Chapter 1

“The President of Flame said: Give him another ten years, and he is confident that Flame will become the world’s number one gaming platform!”

“Death Train, which has been developed by Jasper Games for five years, will be available on all major game platforms on July 9, so stay tuned!”

“After 13 years, the sales of the entire series of “Lost” has exceeded 2 billion, shocking the world. This is the first game in history to sell more than 2 billion!”

“The second season of “Single Fighter” has begun. The number of global users has exceeded one billion, and the number of simultaneous online users in the world has exceeded 40 million! It is truly the world’s first online game!”


Just after two hours, Fang Zheng sat in front of the computer and couldn’t speak for a long time.

As he watched and thought, Fang Zheng suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

He slept for a while, and finally woke up and crossed the road. Who is there to make sense? !

But fortunately, I was lonely in my previous life. Apart from work, my biggest hobby is playing games.

Life is unremarkable, and if you follow the normal routine, you may live a life in such a mediocre life.

Passing through now is nothing more than experiencing life in another instance.

As for why he pays attention to game news, on the one hand, he was a hardcore player in his previous life, and his biggest hobby is playing various games.

On the other hand, it is also because of my own Gold Finger.

When crossing, Fang Zheng had a Gold Finger, a ‘Super Game Development System’, in his mind.

As the name suggests, this Gold Finger is to help him develop the game.

It took Fang Zheng an hour to get a preliminary understanding of this system.

To put it simply, this system can help him develop games, whether it is a PC game, a console game, or a mobile game.

Of course, all this requires reputation points.

The prestige value can be said to be the universal currency of the system.

The function of the system is to help him improve various abilities, including art, plot, music and so on.

His main job is to make the game and promote it.

Fang Zheng got up from his chair and looked around his room.

A simple rental house, the room is relatively simple, except for the sleeping place, it is the desktop computer in front of it is more valuable.

Fang Zheng lay on the bed, sorting out the memories of this parallel world.

This world is 90% similar to the world he knows, but his favorite game industry is very different!

There are quite a few games in this world, but in Fang Zheng’s opinion, the design concept of the game is extremely backward.

There are no works of the big fire in the previous life, no “League of Legends”, no “Watching Ass”, no “Wolf”, etc., etc., some of the very popular games he has played, none of them!

But the game industry in this world is extremely regulated. For example, there is a special official game regulatory agency to manage the entire industry.

And the game has not been treated as a scourge like the previous life, so the player community is much larger than in the previous life.

Even some adults will play games as a decompression pleasure outside of work.

The vigorous development of the game industry has created the enthusiasm of the game designer industry. A successful game designer is very popular.

Games, in this world, are regarded as an art by people, and even called the ninth art, so a good game is very popular among players.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng got up from the bed and sat in front of the computer again.

Watching news about the gaming industry on the computer.

“Flame, you must be the steam platform, don’t think I won’t know you if you change your name.”

As before, games in this world need to be published on major platforms.

In addition to the large global platform like Flame, there are also some regional platforms.

The platform will charge a certain fee, especially the Flame platform, which treats the game equally, as long as their platform is listed, they will be drawn 30% of the profit.

It’s like stealing money!

But there is no way, who has the ability to grab money~

The game platform can be said to be the only distribution channel for games, so there are many large and small game platforms in the world, and the competition is fierce.

Major game platforms have fierce competition for game designers. After all, if you cooperate with game designers, more games will be released on their platforms, and the competitive strength of the platforms will naturally become stronger.

However, this does not mean that the game platform has no right to speak. On the contrary, the right to speak of the game platform is quite heavy, similar to the designer himself.

It’s just that one is developing games and the other is publishing games. The division of labor is different.

And under the control of the Game Supervision Committee, no game platform and designer dare to mess around. Everyone does things according to the rules.

“The big game platform is good and the user base is large, but likewise, there are a lot of games released above, and the debut of a novice designer will not be noticed, and it is not easy to make an appearance.”

Fang Zheng glanced at the game platforms in Xia Country, frowning slightly.

The big game platform is rich in resources, but in the same way, there is no shortage of game releases, so it is difficult for him to be a newcomer who has just entered the business.

But those small game platforms are different. Although there are not as many users of small platforms as large platforms, because of this, small platforms are very concerned about any game.

After thinking about it, Fang Zheng chose a game called ‘Fantasy Game Platform’ as his first game publishing platform.

On the Internet, Phantom World has become a concentration camp for newcomers, which means that most of their platform games are written by newcomers, and it is difficult to produce high-quality games.

This is the best for Fang Zheng. Since your game is not good, it is much easier for him to break out of many games.

However, before that, Fang Zheng needs to make his first game.

Thinking about it, Fang Zheng opened the computer game production software.

After getting acquainted with the operation, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“It’s you FlappyBird! Flying bird!”

PS: Guiqiu the big guys for a lot of support, please! ! ! ! .

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