Chapter 308

what! ! !

In just one step, Little Sister Dai heard the screams of the fugitive she controlled.

The character squatted on the ground and touched his calf, unable to move.

“Damn! So miserable?”

Dai Xiaomei was frightened by the character’s screams, she didn’t even consider who was so miserable.

“666, the old woman is awesome!”

“Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to walk towards the mountains. I would like to call you the first person to die.”

“Old woman, do you know that you are so skinny in your family?”

“You don’t put people’s butchers in your eyes.”

Although the water friends stepped on the clip is suggested by the water friends, this does not prevent the water friends from teasing the girl.

Upon seeing this, the little girl DAI rolled her eyes.

Just as she was about to say something, a murderous figure suddenly walked in the distance.

Who else can he be if he isn’t the butcher clip? !

“Damn! Help!”

The little girl screamed and pressed the keyboard blindly, but because of stepping on the clip, the character couldn’t move a minute.

Little Sister Dai could only watch Brother Clip approaching her step by step, her eyes getting more and more desperate.

Puff 827 puff!

Brother Grip approached the little sister, and without a word, he hit the immobile little sister with a stab.

He wiped the blood-stained butcher knife on his wrist, then grabbed the little girl lying on the ground and walked to the sacrifice hook on the side.

You’ve been following me, don’t you know there is a clip here?

If you know that there is a clip, you still step on it, you just look down on my clip brother!

In this case, can the butcher’s violent temper be tolerable?

Naturally can’t bear it!

Brother Grip carried the characters controlled by Dai Xiaomei to the sacrifice hook, and hung up Dai Xiaomei with a flick of his hand.

what! ! !

The hook passed through the character’s chest, and a large part of it leaked out.

The blood-stained hook looked particularly hideous, and it made people feel sore at a glance.

“My god, it hurts so much~”

“It’s cruel! It’s bloody! But it’s so cool!”

“This is the consequence of death~”

“Passing through the chest, with such a thick hook, you get goose bumps when you look at it.”

Seeing this scene of sacrifice, the water friends felt shuddering.

This character is already very good without being fainted by the pain.

Everyone usually feels scared when they get a shot. The thick hook in front of them passes directly through the chest and hangs the person. Just thinking about it makes the back chill.

Oh~! Huh~! Oh~!

Dai Xiaomei struggled on the hook, trying to break free from the hook.

But wanting to break free from the hook on your own is just a pipe dream!

Everything that Dai Xiaomei did was in vain, and she could only pray that her teammates would come and save herself.

However, the little sister of Dao soon became desperate, because Brother Clip seemed to be irritated by her active stepping on the clip, and actually stayed here and did not leave.

Even if someone dangling in front of him not far away, Brother Qiao stopped chasing him.

Just guard the little girl, not going anywhere.

“This person is crazy, how can anyone play games like this?!”

“The generators are almost finished repaired, don’t you want to interfere?”

“Keep me one, run three, the evil spirits will get angry if they know it!”

“Why would the evil spirits find you such a stupid butcher to collect souls~”

Seeing the butcher’s movements, Dai Xiaomei became anxious and frustrated.

I completely forgot why this butcher would rather let three go and guard her one.

Knowing that there is a clip, you still have to step on it, which in the eyes of the butcher is a naked provocation.

Faced with such naked ridicule, even a normal person can’t bear it. If you don’t guard who you guard?

“Hahaha, I’m so ridiculous, they won’t leave!”

“The old woman is dumbfounded~”

“Let you hide, let you ridicule others, now you will be retributed!”

“Butcher: I heard that you look down on me?” (bgad)

“Niubi, this butcher is also an iron-headed baby. It doesn’t matter if the game wins or loses, the old woman must die.”

The water friends in the live broadcast room laughed crazy when they saw the scene of the dead girl being guarded by the corpse.

This wave of Dai Xiaomei’s operation can be said to be full of ridicule, and the angry clip brother does not care about other people, and stares at Dai Xiaomei in front of the hook.

He even chopped off the corpse twice from time to time, as if to vent his anger.

Because of the butcher’s actions, the other three survivors had to sacrifice the little sister “reluctantly” and successfully repaired three motors.

With the sound of a sirens, the door of the survivors appeared on the map.

That’s the case, the butcher still stayed here with the little sister, and didn’t see the slightest movement.

Looking at this posture, it means that I am determined to stay here, even if I lose this game, it doesn’t matter.

Upon seeing this, the little girl was even more desperate, but the butcher was here to guard, who else would dare to rescue her~

Sure enough, the other three fugitives saw this scene and ran towards the gate unkindly.

“Hey, hey, did you just leave?”

“Don’t leave me alone, come back and think of a solution!”

“To live and die with adversity, did you just abandon me like this?”

Little Sister Dai saw her teammates abandoning herself to survive on her own, anxiously yelling in the live broadcast room, and the water friends watching were overwhelmed.

“Give up, old woman, your teammates may have already laughed.”

“Easily win the next game, I am also happy to change for me.”

“At the expense of you, thousands of families will be happy.”

“The evil spirit is angry, only one special? It’s not enough to stuff your teeth!”

At the end of the game, the survivors finally escaped, and the action of running freely is full of the feeling of aftermath.

But Little Sister Dalai couldn’t be happy, because she was the worst one.

After entering the game, he repaired a generator, and then stepped on the clamp at the instigation of the water friends.


Then there was no more. She kept hanging on the hook until the end of the game. There was no sense of participation in the whole process, and the game experience was extremely poor.

The biggest contribution of a whole game is probably to attract the attention of the butcher and help others buy time.

At the end of the game, messages from other players came from the chat box.

“We will remember you, you are a good person.”

“I was close to you at the time because I wanted you to attract a butcher, so I could treat you, but you ran away. I thought you were a selfish person, but I misunderstood you. I apologize to you. You are a good selfless teammate. ”

“Step on my clip in person? The game can be lost, but you must die!”

Seeing the news from other players, the water friends in the live room laughed madly, but the little girl was eager to cry without tears.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of “Ziyun Lingtian☆”, thank you guys! ! !

Guiqiu the big guys for a lot of support, please! ! ! ! .

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