"My lord, do you think King's Landing can be defended this time?" Jaehaerys asked rhetorically without answering.

"Of course..." Rosate hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

Jaehaerys rolled his eyes secretly, would his conscience really not hurt if he lied to the child with this? If he was really confident of keeping King's Landing, why would the Mad King let the Alchemist Guild plant wildfires all over King's Landing?

Are you just planning to drag the whole city to death? He is simply worse than a beast!

Was it my father who gave the order? Um, saints talk about their deeds but not their hearts. Isn’t this yet put into practice?

It's not that Jaehaerys didn't know how to distinguish between right and wrong after traveling through time, and he helped his relatives and not others. He came to Rossater firstly to obtain wildfire-making technology, and secondly to stop Aerys II's plan to burn the city. .

There are several advantages to doing this. First, it ensures the advancement of one's own combat readiness. If Stannis had wildfires back then, it would be unclear whether King's Landing could hold out until Tywin and the princes of the Reach came to rescue him during the Battle of the Blackwater.

The second is to save the image of the Targaryen family in the hearts of the world, especially the nobles. The main reason why Mother Dragon was betrayed by Tyrion and Jon Snow in the plot was because of their selfishness, but everyone is afraid of Mother Dragon. Inheriting the crazy gene from the Mad King's bloodline is also part of the reason.

The third is not to increase the reputation of Jaime and the Lannister family. Originally, as a regicide, Jaime would inevitably wear black clothes even if he was not executed. However, he was pardoned by Robert and continued to be his Kingsguard. Isn't the important reason that he killed the fire warlocks and saved the entire King's Landing?

"My lord, I believe that King's Landing will definitely fall!" Jaehaerys said resolutely, his tone as firm as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

"You should know that some of us Targaryens can foresee the future in their sleep. The most famous one is..." Jaehaerys thanked this for a magical world!

"Dreamwalker-Denith Targaryen!" the old man shouted!

"Yes! It was she who foresaw the doomsday catastrophe of Valyria Free Fortress, which prompted my ancestors to bring dragons to Dragonstone! And I also have the ability to foresee the future!" Jaehaerys said, although he He hasn't really had a dragon dream, but that doesn't stop him from using tiger skin as a banner.

What's more important is that the old man opposite him firmly believes in magic!

"Your Highness, can you tell me what you dreamed about?" Rosat would not accept his casual remarks. He had to provide substantial evidence before speaking.

"I dreamed that the golden wave flooded the entire King's Landing... I dreamed that my father said that King's Landing would be charred with blackened bones and roasted flesh and blood... I dreamed that he fell in a pool of blood, and a golden sword cut his throat..." Don't make it too obvious. Most of the prophecies are obscure and difficult to understand. There is no sense of mystery and it is easy for people to question them.

"Then why didn't you tell His Majesty? He is your father!" Rosat was shocked by his dream. As long as he had foreseen it, it could have been avoided, right?

"Sir, my father is suspicious. Even if I say it, he may not believe it. Instead, he may blame me and punish me for it... I don't dare," Jaehaerys said in the pitiful voice of a 7-year-old boy.

How could a child who was afraid of his father tell the truth to the former? Rossart expressed his understanding. If he had such a father, he would most likely not dare to reveal his true feelings.

Thinking of this, he had already given up his doubts, "Your Highness, I can teach you how to create wildfire, but you must swear to the gods not to reveal anything, even to the closest people, such as parents, brothers, wives and children. !”

"Okay, I swear in the name of the gods in the sky that I will never leak it, otherwise wildfire will burn my body and my soul will not rest in peace!" Jaehaerys swore a poisonous oath in accordance with Rosat's request. He had no intention of leaking it anyway. Go out, after all, Wildfire is just a transitional product for him to ensure the development of his wretchedness. When he improves his cultivation, he can go anywhere in the world!

Don’t ask why, asking is a sign of confidence!

Rossart saw that it was getting late, so he asked Jaehaerys to find him early the next morning. After saying this, he slowly walked out of the Red Keep. With the help of the attendants outside the door, he got on the carriage and descended from Aegon's Hill.

Early the next morning, Jaehaerys rarely did his morning duties. Before dawn, he quietly set out from the north gate of the Red Keep with two guards and walked straight along the avenue to the Alchemist Guild on the Street of Silent Sisters.

When we arrived, the alchemist's guild hall was a large building made of cold black stone, with burning green flames carved on the door. It was used as a place to store dangerous wildfires. It was heavily guarded, and the defensive golden robes saw it. People, subconsciously block them, and let them go immediately after seeing the person clearly.

"Don't make any noise..." Jaehaerys put on his hood and whispered as he passed by the golden robe. Then he walked into the dim hall and saw Rosat and two other pyromancers waiting in the hall.

"Your Highness, this kind of substance... requires mysterious magic to be produced. Oh! Please forgive me for forgetting to introduce you to these two wise men, Gogosi and Belis..."

"Two adults, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Jaehaerys saluted. Gaogosi was a middle-aged man with black curly hair, and Belis looked older than Rossat, and his trembling appearance made One doubts that a gust of wind can knock him down

Rossat then invited Jaehaerys to follow him to the Wildfire Workshop.

Because the workshop is deep underground, it must pass through a dark and deep downward passage. The stone walls are damp and the surroundings are cold.

Jehaerys has already established his foundation, so his resistance to cold and heat is stronger than that of ordinary people, so he didn't feel cold, but he kept going down, which made him feel like he was going deep into a tomb.

"My lord, how many people in the guild can make... this kind of material now?" Jaehaerys asked casually.

"Not many, only three of us wise men can make it skillfully, and some assistants are also learning with us, but their attainments in spells need to be improved... This spell is very subtle and cumbersome, but it is indispensable..." Rosat was helpless about this. The magic between heaven and earth seemed to have disappeared, resulting in the decline of fire magicians.

"Is that so!" Jaehaerys thought, of course he knew why magic disappeared, maybe it didn't disappear, but it just became less noticeable.

If when the dragon was alive, magic was fireflies at night, which were easy to capture, then now these fireflies have become bats in the dark night, some people can sense them, but can no longer catch them.

After walking down for about 5 minutes, he saw stone houses underground. Faint lights leaked from the cracks in the doors, like white sand under the dreamy moonlight.

Rosat entered his room. When he came out, he held a scroll in his hand. "Your Highness, this is a scroll on the production technology. You should study it here... I will make this material later, and you can watch from the side..."

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