and exploding, and the holy light burst out involuntarily, raising his head, with a mouthful of white flame, spouting several meters in height!

But then, Shen Chen only felt that his body swelled up abnormally, a layer of fine dragon scales gradually covered the body surface, and then lost consciousness again.

"What's that?" The movement on the hill, combined with the figure that Shen Chen hurriedly walked by just now, made the orc players think of something.

There have been rumors among human players that tomorrow will be the biggest beneficiary of the power of the Demon Hunter. Since the orc players can have blood trials, he will not...

It’s just that the guards didn’t let them in. The players who ran away because of the medicine saw Shen Chen’s soul drifting by. For the first time, second time, third time...Many players thought about it. The feeling of gloating for misfortune, I didn't expect it to be possible tomorrow and it is not entirely the Emperor of Europe!

Invincible with you doesn't think so. If there is such a big disturbance tomorrow, his potion must be stronger and the probability is lower!

"The last two bottles!"

Shen Chen looked at the only medicine left in his hand, and was a little nervous. If he really failed, then the biggest reward of the wetland, prepared at a huge cost, would be all in vain!

But he didn't flinch at all, and drank another bottle against the scorching sun at noon.

For a moment, a young dragon chicks chant sounded through the entire camp, and Dilit, who heard the dragon chant, raised his head in surprise, "It turned out to be? It succeeded!"

Through Shen Chen's continuous learning of the direction of alchemy, Dilit can roughly guess what Shen Chen is preparing to do.

He is not only a little curious, but unlike the more conservative druids, he also wants to explore the mystery of the druid transformation; this is also the key to his generous and careful teaching of Shen Chen!

At this time, since this human named Tomorrow has already succeeded, he only needs to record the questions that Shen Chen asked him before, and he will almost be able to figure out the path of Dragon Druid!

"Fandral, one day, I will also succeed Archdruid! You wait!" Dillit shouted silently.

Shen Chen did not have time to suppress his excitement and excitement. He was trying his best to control the pair of dragon wings on his back!

Otherwise, you can become the first one because you can't control the flying posture, causing you to fall to death, and then board the game forum!

Fortunately, it is probably due to the laws of the world. Dragon Wings are like hands and can be manipulated freely. Shen Chen quickly adjusted his head-down state, and then cautiously landed on the hill again.

"The feeling of having both feet on the ground is much more practical!" If other players know that Shen Chen's first thought after landing, they must be so jealous that they want to rush to kill him~~

The dragon's wings were slightly closed, and the tips of the wings gently picked the weeds on Shen Chen's side and looked around; the weeds on the hills were burned by the flames just now, but it was only a few minutes of effort. I can see a touch of green buds growing tenaciously.

"I feel that even though it's only silver, I can compete with intermediate platinum opponents!" Shen Chen clenched his fists, feeling the light that has become completely different in his body, as well as the completely different power filled with it. .

In the original power of order, more were emotionless, judgment and purification of evil and chaos; but at this time, the Holy Light seemed to bring a vitality; it was like being pure power to sweep away the corruption. Earth, the original world can quickly recover!

"You have completed [Bloodline Mutation]! Your Demon Hunter's body has a brand new power, and the Demon Hunter's profession has changed!"

"Calculating... a new faction of Demon Hunters is born!"

The mutant humans who were once just hunting monsters, under the guidance of their mentor tomorrow, have a new future and infinite potential.

Still following the true meaning of the demon hunter: "Don't yearn for wealth and fame, status and rights! Just want a sharp blade in your hand to kill all evil!"

The Bloodline Demon Hunter is born!

We seek power, but not for our own desires; we seek the blood of the strong, only to make ourselves stronger, to better drive away darkness, and defend order and light!

The mutation of the bloodline gave us the ability to be almost a warlock. Any enemy who sees our amber dragon should tremble and run away!

Still the old saying:

"What's the price! I have nothing!"

"Your blood!"

Professional mentor: "You have become the professional mentor of the Bloodline Demon Hunter. Because you have completed/created a brand new professional branch in the complete cultural fragment, you have gained (1/2) legendary status! (When you Complete this achievement again and you will get 1 point of legend!

The incomplete legend will increase your attribute value by 5 extra points!

Note: Due to the bloodline mutation, your race has changed from human to [human/dragon].

You have an extra 174 years of life due to the mutation of your blood!

Note: Since the world of gods and demons is a complete cultural fragment, the power of the game world can be completely accepted by reality, and you have become a [longevity species]! Your life form and magic power increase speed will all change accordingly!

Your demon hunter bloodline has been improved!

Thanks to the real dragon pupil, your senses are stronger and your perception growth is increased by an additional 0.1!

Your body and shape have been completely changed. Your physical growth has increased by 01, your strength growth has increased by 02, and your intellectual growth has increased by 01!

You have obtained the [Dragon Bloodline]!

The red dragon life essence from Krasus flows in every corner of your body, so you have the vitality and vitality far beyond ordinary people!

You gain 15 fire damage resistance, and the damage of ordinary dragon's breath is reduced by 30!

The health value transformed from constitution has been increased from 20 to 22! The magic resistance, armor and toughness gained from attributes are increased by an additional 10%! Healing obtained or caused by any method has an additional 20% increase in healing effect!

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