The monthly regular meeting in the Throne Hall is over, and Veserys, accompanied by his attendant Gendry, is preparing to go out on horses to inspect the work of the port.

"my sweetheart."

At this moment, Arianne hugged their daughter Diana and walked hurriedly with her maid Sansa.


Viselis saw his wife, knew what she wanted to say, and then turned over from the horse and jumped off.

"Relax, your father, Prince Daolang, is not so short-witted."

"Prince Doran shouldn't be involved in this matter, and he won't be involved, but as Prince Dorn, he should explain this matter."

Veserys put his fingers through his wife's soft hair, then put his forehead against her, and said comfortingly.

"Is it true?"

And Arianne was slightly relieved when she heard Visiris's assurance. She also felt that her father was not that stupid and would raise troops to initiate a riot in this situation, but her inner worries were still unavoidable.


Veserys shook his head.

At this moment, the silver-haired baby girl in Arianne's arms seemed to wake up from sleep, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened a pair of beautiful lavender eyes, and the reflection came into her eyes. It is her father.


Then Diana spoke with a non-standard tone, milky voice, a lovely smile appeared on her face, and at the same time opened her arms to let her father hug her.


Regardless of how steely Visiris was outside, he couldn't help but soften when he saw his own daughter.

The silver-haired young man put down the dust all over his body, and then took his daughter from his wife's arms and hugged him in his arms.

Viselis’ daughter Diana is about to celebrate her second naming day this year. Last year, on the first naming day of the little princess Diana, King’s Landing held a grand competition where the winner can get 10,000 golden dragons, common people Both nobles and nobles can participate in the audition, and the final champion is won by Sir Jora Mormon of Bear Island.

This year, Diana is a little older, has learned to walk, can play a ball, can speak some simple vocabulary, answer the questions of mom and dad, and has a certain cognitive concept.

Therefore, this year Viselis decided to take her daughter to the imperial forest when her second naming day arrives, and choose a suitable young dragon as her growth partner.

This is what Veselis promised Arianne long ago that their daughter will get a dragon.

Seeing her husband holding their common daughter and constantly teasing Diana, Arianne's worries standing beside her couldn't help but disappear, with a smile on her face.

After a couple, Veserys got to know Arianne, and Arianne also knew his husband.

After all, the two are a combination of political marriage. Arianne also knows in her heart that Viselis does not like her that much, but she also knows better that Viselis will never leave her because of responsibility, honor, or bottom line. , And will stand in front of her at any time.

"very nice."

"The king and queen are so happy."

On the other side, the queen’s maid’s red-haired girl, Sansa Stark, has her hair crossed like a southern girl, wearing a light blue decent dress, her eyes secretly looking at the handsome king and the beautiful queen, her gaze There was a feeling of envy in the show.

She really likes the prosperous big city like King's Landing, and she likes the extravagant life in the palace even more. If she can live here for the rest of her life, she never wants to go back to the cold north.

In my hometown, I can’t wear beautiful skirts. I have to wear thick fur coats to keep me warm every day. Even if I don’t return to my house at night, I’ll be shivering with the cold.


Joffrey just walked past here with a broom in his arms. Since the incident that disturbed the princess not long ago, Veserys ordered his mother Cersei to be reprimanded for lax discipline.

At the same time as the punishment for Veserys, Joffrey of the province lived in a virgin house all day and did nothing. Except for his younger sister Messara, who was still young, there were no idlers in the court, Joffrey’s. The good days are over, and he needs to find something to do just like his mother.

So the blond-haired boy became a glorious court hygienist, holding brooms and dustpans to clean the inner and outer areas of the Red Fort every day. The core areas of the Red Fort, such as Mei Ge Tower, became the restricted area of ​​Joffrey. .

Joffrey just passed by with the broom in his arms, and saw the king and queen here, as if a mouse had seen a cat, his eyes evasively showed deep fear, and then he hurriedly wanted to leave.

And Sansa also saw Joffrey, but there was a trace of disgust in the girl's eyes.

She had heard of the scourges of this former prince. When Winterfell fell, Sansa followed her mother and more brothers and sisters to the south to King's Landing.

At that time, Sansa still thought Prince Joffrey was very handsome, especially Queen Cersei also proposed to her mother to be engaged to Joffrey, but her mother turned down because her father was not around and could not make a decision alone. .

Sansa still felt some regrets at the time, and even had a fight with her mother, but now it is really lucky to think about it. Thanks to her mother's foresight, she escaped.

Otherwise, now that the Baratheon dynasty has collapsed, and if you marry this kind of person, wouldn't it be hard for you to endure all your life?

And when Sansa looked at Joffrey, she didn't notice that the black-haired teenager who was leading the horse for the King on the other side was looking at her with admiring eyes.

Zhimu Shaoai.

Miss Sansa Stark of Winterfell is already pretty. Gendry and her brother Robb have a good relationship, and they serve as the king’s attendants together, so it’s natural for Gendry to like Sansa. .

However, Gendry has a shy personality and is not good at expressing it. He just hides this love in his heart.

A few days later, Jon Clinton, the hand of the king, personally took command. He ordered two thousand soldiers from the Second Army stationed in the Yulin, and set off for Dorne with the supplies used to counter the rebellion.

On the other side, the ships and sailors who are going to send troops to Nas Island are also ready, and here are also two thousand people.

Then, in the melodious horns of the Blackwater Bay port, the fleet began to pull anchors and set sail to a far distance, embarking on a journey of envoys to free trade city-states on behalf of the kingdom. It is still unknown how many difficulties and dangers will be experienced during this trip. It's just the first step.

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