"Are you going to get mad again?!" Jaehaerys put his wooden sword against Viserys' throat, "Tell me, do you still want to go out and fool around?"

"No! Never again!" Viserys was discouraged. He couldn't beat him. He couldn't beat him at all!

This brother has been like a balloon in the past six months. He is half a head taller than him!

And he has basically not practiced swordsmanship properly in the past six months. He eats and sleeps all day long. He can't beat him in the first place, and now he can't beat him at all.

Why did Jaehaerys beat Viserys? The latter actually went to the seafood market in the village outside the castle with the guards last night!

The seafood market is not rare. There is a market where there is demand. With so many soldiers and their families not on the island, it is normal to have needs. If they don't vent for a long time, there will be big problems.

Jaehaerys is not the unkind Stannis Baratheon. He believes in letting nature take its course. However, the seafood market should be disinfected regularly, and seafood merchants should also have regular health checks to prevent infectious diseases.

Therefore, seafood markets of all sizes sprang up in just half a year, driving the rapid development of Dragonstone.

Look, the regular murex farming has not yet produced benefits, but a huge tax was collected from the seafood market. What he called a huge sum of money must be tens of thousands of gold dragons.

Some people may ask, isn't the monthly military salary only 1,000 gold dragons? After 6 months, it is only 6,000. How come the aquatic product tax alone is over 10,000?

My dears! This account can't be calculated like this!

For example, everyone knows that when a physical store is opened, the salary paid to the workers generally does not exceed 20% of the total expenditure. The larger the store, the lower the proportion of labor costs.

Instead, operations, advertising, and store rent account for the majority. This is easy to understand, right?

Similarly, Dragonstone is now like a super-large company. The biggest expenditure is not military pay, but the maintenance and upkeep of the fleet.

From oiling, repainting, removing hull attachments, and repairing, tens of thousands of gold dragons are spent every month. Otherwise, with the foundation of Dragonstone, it can only support half a year.

This is why when Erlu hired Salador Saan's fleet later, he had to pay him more than 20,000 gold dragons every month!

The latter's fleet only has more than 30 large and medium-sized ships. Note that they are not all warships.

Of course, it is impossible not to pay a premium for hiring, but it also shows how expensive naval maintenance is.

If the timing is not right now, Jaehaerys would have let the warships transfer to merchant ships. Pure combat fleets can't afford it, really can't afford it!

More than half of the warships of the Dragonstone Royal Fleet are old ships that have been built for decades. The maintenance costs invested in these years are enough to build the same number of new ships.

According to the depreciation rate, the residual value of these ships is approximately equal to 0, and they could have been classified as scrapped long ago, but now they are still working hard on the front line, and their professionalism touched Jaehaerys.

So he was very moved and asked someone to redesign the ship. This time, he wanted a ship that could fight and run, with invincible firepower in wartime, and a cargo capacity that was not inferior to merchant ships in peacetime, and could run very fast when fully loaded with cargo!

The old craftsmen in the Admiralty shouted, "You are thinking about peach!"

Yes, since the traditional important ministers of the Imperial Council are now only the Minister of Finance, the Minister of the Navy, and the Minister of Justice.

They can't even get together a mahjong table! How can this be tolerated?

So Jaehaerys directly suggested drastic reforms, establishing the Admiralty, the Army, the Justice, the Finance, the Foreign Affairs, the Interior, the Fisheries and other departments.

The most important of these are definitely the Finance and the Admiralty. For Earl Lucerys Velaryon and Earl Adrian Celtigar, the title is just changed from minister to minister, and the jurisdiction remains unchanged, so it doesn't matter whether they oppose it or not.

But in fact, it's not the case, of course, this is a bit far-fetched.

Now Jaehaerys is educating the naughty child on his mother's orders! If someone hadn't reported it quickly, Viserys might have tasted the taste of the sea himself.

As for who this person is, of course it is the Internal Guard!

The official name of the Internal Guard is the Internal Affairs Department's Security Guard. On the surface, it is the same as the Royal Guards of Dragonstone, but in fact it is an intelligence department. Since the funds have been in place recently, it will soon officially begin to perform its duties.

Queen Rhaella asked them to obey Prince Jaehaerys completely. It's not that she is too partial to the latter, but other members of the royal family are not up to the task!

Viserys is lazy and has no scheming, while Rhaenys is tenacious, but she is too young. A five-year-old child is hard to convince.

Jaehaerys was different. He created spring thunder at the age of 7, and single-handedly led Rhaenys out of King's Landing. Later, even Ser Darry admitted that he was already a master swordsman, and he shined in the subsequent financial crisis...

Even Rhaegar at the same age could not have achieved such an achievement...

This made Queen Rhaella look forward to him even more. The forest witch who came to the court with Jeyne from Stone City told King Jaehaerys II that the prince in the prophecy would be born from the offspring of Rhaegar and Aerys.

So Jaehaerys II knew that their brother and sister relationship was dull, but he still arranged for them to get married.

At first, she thought the prince in the prophecy would be Rhaegar, but Rhaegar died in the battle. Now she saw Jaehaerys's performance and was more and more sure that the prince in the prophecy was the latter!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Jaehaerys suddenly changed from a loser to a wise prince who is proficient in state affairs, military and martial arts...

He is not the loser in the novel!

After using the wooden sword to teach the naughty kid a lesson, Jaehaerys felt that his spiritual realm had improved a little bit. No wonder everyone in the world likes to be a teacher, and it is true!

It feels so good to stand on the moral high ground and criticize others!

"Okay, when I come back, I will teach you swordplay myself, otherwise how can you be my brother?"

"Ah?! How can you have such a horrible idea?!"


"I mean, how can you have such a friendly idea? I really love you!" Viserys wanted to cry but had no tears. Gods bless the White Walkers to catch this demon! I promise that I will never play in the Blue Moon Seafood Market again, is that not okay? !

"Oh, by the way, the Blue Moon you went to yesterday... was raided by my people. Many seafood merchants there haven't had a physical examination for two months. I'm afraid they will spread diseases... Well, that's it. If you have any symptoms such as itching or odor, remember to see the Grand Maester!" Jaehaerys said lightly.

"Ah?!" It would have been better if he didn't say it. As soon as Viserys said it, he felt itchy all over his body, especially there!

Seeing Jaehaerys go out, he hurried to the Maester's Tower under the Crow's Nest. If it was really that disease, he couldn't delay it!

"Master Tria, help!"

"Your Highness, Half Face sent a message that he collected a lot of gold this time and asked if we can eat it?" An internal guard who was responsible for collecting intelligence on foreign trade asked.

"How much?"

"The letter said 300,000 pounds, but according to our intelligence, the actual amount will not exceed 250,000 pounds!"

"Hiss, this guy is quite capable!"

"By the way, how did you find out?"

"Your Highness, this is what you taught us! You said the best way is pillow talk..."

"So we found someone who is powerful enough!"

"A talent! Go back to the Ministry of Finance and ask for an extra month's salary. At the same time, the future salary and attendance allowance of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs's Guards will be given by me!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

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