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Chapter 78: City Defense Strategy

In this way, the Eight Gangs fell into Wei Bin's trap. Wei Bin deliberately set the gold coin compensation very high and the material compensation very low, which was to imply that they should choose material compensation. In fact, the value of these materials In the near future it will far exceed those gold coins.

After everyone left, Wei Bin lifted his combat readiness and quickly arranged for people to clean the battlefield. The equipment dropped during the siege will disappear 30 minutes after the siege ends.

"Guild Leader Wei, I am here to pay. In the past few days, I have brought 12 of our players to break the record. A total of 6 gold, Erhai Mission Guide 2 gold, I will give Leader Wei a total of 10 gold and supplies! Haha !" Old Man Tianji said with a smile.

After that, he successively traded 5,000 second-level Wanling Stones, 1,000 third-level Wanling Stones, and more than 300 gems to Wei Bin.

Wei Bin really envies these gangs with big businesses. They only need to spend federal coins to players to collect supplies. They have a lot of money, but Wei Bin is different. He can only rely on the points system and foresight to cheat. drink! ??

"Senior, do you have anything else to say?" Old Man Tianji was so generous and sensible that he did not continue to take the blame for him just now. Without even thinking about it, he must have come to ask for advice because he saw that he had defended the city!

"Guild Leader Wei, we have dealt with each other several times, and our attitude is very sincere. I believe you can see this! I actually have one more thing to ask for, and that is to ask Leader Wei for advice on building the city!" Regarding the construction of the city, everyone was in a state of confusion, but Nirvana City held on! If you have experience, you have the right to speak!

How do you say something? If you are successful, what you say is right, even if it is wrong, you are still right! But if you fail, then you are wrong, even if your approach is exactly the same as the former, then you are wrong! Of course, this is just a fallacy and is different from Wei Bin’s example.

Wei Bin thought about it for a long time. At this time, there were dozens of messages in his friends column. It didn't matter that they were all about defense strategies, because today's defense was too difficult. There were 40 waves of monsters in a row, and the Nirvana battle came to the end. Barely holding on, those bystanders naturally did not have the confidence to hold on, so they wanted to find him to explore the way.

What they don’t know is that only the legendary difficulty level only has 40 waves, and the easy level only needs ten waves to finish! But no one is willing to take this risk. Once the defense of the city fails, the city will not be able to be built within seven days, which will directly delay the development time by half a month compared to others!

At the beginning of defending the city, Wei Bin wanted to use this information blind spot to deceive the spectators who were watching the excitement. How? Of course I’m selling guides! I just want to use my blind spots to sell them strategies.


! The gang that bought the guide will definitely not reveal it, because they are eager for other gangs to also suffer losses, and this is how the price rises!

He must sell the strategy. The difference is whether to sell it to all the gangs who contact him, or to contract it to Tianji Pavilion, an intermediary whose business is buying and selling information! If they sold it to all the gangs, they would all think that they had tricked them, but at the same time, they did successfully build the city because they got the guide, and they were seven days ahead of those who didn't dare to build the city. You must know that people who don't have the guide will see how difficult it is to defend the city. They must not dare to build a city. This can barely offset the hatred!

Only after seven days, people find that the monster can only defend ten waves, his strategy will depreciate, which means that the strategy has seven days of timeliness.

If you sell it to Tianji Pavilion, the total income will definitely not be as much as if you sold it separately, but you can get a reliable ally who has information! After all, selling the city-building strategy to Tianji Pavilion is a huge favor!

After weighing the pros and cons, Wei Bin finally plans to sell to Tianji Pavilion. Firstly, they are professional after all, and they consider some things more thoughtfully than themselves. Secondly, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one in the hand. No matter how many gangs are sold, sooner or later they will still join forces. Opposing each other, instead of getting closer to so many gangs, it is better to have a deeper relationship with the Tianji Pavilion family!

"They all left today, but you stayed. I believe that the number of people who contacted you after you left was no less than the number of people who contacted me! Because your Tianji Pavilion is engaged in buying and selling information, if they can't get an answer from me, they will definitely go Looking for you! So I quote a price and if you agree, I will tell you the secret. If you don’t agree, I can only sell it to others. Dozens of people have already contacted me!" Wei Bin said.

Old Man Tianji admired this junior from the bottom of his heart more and more. Before he said anything, he had already told him everything. As well as the scene of blackmailing the Eighth Gang just now, he had completely noticed it. In his eyes, how does this look like a young man in his thirties? He is clearly a scheming wise man of seventy years of age! You must be careful when dealing with this person!

"Guang Leader Wei, please tell me, what I want is the buyout price, this Guild Leader Wei should know it!"

"That's natural. I have two versions here. The simple version is enough to defend the city and is worth 5,000 gold. The hardcover version can not only defend the city, but also allow the gang city to develop ten days faster than those gangs who buy the simple version, which is better than those without.

Luo's gang has grown rapidly in a month! Worth ten thousand gold! "The number of days leading is calculated by Wei Bin carefully and will not go wrong.

"What if I buy the guide and find out it's not worth the price? By then the contract has been signed, and it's too late to regret it!" Old Man Tianji was not deterred by this number. After all, he is an old man who has experienced ups and downs, and there are many ways to raise funds. ! What worries him is that the strategy isn't worth the price.

"I guarantee that the value of this guide is definitely higher than the price, but I can't prove it before signing the contract! But trust is mutual, and all you talk about is just a word of faith. You are an intelligence gang, and I won't Making a one-time deal will ruin your future financial prospects! Not to mention that it’s only 10,000 gold, and I, Wei Bin, don’t take it seriously!” Wei Bin said with great confidence.

"Okay! I believe you! I want ten thousand gold!" Old Man Tianji said cheerfully.

"Then sign the contract!" Wei Bin drafted the contract and handed it over. After both parties signed, Wei Bin began to write a strategy.

1. The city defense battle has four difficulties: easy, hard, hell, and legend. Each difficulty is the same as the difficulty corresponding to the city defense battle. The easy difficulty is the first ten waves of monsters in this city defense battle, the difficult difficulty is the first twenty waves, etc. Different difficulty has different rewards!

2. Mercenaries consume gang funds, not personal gold coins. Gang funds are accumulated by businessmen.

3. If you want to challenge high difficulty, mercenaries are the main force. If you want a large number of mercenaries, it is crucial to quickly accumulate gang funds within seven days after the city is built. Business running skills and how to obtain the first-level product purchase qualification of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce are attached.

Among them, the first two are the content of the simplified version, and the three plus attachments are the hardcover version of the guide.

Wei Bin was not worried at all that they could hold on to the legendary difficulty of siege. Today he hired so many mercenaries to barely hold on. This was all due to the geographical location of Nirvana City - Erhai Lake, which must be connected between the two cities for businessmen. It only works across a map. If the distance is too close, you won’t be able to make money because of the close prices. If the distance is too far, it will waste time and cost-effectiveness will be reduced. For maps like Erhai that are separated from the main city by a map, only Erhai has the lowest monster level. But it requires the title of earl. This title is definitely not something that players can achieve at this stage, and other maps that are separated from the main city have high levels of wild monsters, such as Yanbei. The monster level is level 40. When running business, it will be because of this. If you take a detour to avoid wild monsters, your efficiency will naturally decrease. If two gangs establish business lines between cities, they will not be able to enjoy the right to purchase first-class commodities through the back door of the main city, and the business income will be reduced.



Therefore, Wei Bin is not worried at all that there will be other gangs to defend the city in the legendary level difficulty.

After careful calculation, Wei Bin concluded that if Nirvana is not qualified to purchase Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce level 1 products, then Nirvana's gang fund income will be reduced by 20, and the corresponding mercenaries will be reduced by 20. Therefore, those gangs who bought the hardcover version of the guide can gain the experience of running a business in advance and the advantage of purchasing first-level products in the early stage, so that they have the capital to defend the hell level difficulty.

Those who bought the simplified version have fewer mercenaries and can only challenge the difficult level. This is 20,000 less gang funds and 7,500 technology points than the hell level. It takes more than ten days to accumulate these resources, not to mention the experience of running a business. It is permanent, and those who buy the simple version of the guide will have to slowly figure out how to sell it, so Wei Bin is well-founded in saying that the gangs that buy the hardcover version of the guide will be ten days ahead of the gangs that buy the simple version.

As for those who have not purchased the guide, they will either challenge the easy level, or delay building the city for a week. By then, they still dare not challenge the high difficulty level. To say that the difference is one month is already very conservative!

For those big gangs, they will know the importance of city location after buying the guide. If they are built in an area with high-level monsters, it will be difficult to run a business. For them, they can lay a good foundation by spending a little money, and they can be far ahead of others. God, this is what matters! One step at a time, one step at a time, Wei Bin is a living example. As long as he is ahead, he will make a lot of money!

Old Man Tianji also thought of this after reading the guide, and quickly agreed: "Guang Leader Wei is really the lucky star of nirvana, and the lucky star of my Tianji Pavilion! Please keep your promise, and our Tianji Pavilion will also gather within 3 days." Get all the supplies together!”

"I'm waiting for your good news!" Wei Bin said goodbye with a smile.

The contract Wei Bin gave to Old Man Tianji was to deliver the following materials worth 10,000 gold coins within three days: low-level gem synthesis talisman 1200, gem inlay talisman 200, gem carving talisman 50, gem removal talisman 50, wishing spring 250, moonstone Level 1 costs 900, and other materials include Level 2 Wanling Stone, horns, and other materials.

Wei Bin has raised the prices of various supplies much higher than before. They are all priced according to the current market price. The reason why Wei Bin is so honest and does not cheat the old man Tianji this time is because although the price is fair, there is no market for it. ! To gather such a huge amount of supplies, you must be a big gang with extensive connections. To assemble the entire Tianlong's supplies to satisfy him, it is impossible for ordinary gangs to do it, even if they have more money!

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