Today Pantos's defenders are roughly divided into several components.

Part of it was the former Pantos garrison soldier who had heard that all the governors had been burned to death and had surrendered on their knees.

And the other part is the mercenary who used to be the wind blowing group.

The personal combat effectiveness of the mercenaries in the Fengchuan Group is not bad, but the discipline is still very poor.

Even after Jon's training, the time is still not enough to get rid of the bad habits.

The former garrison soldiers were generally in the same situation.

In addition, because of the approaching war, Pantos temporarily hired many mercenaries and wandering knights.

Together, the combat power of these people is truly an ‘excellent’, bringing together the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix youngsters from all sides.

If you really took these people out of the city wall and rushed out to chase the Dothraki people... then I'm afraid it would really be meat buns and dogs, there will be no return.

"Your Majesty, we only need to defend the city wall to stop the Dothraki."

"There is no need to go out and take this risk."

Jon Clinton hurriedly dissuaded him, dispelling Veserys's bold idea.

Although the dragon's deterrent power is very strong, the main body of the war is the army and soldiers. The dragon is only a heavyweight that affects the outcome of the war.

Regarding this point, Jon had persuaded Viselis from the first time he saw him, that as a king, he should rely on his people and his soldiers.

Aegon did not only rely on the dragon to conquer Westeros. He was afraid that Viselis would become famous at a young age and then over-expanded, relying too much on the dragon to solve the problem.

In the end, he became a man like his father, the Mad King, who was overly obsessed with power and tried to maintain his rule by creating fear.

But fortunately for Jon, Veselis doesn't seem to be such a tyrant right now.

If all of Pantos's soldiers were dead, it would be impossible to defend such a huge city-state with Viserys and a dragon, and in the end it would just take the dragon and abandon the city and fled.

And Veselis smiled when Jon stopped him, and shook his head slightly.

He also knew in his heart that the soldiers of Pantos were not Unsullied, nor were they the elite Andals warriors he once led.

It is impossible for such a collapsed soldier to fight the Dothraki. Losing the protection of the city wall is a disaster for these people.

"Well, I got it."

Veserys nodded slightly.

Then he glanced at the Dothraki who had camped in the distance, and it seemed that the Dothraki were not going to attack the city today.

And he also lost the interest in continuing to watch.

Then the young king turned and walked down the wall.


Eighty thousand more Slarks divided their troops on the Great Plains, among which the main force was three Kao leading 50,000 roaring warriors to attack Pantos.

On the other side are more than thirty thousand Slarks led by Dzekokao and Molokao.

They wanted to break through the Castle of Valor, and then marched north toward Andaloth.

These Dothrakis who divided their forces to attack the Valiant Castle encountered their enemies earlier than the main force.

The first fight was on the banks of the Lorne.

A group of scattered cavalry of the First Legion and the Dothraki encountered a fierce battle. In the end, both sides lost a part of their soldiers and then retreated.

And received news of Dothraki's army advancing.

The commander-in-chief of the legion, Bessie Joyce, also ordered the shrinking of the defense line. Ten thousand Andal fighters returned to the camp and boarded the city wall and the walled city, preparing to defend the Dothraki attack.

Valor Castle is still a semi-finished castle today, and most of the soldiers are stationed in semi-permanent camps.

As a result, they were almost in a field battle with the Dothraki people, and they were under tremendous pressure. Bessie retreated cautiously to show the enemy's weakness.

Fortunately, the First Army consisted of the first elite Andal fighters who followed Visiris. They had defeated Trogokao's troops and were not afraid of the Dothraki.

Unlike the Pantos garrison, they are one of the few troops that can fight the Dothraki in the wild.

It's just that this time the number of Dothraki's army was much larger than them, and they were forced to switch to defense.

A man in a military uniform and a metal mask stepped onto the top of the city.

"Commander in chief."

"Commander in chief."

The Andal soldiers saw their commander-in-chief on the towering walls of the castle and hurriedly stepped aside, and greeted them.

But Bessie was still awkwardly walking with his hand on the railing.

He was wearing a bright armor and white battle robe, the morning sun shone on him, like the light of the seven gods, and the seven-pointed star on the forehead of the mask added a bit of sacred color.

He is the son of a warrior, and the gods gave him bravery and strength, and gave him the sacred duty of defeating the enemy.

"May... the soldier bless me and wait."

Because of physical discomfort, Bessie stood on the wall and was a little crooked, and then spoke in a hoarse and calm voice.

His dark eyes were bright, his breathing was well-balanced, and he looked at the endless Dothraki people under the castle and the refugees they had driven out without any tension.

"May the soldiers bless me waiting!"

The soldiers following Bessie Joyce had the Targaryen three-headed fire dragon coat of arms on their armor, and a small seven-pointed star on the chest.

They also roared in unison.

Obviously, the Andals on the Andas Plain have a fanatical belief in the Seven Gods.

This belief is also the motivation for them to resist the Dothraki attack stubbornly.


This is the land of the Andals in Dothraki.

Ride in the distance on the tallest war horse.

Dothrakima King Dzekokao drew out the Yarak's scimitar from his waist, and the tip of the blade pointed straight at the far-away Soul Citadel, making a roar.

"Kill them all!"

"Take down their stone houses! Take away their wealth! Rape their women!"

Behind the Valiant Castle is the rich and peaceful Andas Plain.

The seven sacred gods once descended on this land to crown the king of the Andals.


The endless Dothraki blew the horn of the siege, drove the captured refugees, and drove them down the castle.

"Commander in chief, what should we do?"

And on the head of the black castle.

Soldiers of the First Army saw this scene and felt some scalp tingling, and then turned to look at their commander.

The refugees who rushed over would hit the horse traps, trenches and wooden horses that they had arranged in and the eyes under Bessie's mask narrowed slightly and took a deep breath.

"Tell them to stop and hide under the city wall."

"What if they don't listen?"

The soldier asked.

But Bessie glanced at the soldier and did not speak.

He immediately refused the support of the guards, and walked towards the tower staggeringly.


Then time passed quickly.


The first day of siege was over.

The Dothraki threw down the corpses everywhere and retreated slowly like a tide.

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