"I accept your allegiance and grant you freedom, Quigo," Ian put the sword on NPC Quigo's shoulder, "At the same time, I grant you the power to choose people from among my slaves to form your own cassar, your warriors. They will fight under my banner and wash away the shame of being the vanquished with the blood of their enemies.”

"I won't let you down." Quigo stood up and walked towards the centaur slaves standing aside.

"Quigog Khal!" A sharp-eyed young centaur took the lead in raising his arms and shouting.

Immediately afterwards, all the centaurs excitedly shouted Quigo's name.

"Ian Darry!" At this time, Quigo shouted Ian's name, "Purifier!"

The horse crowd responded, and they began to chant Ian's name again. The sound became louder and louder, until Ian stretched out his hand to make a stop gesture, and the boiling beach gradually calmed down.

"Now, is there anyone else who wishes to purify themselves of the curse?" Ian asked loudly, "Drink the purified water, and you will gain the power to ride horses again!"


"I think!"

The centaur slaves scrambled to squeeze towards the manger filled with purifying water, but were quickly dissuaded by rows of spears from the Unsullied.

"I understand your eagerness to avenge your shame, but unfortunately this purified water is only enough for 300 people to drink." Ian said regretfully.

"You can give us more." A centaur slave representative in the front row said quickly.

"Yes, I can, but purifying the poisonous water will consume my strength. You have not proven yourself to me, so why should I help you?" Ian shook his head.

"We are like Khal Quigol, and we will fight for you!"

"My enemies are very powerful. They are huge in number and wear clothes made of iron. I don't think you have the capital to fight them."

"Only cowards wear clothes made of iron!" the centaur warrior immediately retorted.

"Yes, only cowards do that! Everyone knows it!" Other centaurs agreed.

It is a Dothraki custom to despise the behavior of wearing armor. Ian believes that they have formed this understanding for two main reasons.

The first is because the Dothraki had no craftsmen and could not produce armor. The original Dothraki were frightened when they saw enemies wearing heavy armor, so Kaa at that time declared that the enemies were cowards in order to boost morale. No matter how strong the defense is, such a person without courage will be vulnerable to the brave roaring warrior.

The second is because Kaa's strategy of boosting morale worked. They really defeated the enemies wearing "iron clothes" with their courage and cavalry superiority. And because the military technology level of the entire Essos remained in the classical era, the Dothraki were always invincible in a series of battles between novices, which continuously strengthened their belief that "iron clothes" 'Useless cognition, in the end I was completely deceived by myself.

Now, this knowledge has become Ian's biggest obstacle in using them to form a cavalry team.

The greatest advantage of the Dothraki is their proficiency with bows and horses and their fearlessness of death, while their shortcomings are their lack of tactics, disregard for discipline, and rejection of armor. If they cannot overcome the latter, then they will be destined to be unable to meet Ian's requirements for cavalry.

The first point of lack of tactics is relatively easy to solve. Although the Dothraki usually fight with pigs, their history shows that they do not reject the use of tactics.

Such a story was once told in the official atlas of A Song of Ice and Fire.

After the Dothraki hero Khal Mengo unified the Dothraki for the first time, they launched an invasion against King Sanor in the Sarn River Basin. The Dothraki gathered 80,000 roaring warriors, each led by four Kaa commanded, while Mazo Alisi, the last supreme king of the Sanor people, assembled 6,000 scythe chariots, 10,000 heavy cavalry, 10,000 light cavalry and 100,000 infantry outside the capital city of Shanas. The army fought a decisive battle with the Dothraki.

At the beginning of the battle, the Sarnori's scythe chariots advanced directly towards the Dothraki's central army, crushing it with overwhelming force. During the melee, they also killed the Dothraki's Khal who was commanding the central army. Subsequently, many The Slark began to flee, and the Sanorian army took advantage of the victory to pursue them.

But when the Salor people loosened their formation due to pursuit, the defeated Dothraki suddenly turned their horses and fired a shower of arrows at them. At the same time, their two wings were suddenly attacked by two other Kals. Suddenly hit by this blow, the Salor army immediately began to collapse, and then frantically withdrew towards Shanas City behind them.

But at this time, they discovered that the last Dothraki Kals had circled back to their rear, cutting off their retreat back to Shanas. In the end, the Salor army was wiped out, and 100,000 people died on the battlefield. This battle Historically known as the "Battle of Crow Plains".

This is a typical "lure and ambush tactic" of the Mongols. This strategy is very sophisticated. As long as they are willing to spend money and are not afraid that the enemy will not be fooled, the Mongols can say that they have used it with great success.

This also shows that the Dothraki can fight some very beautiful battles when they encounter a smart enough Khal.

But this is also the only place where they can touch the Mongols.

The two remaining shortcomings of the Dothraki, their disregard for discipline and their rejection of armor, doomed them to be pure scum compared to the Mongols.

Without extremely high discipline, it would be impossible for them to learn the tactics used by the Mongols such as crow soldiers scattering stars, cavalry encirclement, arrow cavalry coordination, lava and other tactics. Even the ambush tactics used by Mengo Kao in history are not suitable for Mongols. It’s also quite a challenge for today’s horse people.

The Dothraki's rejection of armor was at the opposite end of the spectrum from the Mongols. The Mongols learned wherever they went. The heavy armor and gunpowder from the Central Plains and the weighted slings from Arabia were the most advanced weapons in the world at that time. Advanced technologies were learned by the Mongols and used in war.

And just how the Dothraki persuaded them to put on armor gave Ian a headache for a long time.

Generally speaking, the best way to get a nation to accept a weapon of war that repels them is to beat them with it and let them know that they can't do it without it.

For example, the stirrup that changed the history of cavalry. After the stirrup invented by China drove away the Turks in the north, the Turks took the stirrup to the west and beat the Serbs and Sasanian Persians for hundreds of years. In the end, these people who initially thought that the stirrup was not enough The 'noble' cavalrymen who were "toys for poor horsemen" used stirrups honestly.

Another example is the "strange and obscene skills" that knocked on the door of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. I won't go into details about this. I will shed tears when I say it.

But it is a pity that Ian neither has the means to build an armored army to beat the Dothraki, nor does he have the time to beat the Dothraki for decades, forcing them to take the initiative to "really fragrant".

So in the end, Ian chose this method of picking a master.

"Here are three hundred sets of breastplates," Ian directly ignored the rebuttals of the centaur slaves that "only cowards wear iron clothes." "Now, whoever puts on one set first will receive a share of the purification power. water, and gain access to Khal'Sa of Qu'gog."

"They will become my first batch of guard cavalry, each of them can be equipped with three horses," Ian said, "and the others will be sent back to farm."

When Ian finished his last words, a group of centaurs began to rush toward the armors.

What kind of coward is not a coward? Is it better than being a serf?

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