Jehaerys successfully got the dragon eggs, and at the same time achieved the goal of deterring the Dothraki and Pentos people, which can be said to be killing three birds with one stone.

He took Hela back to Dragonstone first, and it was really cool to have a private flying "chicken"!

With a breeze, he arrived at the destination.

The three dragon eggs were handed over to Queen Leila, and he didn't want to wait for them to hatch slowly like chicks.

He didn't care about the dragon eggs anymore. It is likely that the three descendants of the dragon king, one dragon egg each, have been the tradition of the Targaryen family for many years, that is, the inheritance was broken after the dragon disappeared for a hundred years.

Hela is now huge in size and has special skills. In addition to the cooperation with the interests of the lords of the continent for so many years, it can be said that Dragonstone is already in a very special position in politics.

In terms of military, it is wishful thinking to want to sweep across the entire Westeros continent with a dragon.

The times are different now. It is not the era of Aegon the Conqueror 300 years ago.

An integrated Westeros continent, a united seven kingdoms, with more than 200,000 soldiers and horses! The number of ships is even more numerous.

Riding on Hela can indeed defeat the army of any great lord, but how to deal with enemies coming from all directions?

Nuclear bombs are always the most deterrent when they are not launched!

Therefore, Jaehaerys must suppress his ambitions and use the contradictions between the princes to divide and dismember them, rather than use his own external force to squeeze them together again.

After 12 years of "working hard to govern", the continent has stabilized significantly, and Robert has also caught up with the good time. A long summer directly brought peace and prosperity to the country and the people, allowing him to sit firmly on the Iron Throne!

Direct military confrontation is no longer advisable. If Jaehaerys's idea is followed, it would be wisest to directly announce the renunciation of the right to inherit the Iron Throne and completely stay out of it.

But it is obvious that the nominal claim to the Iron Throne cannot be lost! After losing it, what reason do I have to intervene in the disputes on the continent? How can he fish in troubled waters...

Fortunately, the plot has been moving very fast. After the Chinese New Year, it will be 297AC, which is when the original plot began. In this life, he had let the inner guards reveal some information in advance and gave it to King Robert at the time. Presumably, his death is coming soon!

Now he just needs to wait for the poisonous vines he planted to slowly spread until they wrap around everyone's necks and then pierce their stings...

The purpose of Jaehaerys coming out of seclusion is not only to cause trouble, but also to repay his debts. When he fled from King's Landing, some people had helped him. Now that he has the ability, he naturally has to give back.

Then the first one should be the Wall and the North!

According to the intelligence of the inner guards, a considerable number of people in the Red Castle chose to wear black clothes at that time, so he had to go to the Black Castle after all.

And he also had to go to Winterfell in the North. According to the original plot, Jon Snow was the illegitimate son or the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. It was obviously not convincing to rely on a book that Samwell Tarly and Gilly had read.

Moreover, the inheritance law of the Targaryen family has been quietly changed and re-determined by Queen Rhaella in the form of oath and queen's decree. The decree was re-determined in the royal charter after her coronation. No one except herself and the prime minister knew about it.

So whether it is Aegon who is lost or Jon Snow, the rights and status of illegitimate children and legitimate children are equal.

Even if both of them are legitimate legitimate children, the first heir of Queen Rhaella in people's cognition has quietly become Viserys.

The legendary Jon Snow, one of the few protagonists who survived to the end, how could Jaehaerys not visit him before he went to the Wall?

He asked people to prepare the weapons and equipment, food, dried fish and canned food, wool and other materials donated to the Wall to be loaded on ships and sent directly to Eastwatch.

Arrange the horse management personnel on the Andes Plain. These personnel had actually been recruited during his retreat. The first batch of bred horses and trained knights had exceeded 1,000 people. They had undergone long-term training in Dragonstone, Tidehead Island and Crab Claw Peninsula.

There were also 3,000 reserve cavalry waiting for the horses to be in place. Over the past ten years, Dragonstone has built thousands of armored horse armor and heavy armor, just waiting for their owners to wear them to conquer the world.

With the queen's order, the fleet loaded with food, weapons, wood and stone immediately set off for the Andes Plain. At this moment, it has been renamed Fortelland, meaning a rich place. The governor is appointed as the chief officer, and the term of office is tentatively set for three years.

He himself rode Hela again and headed straight for the North.

Winterfell in the North.

Lord Bronze Yohn of Runestone City in the Vale happened to send his youngest son, Waymar Royce, to Winterfell, where he would follow Benjen Stark, the chief ranger of Castle Black, to the Wall. For this purpose, Lord Yohn brought many supplies.

He received a warm hospitality from the Duke of the North in Winterfell. Just as Ned was toasting the king, a dragon roar came from afar.

"Dragon! The dragon is coming! Be alert!" The screams of the soldiers came from the tower!

Lord Ned and his children climbed up the tower, and saw a golden dragon hovering in the sky.

"Lord Eddard, is this how you treat guests?" A silver-haired boy on the dragon's back shouted loudly.

"Northerners treat friends with good wine and enemies with swords and guns. I wonder if His Royal Highness the Prince of Dragonstone is a friend or an enemy this time?" Ned responded to the figure.

"Of course we are friends!" Jaehaerys smiled heartily. He let Hela stop on a burned and abandoned tower, and then slid down the dragon's wings to the city wall.

"Can you ask the Duke's men to put away the crossbows? Although my little dragon is not afraid of these toothpicks, it hates others pointing them at it!"

Ned calmed down and waved his hand to let the soldiers put down the crossbows, but did not let them leave.

"Okay, let me introduce myself. I am the son of the legitimate queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Jaehaerys Targaryen... As expected, Lord Ned, this is the first time we meet!"

"Your Highness, you have come from afar, I wonder what you are doing?" Ned asked. Even though it was the long summer in the south, it was still cold in the north.

Ned had heard that Dragonstone had been doing business with some lords in the kingdom in recent years, but he couldn't think of what was worth a prince coming from afar and risking his life to come here in Winterfell. Was it not for that matter?

"Lord Eddard, why don't you ask me to get some food first? The cold air in the north is freezing me!" Jaehaerys said with a smile.

Ned thought and nodded, and invited him into the hall. Guests are guests, and some things cannot be avoided.

"Are these Lord Ned's children?" Jaehaerys looked at the six little ones. The tall one with red hair should be Robb, the one with brown hair should be Jon, and there are the three fools, Arya, Bran and Rickon. The young man in the distance who always has a mocking smile on his face should be Theon Greyjoy.

Sure enough, when Ned introduced them, it matched what he thought.

"I wonder who this lord and young master are?" Jaehaerys saw the other guests.

"This is Lord Jon Royce of Runestone City and his son Ser Waymar Royce." Ned could only introduce them.

"So it's the famous Bronze Jon, I've heard of him for a long time." Jaehaerys smiled with a reserved and polite smile. This man is just a minor role.

But his son, if I'm right, is the unlucky guy who died at the hands of the White Walkers at the beginning, right?

Really interesting!

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