On the way back to the Red Castle, there was no danger. Only some people who were as thin as dead wood stopped begging. After being scolded by the guards, they realized that the people they stopped were not good people, so they all dispersed.

During the war, due to the shortage of food and warm clothes, the prices in King's Landing soared. Ordinary people could not even eat moldy bread mixed with tree bark and grain husk. Flea Bottom still had "brown soup" supply, but the supply was decreasing day by day, and the supply time was greatly shortened.

With a population of 500,000, King's Landing is the most densely populated city in the entire Westeros continent. Of course, this 500,000 population also includes farmers, fishermen, etc. in the surrounding villages and towns. The actual population living in King's Landing is far less than that.

Thanks to the fact that people in this era are generally not well educated, only the gods know the specific population in the city.

Even if King's Landing has a population of 200,000, with the current backward agricultural production capacity, it is a big burden to support such a large number in peacetime, let alone during war.

Once the war breaks out, the chaos in King's Landing is foreseeable and inevitable, but it seems that the ministers have never worried about this, and they are confused, as if they can be regarded as non-existent as long as they can't see it.

But those neglected and forgotten populations also need food. They can't rely on tree roots and mice to survive the long siege. Once they are hungry, they will no longer care about any beliefs, ethics, and laws, and will attack small merchants and wealthy merchants unscrupulously, and then kill wealthy merchants, small nobles and lords, and then attack the Red Castle.

They will eat everything they can eat on the way like marching ants.

Jaehaerys has never experienced the feeling of hunger in his two lives, but his parents have described the scenes of their hunger when they were young, and have also seen the scenes in film and television dramas, "Many people who meet in the daytime are ghosts, and ghosts at dusk are suspicious of people" "Hibiscus texture is fragrant when cooked, and people compete to taste wontons made of milk"

In TV series, there are few descriptions of the lives of ordinary people, but more of grand narratives and power struggles between nobles.

But there is more to real life than that. The common people cannot come to the fore, but if someone can really mobilize and seduce them, they will become a force that subverts all rule.

For example, during the "Dance of the Dragons", the people of King's Landing rushed into the dragon's lair and killed four dragons. Another example is that during the War of the Five Kings, the King's Landing riot killed the Archbishop and two Kingsguards.

So Jaehaerys went out this time, low-key but also dangerous. If he was noticed by someone with ulterior motives, the consequences would be disastrous.

Back in the room of the Red Castle, he immediately closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, and carefully took out a small jar from under his cloak.

Inside was a mixture of green amphibole and fish oil. The fish oil had melted a little after leaving the damp and cold environment underground. Through the pottery jar, Jaehaerys seemed to feel the heat gathering.

He did not dare to delay and immediately put the idea in his mind into practice.

When he was in the basement of the guild hall, he had a vague feeling that the substance of wildfire was endowed with fluidity and sustainability by fish oil, with a low ignition point by green amphibole, and with violent burning by fire spirit power. The magic array combined the three elements, like a frame to frame the three elements.

None of the four elements can be missing, but their stability cannot be guaranteed.

In this case, can the violent fire spirit power be turned into a neutral and peaceful aura of one's own? Or can the magic array be improved to make the frame more solid?

Thinking of this, he secretly took away some raw materials and prepared to come to his room for experiments. The fireplace was large, and the firewood inside had gone out. Moreover, he did not steal much material, so to a certain extent, even if it was burned, it would not last long.

The magic array can be improved, but this will take a lot of time, or his cultivation will be further improved, and he will have a deeper understanding of the original power of this world.

So for the time being, let's try to replace the fire spirit power with his own aura and see the effect!

He quickly cleared the ash, revealing the dark stone slab under the fireplace. He used a knife as a pen and carved out a magic circle in one go. Then he placed the pottery jar on it and mobilized his own spiritual energy to inject it into the pottery jar.

Soon, the mixture of fish oil and minerals became clear under the effect of spiritual energy and magic circle.

It's done! Jaehaerys was delighted. He used his spiritual sense to explore the inside of his pot of wildfire.

If it was the wildfire made by the fire wizards, he would not dare to do this. To put it bluntly, spiritual sense is a kind of spiritual energy, which then turns into Yang Shen.

Traditional wildfire is extremely unstable. Who knows if the spiritual sense will explode immediately after entering? He is just building a foundation, not invulnerable to water and fire!

But his pot of wildfire is different. It has its own spiritual energy and will not reject the power of his spiritual sense.

Under the influence of the divine consciousness, the inside of the wildfire is clearly visible. Its own spiritual power connects the other three elements, allowing them to form a relatively stable form with itself as the center. To put it in an analogy, a buffer layer is formed between the other three elements. Only when the buffer layer is broken or the spiritual power suddenly loses its peaceful state will it burst instantly.

And now the color of this jar of wildfire has also changed a little. From an intuitive point of view, it is not so dark green. In the black pottery jar, it presents a positive green color. Well, this color is very positive, and it looks like a spring bud. In this way, calling it "wildfire" is a bit cheap.

As the saying goes, after the rain, the sky is blue and the clouds are broken. If this color is used in the future, it will be called "Spring Thunder"!

Hehe, I am really a little genius in naming!

As for how powerful it is, it still needs to be tested.

He brought the pottery jar to the godswood of the Red Keep. The godswood is a place where people who inherit the traditions of their ancestors and believe in the old gods come to pray and worship. Since the Andals crossed the sea, they have also retained the custom of the godswood, but for the Andals who believe in the Seven Gods, the godswood is just a place for leisure, walking and reading.

There is a heart tree in each godswood. The heart trees of some castles are fish beams, which are huge pale trees with human facial features in the series. The heart tree of the Red Keep godswood is a big oak tree with smokeberry vines climbing on its branches, and a plant called dragon beard grass is everywhere under it.

Jaehaerys looked around. The godswood was silent. At this time, the servants were preparing food, and the ladies would gather in the small chapel of the Red Keep to pray to the gods. This place has been abandoned for a long time.

He took out the pottery jar and found a flat and empty place. There happened to be a big stone here. The part exposed on the ground was like the back of an old cow lying down. It was smooth and shiny, and the edges were almost patinated. It seemed that someone often lay on it to enjoy the cool...

"Hehe, look at my palm thunder!" Jaehaerys shouted, imagining that he became the thunder king in the game. He stretched out his hand and threw it. The ball lightning flew out from the palm of his hand and electrocuted the enemy into a fool.

However, the actual situation was a little bit off. The weight of the pottery jar was indeed a bit too heavy for him. In addition to the problem of technique, the position originally aimed at the "bull's head" was biased towards the "bull's buttocks".

"Bang" "Puff", and in an instant, a burst of green light rose from the thing, and the green light penetrated down along the stone wall.

From a distance, it looked like the stone cow had diarrhea, and it was green!

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