Three young voices echoed in this small church, blood for blood, eye for eye! Some hatred should not be forgotten and can only be passed down from generation to generation through blood. The hatred of ten generations can still be avenged!

At this moment, Queen Layla gave all legal descendants of Targaryen the same inheritance rights. It was not based on order, but based on ability and hatred, and responded with blood and fire to the enemy.

Even though Jaehaerys originally had no interest in the Iron Throne, the atmosphere was set in place and he took the oath as soon as his mind got hot. As a result, he felt that there was a layer of shackles coming down from somewhere, which was the restraint from his own blood and the way of heaven!

"I shouldn't have changed the plot. Now I'm in trouble!" Tiandao recognized his oath. If he violated it, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

Family members, who knows? ! I just want to practice Taoism and become an immortal in peace, but why am I forced to take revenge?

That's all, the sins you have done are not big enough to bear on your body!


At the same time, Junlin was in the city.

"Robert, I think Lord Tywin, Ser Jaime, and those who committed serious crimes such as Gregor and Ser Amory must be severely punished. They betrayed the oath and honor of knights, killed the king they swore to protect, raped women, and tortured and killed surrendered people. The soldiers, arson and looting, have committed a heinous crime. If they don't kill, the people will not be angry..." Eddard Stark stood under the throne room and said to the towering Robert Baratheon.

"Wolf boy, what crime do I, a Lannister, have in my actions? A Lannister must pay its debts. My brother died tragically, just to vent his anger by killing some surrendered soldiers!"

"Even if my nephew killed the Mad King, it was to save the lives of the people of this city and you!" Kevan Lannister glared at him with a linen bandage on his arm. He was killed by a man on the way to attack Maegor's Tower. A stone was swept away, so he had to wear the same bandage as his elder brother.

"Your Majesty Robert, I think the top priority is your coronation ceremony. Other matters can be decided after you become the king!" Tywin said in a calm tone as much as he could while suppressing the pain. Red and yellow pus oozed from the bandage on his left hand.

That day, he was sitting on a tall horse, surrounded by soldiers, but suddenly green light suddenly appeared on both sides of the road. In desperation, Tiget sacrificed himself to block most of the wildfire, and his left hand was also affected, and the liquid seeped into the cracks in the steel... …

Thinking about it to this day, he is still covered in cold sweat. He has been on the battlefield for more than twenty years and has never encountered such a crisis. He almost became the companion of the Mad King.

"As for my plundering, please His Majesty Robert punish Bolton, Amber, Glover, Fistlin, Severn, Horwood, Mandalay, Locke, Dustin and other northern territories. And many princes from the Three Rivers and the Stormlands, because their soldiers also participated in the robbery!" Tywin said on one knee.

"Haha! Lord Tywin said something serious!" Robert stepped down from the high iron throne, and the attendants around him quickly helped him.

He grabbed Tywin's intact right hand and said, "Sir! You are the pillar of the country. If the Mad King hadn't been under your care, his kingdom would have been taken away by the Black Fire. How could it be his turn..."

"How can I punish you now that the world is undecided? When I am crowned, I will pardon your son's crime of regicide, and he will still be the Kingsguard! How about that?"

"Ed is a stone-headed man who is full of honor and doesn't know how to adapt. So don't be angry with him. Ed, come here and apologize to Lord Tywin!"

"There is no need to apologize. Lord Eddard is also a sweetheart!" Tywin narrowed his eyes and said, "But Your Majesty, you are young and prosperous. You cannot live without the master of your harem for a day. You need to marry a queen of noble birth as soon as possible. Right now I have a daughter who is young, beautiful, knowledgeable and courteous, and is a perfect match for her!”

"This... let me think about it!" Robert cursed in his heart. He was indeed an old guy who was good at calculations. However, seeing that the old guy was very sensible and had submitted a letter of surrender and took the initiative to bear the infamy of regicide, he Decided not to pursue the case.

The kingdom needs balance and stability, and the Western Territory cannot be chaotic. If Lyanna really can't be found, then what's the harm in marrying a little lion as a decoration? There are no suitable candidates in the families of the other great lords.

All I can say is that what you don’t get is always in turmoil, what you get is white moonlight and becomes a grain of sticky rice on your clothes, and a cinnabar mole becomes a smear of mosquito blood on the wall.

Lyanna had long seen through Robert's dislike of the old and his romantic nature. Didn't Eddard know that? Of course he knew it, but he couldn't do anything, couldn't solve anything, he could only watch his sister fall into the fire pit.

But they never expected that a battle at Harrenhal would change the trend of the entire kingdom and make the situation slide towards the abyss.

Nowadays, all the industries in the River Land, Storm Land and the royal territory have withered, the people have been displaced, there is no rooster crow for thousands of miles, and the bones are exposed in the wild.

The originally prosperous and prosperous King's Landing City was now in ruins and ruins.

Robert may not be a good king, but he never wants to see his rule in such a mess. From the moment he raised his army, he was determined to seize the Iron Throne. He wanted to bring order to the chaos, and he wanted to prove that he was better than crazy. The king and thunder strengthen, he wants his name to be sung in the mouths of various bards, just like Azor Ahai and Aegon the Conqueror!

Now that the Iron Throne is under his butt, he can finally realize his ambition! However, who would have expected that the first sword swung upon entering the city would be directed at one of his own people!

There are more than a dozen asphalt and lime heads hanging on iron spears outside the Red Fort gate, including his own vassals!

"Lord Jon, how are the preparations for the coronation going?" Robert changed the subject. The old lion said something very right. The most urgent task now is his own coronation. The country cannot be without a king for a day!

Only when the High Bishop personally smears the seven kinds of holy oils and officially wears the king's crown, can the throne be legitimate. As for whether it is stable?

Robert said that the blood of Rhaegar on the Storm Hammer has not dried yet. Who dares to fight me?

According to the news from Varys, someone secretly calls himself "usurper". Who cares about a group of fleas and rats in the gutter? The Targaryen family was not the king of the seven kingdoms at the beginning!

"Reporting to your majesty, the coronation ceremony is already under intense preparation, but after the coronation ceremony you requested, a grand and magnificent tournament will be held... I still don't have the money!"

Arryn reported truthfully. After two years of fighting, whose barns and cellars are not empty? So there is really no money!

"It doesn't matter. We have seized millions of gold dragons from the Red Keep's treasury. In addition to rewarding meritorious officials, it is enough to hold hundreds of tournaments!" Robert waved his hand. He didn't feel bad about selling his father's land. Otherwise, what about the Mad King? The Targaryen family's hundreds of years of savings are here, and they don't even want to move away!

"Also, arrange for someone to throw these rotten bones into the basement. It's uncomfortable to look at!" Robert pointed to the giant dragon skulls around. Things that have been dead for hundreds of years are placed in the hall to scare people?

If the dragon bones were not still valuable, he would have thrown them into the moat as rubbish.

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