"Trap! This is definitely a trap!" Shaloyan Thorne's black onyx eyes burst out with angry flames, "Give me my order and leave the battlefield quickly!"

"What about the injured ship?" asked the first mate.

"Spread out and run away, as many as you can!" Shaluoyan gritted his teeth, rationally telling him that this was the best choice.

"Give me the order. If you really can't escape, you must destroy the ships and crossbows. We can't let the Braavos get our equipment!"

"Dragon God is above, bless the believers!" Shaluoyang prayed with his palms clasped and ordered the flag bearer to play the final flag, "May we all meet again on Dragonstone Island!"

"Your Majesty, the fleet of Braavos has sailed past the Crab Claw Peninsula. According to Count Celtigar's letter, it was a huge fleet composed of more than 500 warships. When passing Crab Island, they dispatched a fleet of 100 warships. The squadron of warships surrounded Crab Island!"

"Our murex farms and coastal factories were devastated, Count Celtigar's castle was besieged, and the Braavos launched more than three attacks in one day. Fortunately, they were all repelled... ..." reported Long Yihui, chief intelligence officer and leader of internal security.

"So, they can arrive at Dragonstone in one day at most?!" Layla raised her eyebrows, "What's the current situation of our fleet?"

"Your Majesty, of the ten squadrons sent out, only three have returned to Dragonstone safely. The rest reported back through ravens. They encountered the Braavos people's pursuit and interception on the way. Some fleets suffered heavy losses and need help. I am afraid I will not be able to participate in the battle...According to naval intelligence analysis, the dispersion and harassment tactics implemented by our army this time have been seen through by the Braavos people..."

When Long Yi said this, he couldn't help but pause for a moment and looked up at the Queen and Prince Jaehaerys. After all, it was Jaehaerys who originally proposed the dispersion and harassment tactic. After arguments from the Admiralty Department, Her Majesty the Queen personally made the decision.

Although in more than half a month, each squadron achieved good results, sinking more than 120 Braavos merchant ships and warships, capturing the same number of merchant ships, and more than 10,000 Braavos sailors, The converted cargo is about 200,000 to 250,000 gold dragons. In addition, the ransom from merchant ships, ship owners, and sailors is also a large potential income, if they can survive until the war.

"Now even if we count all the old warships, fishing companies, merchant ships of trading companies, and the Navy Ministry has forcibly recruited all fishing boats, we only have 145 ships that can sail out of the harbor..." Navy Commander Sangra Earl Si sighed.

"What about our allies and the princes from the royal family who have written letters saying they want to swear allegiance to us?" Queen Leila asked.

"They...I sent people to contact us, but most of them were unwilling to receive our envoys at all. Some lords quietly met us outside the godswood, but said that they lacked ships and were unable to help us fight against the Braavos people..."

"Only the Earl of Darry City, the Countess of Harrenhal Hean, the Countess of Stokeworth, and the Earl of Tunston are willing to send troops to help, but their troops are really limited..."

"Forget it, it's good that they have this intention. Now they are still relying on others, suppressed by the Iron Throne, and the lord does not appreciate it. Their life is very tight!" Leila waved her hand, "Their few people will affect the situation of the war. Very little!”

"Mother, please allow me and Hela to fight together!" Jaehaerys asked for a fight.

"Of course you have to fight!" Layla glanced at him, "At this critical moment of life and death, as the only dragon knight of the Targaryen family, you have the ability to change the situation of the war!"

Later, Layla finalized tomorrow's battle plan with all the important ministers. After everyone else left, Queen Layla took Jaehaerys' hand. She looked up at the latter and said half-heartedly: "My son is extraordinary in martial arts. Invincible in the world, but I have always been uneasy in my heart. The Braavos people know that we have dragons, but they still dare to send troops to attack. I am afraid they have some trump cards...

You have to promise me that you must protect yourself! In my eyes, your life is more important than the entire Dragonstone Island plus Forterland, Pentos and Andas!

If you encounter danger, in the name of your queen and mother, I order you to leave everything behind! "

Jaehaerys was moved for a moment. Layla really didn't say anything to him, but after all, she was just a mortal, and her eyesight was short-sighted. This time, she had already fully understood the trump card of the Braavos people!

Taoist priests cannot tell their own fortunes, but there is no problem with Taoist supernatural powers who know the time and stars and can tell the fate of others, including of course the people of Braavos.

In the early morning of the next day, before the sun had risen from the east, all the ships on Dragonstone had already raised their sails. After sailing north for only half a day, they saw the huge "purple" fleet approaching.

Sir Tritimon was sitting on the tall four-hundred-oared warship, the Three-Headed Dragon, which was transformed from the very large warship that was captured from Cape Wrath, the King Robert's Hammer.

It was once the flagship of the royal fleet on Dragonstone. It has been in service for more than fourteen years. The wooden hull on the bottom of the ship has been replaced many times due to the gnawing of shipworms. The last major repair was three years ago, using asphalt. Coating the hull below the waterline creates a protective layer that slows the rate of erosion.

As the Royal Fleet's ships were refitted, this ship and many similar warships were used as naval training ships for the training of new recruits.

The situation was critical. Old Sir Tretimont dragged his sick body and resolutely went to the battlefield with these old antiques. Jaehaerys remembered that at the battle meeting yesterday, the old man said in a hoarse voice: "I have spent my whole life on the ship. Even if I die, I should die on the ship. How can I die in bed like a waste?"

If you only know how to die for your country on the battlefield, why do you need to return wrapped in horsehide? There is no need to prepare coffins and cemeteries for us. If we die in battle, the ships under our feet are our wooden coffins, and the ocean is our final resting place.

Jaehaerys drove Hela and hovered in the sky, with the sun on his back, so that the Braavosi below could not see his position at all.

With his superb eyesight and commanding perspective, Jaehaerys could see the situation below clearly. Due to the dense crossbows on the Braavos warships, he did not intend to let Hela dive down and spit dragon flames in this battle, otherwise she would be easily killed. After all, the thickness of Hela's scales could make her immune to longbows, but this large crossbow was still quite dangerous.

And he himself had to stand aside and watch to deal with the Braavos's back-up.

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