"Your Majesty, Lord Eddard has sent a letter! Please take a look..." Grand Maester Pycelle found Robert, who was drunk, in Maegor's Tower.

Since he ascended the throne, he has been either holding tournaments or going hunting in the Royal Forest or playing among the many flowers.

The first thing to recover in King's Landing was the seafood market. Due to the destruction of the army, many people were left homeless. Under the heavy snow, countless people died of starvation and freezing.

Although the Iron Throne and Prime Minister Lord Arryn had opened warehouses for disaster relief, the Royal Territory itself was also suffering from the disaster and was unable to supply King's Landing. Purchasing supplies from the lords of the Riverlands caused those lords and profiteers to temporarily raise prices. However, Robert waved his pen and the Royal Treasury had plenty of money. Buy, buy, buy! Start the shopping spree mode!

So with a large amount of supplies entering the city and the Royal Family continuing to provide disaster relief, the prices in King's Landing finally came down.

But there were still a large number of women who had to embark on the road of no return of selling seafood for their livelihood.

Our Majesty Robert had a full meal and wandered around the brothels all day, bringing warmth and seeds of love to the seafood merchants.

He really dug and dug in the small brothel, dug out a young girl who offered 998, and dug out a young woman with two children!

Although the Grand Secretary is also old, he can't help but admire Robert's hardworking bee, and young people are really healthy!

"Oh... what! Ed wrote a letter?" Robert was originally very strong, and after half a year of pampering, his body became more... burly, well, he got fat...

The big belly was as fat as a wine barrel on Qingting Island!

"What did Ed say in the letter?" Robert struggled to get up, his beard on his face was messy, and his whole body exuded the smell of wine and rouge. He rubbed his temples with his fat palms.

"Your Majesty, Lord Eddard said... He said that he found his sister Lyanna Stark in the Tower of Joy... Three Kingsguards, White Bull, Dawnblade and Sir Riveran, were ordered to kidnap her... But when Eddard found her, she was already dying..." The Grand Maester read the letter stutteringly.

He was afraid that Robert would kill him with a hammer in a rage, and his two green eyes looked around. Fortunately! Robert's hammer should be placed on the weapon rack...

Now, it is rumored that His Majesty Robert likes to use a hammer to hit people, just like the Mad King liked to burn people with wildfires before, but the Grand Maester knew that this was a rumor, and Robert was not so idle that he personally took the knife!

In order to appease the Lord Tywin, the Guardian of the West and the Duke of Casterly Rock, he appointed the latter's captain of the guards-Ser Ilyn Payne as the royal executioner, carrying a huge two-handed sword. This man was once ordered by the Mad King to have his tongue pulled out because of a complaint.

"What!" Robert was heartbroken! "Ah! My Lyanna!"

Tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of his eyes, damn it! How dare they! How dare they disobey my order!

Rhaegar must have wanted Lyanna to submit to him, but my lovely Lyanna refused, so they imprisoned her in the Tower of Joy, humiliating and abusing her every day. After such a long time, even if she had a strong body, she would definitely not be able to bear it!

It's all Rhaegar's fault! It's all Targaryen's fault! He looked towards the direction of Blackwater Bay with red eyes. He never forgot that there was a mother dragon and her little dragon cub living happily on the island!

"Write to Stannis for me!"

"Why hasn't the fleet been built for so long!"

"I want to see their heads! Immediately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Pycelle nodded and said goodbye hurriedly. He looked at Robert's red eyes and thick neck, and was terrified, fearing that if he answered too late, Robert's casserole-sized fist would fall on his head.

So he immediately took out parchment and a quill, and under great pressure, he wrote a stern letter in one go.

After showing it to King Robert, Robert said that the threat was not strong enough. If Stannis did not see what he wanted within a month, he would not be able to inherit the title of Duke of Storm's End!

Pycelle quickly added this sentence, used King Robert's seal on the spot, and then released a raven.

At the same time, he sent this message to Casterly Rock through a raven.

"Lord Tywin, now that Lyanna is dead, your treasure can be presented to our King!" Pycelle stroked his long beard, and the regret in his heart was finally smoothed out.

He originally thought that when the Lannister army entered the city, Duke Tywin would sit on the Iron Throne himself, but unfortunately Eddard and the Northern soldiers also entered the city one after another, and Eddard and many knights saw Jaime killing the "Mad King".

Alas, although Duke Tywin said that his ambition was not on the Iron Throne, he could still clearly feel the Duke's disappointment!

As Duke Tywin's number one fan, how could he bear to see his idol disappointed?

He definitely couldn't, so when there was any disturbance in the court, Pycelle would promptly report it, and since he was in charge of the Crow's Nest, he was faster than Tywin's spies in King's Landing!

This time, I will definitely send Tywin's daughter to the throne of queen!


Recently, the alchemist and his assistant worked overtime, and cans of semi-finished products were sent to the magic circle, turned into cans of spring thunder, and then packed and boxed by the workers and sent to the ship.

So everyone knew that the war was about to start, and the captains were invited by Jaehaerys to rest in the Stone Drum Tower and the surrounding towers, and were treated to delicious food and drinks.

So rumors spread, and some people vowed that they would definitely attack King's Landing, and Her Majesty the Queen could no longer tolerate the usurper's usurpation of the Iron Throne;

Some people said that this was a routine operation. Didn't you see that they brought these pottery jars with them when they went to work on the Stepstones several times before?

Anyway, the main point is that there are many different opinions, and after listening to the report of the inner guards, Jaehaerys did not mean to explain at all.

Anyway, ordinary soldiers just have to follow orders, and he didn't believe that among so many residents and soldiers on Dragonstone, there were no little spiders and little birds of Varys?

So instead of explaining, he arranged for the inner guards to set up a maze in the various abalone shops, saying that they would attack Gulltown and the disputed land at another time, to find a way out for the Targaryen family.

It's not that no one has speculated that they will attack Stormlands, but mixed in with many false news, they were all regarded as rumors!

Seeing that the departure was approaching, he sent people to escort the captains to the ship. With the sound of horns, about 60 warships left the dock and headed for Cape Wrath.

The remaining 40 ships on Dragonstone harassed the surrounding areas of Blackwater Bay to confuse them!

Of course, it was difficult to keep the secret after the army set out, so Jaehaerys asked the fleet to move at full speed, trying to catch Stannis off guard before he got accurate information!

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