At this moment, the smell of blood permeated the entire battlefield, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere as far as the eyes could see, and the hideous corpses piled up like mountains.

As the sun sets in the west, the golden rays of light drape over the sea that is quietly churning with waves. The tranquil sea and the tragic battlefield form a sharp contrast.

At this moment, more than half of the troops invested by both sides have been lost. There is no tactics, no strategy, only the courage to meet on a narrow road, and only the final confrontation between the commanders of the two sides is left. Whoever can persevere will have the last laugh.


The commander-in-chief of the second prince, Aemon Targaryen, rode on horseback, and the warhorse under his crotch stepped restlessly on the horse's hooves, as if he had foreseen the next battle in person.

The personal soldiers around Bessie were also all wearing armor, and the auxiliary soldiers led the warhorses. sufficient preparation.

On the other hand, Oberyn took his spear from his personal soldiers.

The spear is the coat of arms of the Martell family, so the people of the Martell family in all dynasties are good at using weapons such as spears and spears, and Oberon is naturally not surprised.

When he was young, he used to be the leading warrior among the Seven Kingdoms. He was good at using weapons such as spears and poisons. Although he was not as good as the new dawn sword, Edric Dayne, he was also a terrifying "red" in those days. Viper".

However, since he got older, although Oberon still has the habit of practicing spearmanship, and has taught his juniors including Helos, he rarely goes into battle in person.

But at this moment, Oberyn clenched the spear in his hand, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on his golden armor, and the "sun pattern" on Loy's chest shone brightly.

He looked at the battlefield in the distance, and in a trance, he seemed to have returned to his youthful appearance, high-spirited and angry, but when he came back to his senses, he was already an old man in his sixties.

"I haven't had a real shot for many years"

"Looks like it's going to be embarrassing in nine out of ten."

cluck cluck

Then Oberyn took a jug, raised his head and poured the cool, hot wine down his throat.


Oberyn drank the wine from the jug and threw the jug directly to the ground.

The jug twitched on the ground, and the rest of the wine was spilled on the ground, reflecting the crystal light. It seemed that he didn't care anymore.

And Oberyn's affairs officer Kane did not know when his eyes were flushed with tears, because he knew that the old prince of Dorne had already planned to die.

"let's go!"

Oberyn wiped the drink from his mouth and beard, clenched the spear in his hand, and slammed his legs into the horse's stomach. The warhorse under his crotch instantly understood the master's intention.

ta ta ta

Oberyn took the lead, with the sound of hoofs, and rushed out first.

"Rush rush!"

Most of the guards who followed Oberyn came from his hometown of Dorne. These personal guards were all dead soldiers of the Martell family, and they were even more loyal to Oberyn.

They saw Oberyn rushing out first, and naturally without the slightest hesitation, they pulled out the long swords around their waists, and then urged the horses to follow.


In an instant, the horses' hooves rumbled on the ground, and the dust lifted by hundreds of war horses ran like a long dragon, heading straight from the high **** in the distance to the battlefield below. official.

On the other hand, Bessie, the commander-in-chief of the coalition in Aemon Targaryen's army, was already ready.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. They put on their armor and blindfolded the horses to prevent them from being afraid during the charge. At the same time, they splashed cold water on the horses to help them cool down and release heat in the next battle.

And they saw from a distance the long dragon set off by hundreds of galloping horses, heading straight to their side.


"Get on the horse!"

The commander of the coalition forces was naturally unafraid, and the voice decisively ordered.


All the guards of the commander of the coalition forces were all full of energy, then turned over and climbed onto the horse's back, grabbing the reins.


Under Bessie's order, hundreds of personal guards all pulled out the long swords around their waists.

clang clang

In an instant, the cold light flashed with murderous intent, and then Qi Qi urged the horses to face the enemies from afar, without any fear.

Because the personal guards that Bessie carried all followed him for many years, and the first army of the empire from Pantos was all elite soldiers.

"Rush rush!"


The rumble of horses' hooves also stirred up the dust, and hundreds of knights in bright silver armor and dark cloaks, holding swords high, slaughtered their enemies.

The two knights rushed over at high speed from two directions, and slammed into each other almost in just a moment.


Then came the sound of a huge crash mixed with the painful neighing of the warhorses, and the sound of the soldiers colliding with their swords and piercing their flesh.

Because the knights under Oberyn were not blindfolded, the horses had been trained, but they were still flesh-and-blood animals, and they were afraid of the foreseeable danger, so they slowed down and tried to avoid it. hit.

One of Oberyn's bodyguards, he is an insignificant collateral child of the Dorntoran family, for the benefit of the family and what he can So he was sent to Prince Oberyn beside .

The young guards practiced martial arts diligently, learned the old prince's leading and commanding methods, and hoped that one day he would be able to stand out.

However, now, after the two knights collided violently, there was a huge crashing sound and the painful neighing of the warhorses. Daemon Tolan's brain went blank for a moment, and then the screams of killing sounded in his ears.

The young guard tightly held the spear in his hand. He tried hard to calm down on the chaotic and **** battlefield, but the uncontrollable fear spread wildly, and his hands and feet were a little numb.

This time 1** Chapter Si. "Go to hell!"

An imperial knight in silver armor rushed towards him on a war horse. He only heard the roar of the other party, but could not see the expression covered by the mask, but he thought that the other party's expression must be very hideous.

Then at the moment when the two horses staggered, the long spear in his hand stabbed out and penetrated the opponent's chest.


The corpse of the enemy fell off his horse, and Daemon Tolan from Dorne was hit hard and fell off his horse.


Make a big tyrant. He fell and crawled, his brain suffered a heavy blow, stunned and heavy, and he directly took a bite of the **** soil on the ground, and even the corpse of a warhorse was smeared with blood plasma.

"I don't want to die"

Daemon Tolan's heart was completely occupied with fear.

However, before he could get up from the ground, a warhorse passed by him, the silver armored knight above him raised his sword, and his head fell to the ground.

It was not until he died that he realized that the martial arts he had cultivated could not be used on the battlefield at all.

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