Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 229: Exploring the Secret Realm

The entrance to the secret realm exudes a faint light, and you can see a dense aura flowing out of it, making you feel comfortable all over.

The three of them looked at each other, but no one dared to go in.

"Is it really the entrance to the secret realm?" Yang Gui looked at Lin Mo with a confused look on his face.

"What are you afraid of? Everyone has been killed by us, so what else can we do?"

Cui Jie stiffened his neck and spoke, but anyone could see that he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

"Lin Mo, you have a strong mental power. Do you want to try...create a mental clone and go in first to take a look?"

At this moment, Yang Gui suddenly looked at Lin Mo and asked.

"Psychic clone?" Lin Mo was stunned. It was obvious that this was a spiritual martial skill, but Lin Mo had not mastered this martial skill at all!

Looking at Lin Mo's expression, Yang Gui sighed slightly in his heart, thought for a while and said: "I am also doing this for the cooperation between us... I have a kind of spiritual martial arts here. After learning it, you can use your strong mental power to separate... A clone.

It belongs to the third-grade earth-level martial arts, so I want you to exchange it for something of equal value! "

Lin Mo shook his head. He didn't have anything of equal value.

"If there are any good things inside, I can give you some of my own, how about that?" Lin Mo thought for a while and said.

Mental power clone is still a very attractive martial skill for Lin Mo.

If you can master this kind of martial arts, many things will be much easier!

"Yang Gui, why are you hesitating? The door is right in front of you. Aren't you willing to pay something?

Well, when we get inside, I’m willing to give you part of my own stuff! "Cui Jie couldn't help but speak.

Yang Gui's expression flickered for a moment, but he finally nodded.

He groped around for a while, took out a parchment scroll, and handed it to Lin Mo: "I hope you keep your word!"

After Lin Mo opened the parchment, he was immediately attracted by the contents.

"This martial arts seems to be incomplete!" Lin Mo frowned slightly after seeing the last part.

"It was incomplete when I got it, but I have deduced that this should be able to condense a spiritual clone!" Yang Gui said: "You can only remember the above content, but I want to get the parchment back! "

Lin Mo nodded. With his current mental strength, it is not difficult to remember the above content.

After a few minutes, Lin Mo memorized the contents of the parchment, even every detail on the parchment!

Because the parchment scroll was incomplete, Lin Mo wanted to see if there would be a chance to encounter the incomplete part in the future and be able to complete it.

"Give me an hour, and you will protect me during this time!" Lin Mo looked at them, ordered and then sat down cross-legged.

Yang Gui and Cui Jie looked at each other and stood on either side of Lin Mo.

Although they are in a competitive relationship, at least so far they still rely on Lin Mo, so nothing can happen to Lin Mo now.

Half an hour later, their eyes fell on Lin Mo, with shocked looks on their faces.

At this moment, Lin Mo's whole body was shrouded in the golden light of spiritual power, and a figure stood less than half a meter in front of him.

This figure is entirely constructed of mental power, and its specific face cannot be seen.

"Success?!" Cui Jie and Yang Gui showed solemn expressions on their faces.

It is generally very difficult to practice spiritual martial arts, but Lin Mo condensed a prototype in just half an hour?

"This kid's mental power is so terrifying. After merging his mental power with his physical body, he is now very strong!"

Yang Gui knew something about Lin Mo's strength because of the old man's relationship. Now he was even more shocked when he saw Lin Mo's talent!


Just as the two were talking in a low voice, a soft sound came, and Lin Mo's condensed spiritual clone shattered.

Just when the two of them felt sorry, another spiritual clone condensed in just one minute!

And compared with before, Lin Mo's mental clone is now more delicate and clean, and it looks almost exactly the same as Lin Mo!

"Too...too strong!" Cui Jie couldn't help but say, "Where did you find this kid? It's too scary!"

Yang Gui also nodded in sympathy.

"Let's start!" At this moment, Lin Mo had opened his eyes. After he stood up, he began to control the spiritual clone to move forward.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Mo directly sent his spiritual clone behind the door!

At this moment, Lin Mo's perspective switched to the mental clone.

There is no doubt that this place is a secret realm.

In the distance, a long staircase extends down from the mountain in the distance.

The mountain is so high that you can't see the top, but you can see the lush woods on the mountain.

Looking at the surroundings, Lin Mo was almost certain that this should be the ruins of a certain sect.

"Magic Gate!"

Sure enough, after Lin Mo climbed the mountain, a stone gate appeared in front of him with these three words on it.


At this moment, Lin Mo's mental clone suddenly exploded.

There seems to be a tyrannical force on the stone door that restricts the spiritual clones from entering!

Outside, Lin Mo opened his eyes slightly and looked at the two people standing next to him.

Looking at their expectant eyes, Lin Mo smiled slightly and said: "It is indeed a secret realm inside, and it seems to be a sect.

Gunslinger Gate!

But I had no chance to enter it, because there was a mysterious force at the stone gate that shattered my spiritual clone! "

Lin Mo told everything he had experienced.

"You definitely need to go in and take a look at the sect's ruins. Needless to say, there will definitely be martial arts and some resources left inside!

If we could take away all those resources..."

Thinking of this, Yang Gui and Cui Jie showed excitement on their faces.

Only Lin Mo's face showed worry, because when he entered the door, a burst of energy suddenly wiped out the mental clone.

Who knows whether that energy will directly wipe them out?

Cui Jie and Yang Gui looked at Lin Mo and said, "Brother Lin, since you have already gone in once, should you lead the way this time?"

Lin Mo smiled and nodded. Anyway, there was no danger in front of Shimen.

He stepped out directly and entered the secret realm.

Seeing Lin Mo walk in without any hesitation, Yang Gui and Cui Jie looked at each other and rushed in!

Originally, the two of them wouldn't be so anxious with their demeanor, but they have been here for more than ten years, and now hope is right in front of them, how can they stay calm?

What's more, there is actually a sect's relics hidden in the secret realm...

After the two people entered, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them. They could see the mountains in the distance, which really looked like a silver gun rushing directly to the sky!

Such a scene is indeed astonishing. Looking from a distance, it seems that there is an astonishing gun power emanating from it!

"What a powerful momentum. If someone told me that this mountain was transformed into a gun, I would believe it!" Cui Jie said, with a look of fascination on his face!

The three of them walked up the steps very quickly and arrived in front of the mountain gate in a few minutes.

Gunslinger Gate!

Looking at the three words in front of them, their hearts were burning.

"Go in!" Cui Jie looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but speak.

"I told you, this stone gate may be dangerous!" Lin Mo looked at them: "Do you still want me to go in first?"

"Boy, you seem to have no choice, right?" Cui Jie's expression suddenly turned cold, and the energy and blood in his body suddenly condensed.


Lin Mo was faster than him. While Cui Jie was using the power of Qi and blood, Lin Mo had already activated the Five Beast Fist and blasted towards him!

The sound of the dragon's roar sounded, and the Five Beast Fist had already shown a certain power in Lin Mo's hands. In addition, after fighting Yang Gui, Lin Mo had a certain understanding of the meaning of the fist. Therefore, at this time, the Five Beast Fist The power is even higher!

Heaven level... martial arts!

Cui Jie's expression changed wildly, but he quickly reacted, snorted and went straight to meet him.

He met the attack with his palm, and his momentum was even stronger than Lin Mo!


There was a roar, and Lin Mo's body took several steps back!

The peak of Martial Saint is only one step away from reaching the next level!

"So strong!" Yang Gui's eyes turned cold. Cui Jie actually hid his strength in front of him!

If he hadn't been exposed during his fight with Lin Mo, Yang Gui would definitely have suffered a loss if he really faced him in the future!

Instant killing sword!

Destroy life with one knife!

Lin Mo drew out his sword and used the two most powerful martial arts skills without hesitation!

As the swords and swords flickered, Cui Jie's expression became extremely ugly.

In such a life-and-death battle, if he used all his strength to kill Lin Mo, he would definitely consume a lot of strength.

You must know that Yang Gui has nothing to lose now. Even if he kills Lin Mo, if he really gains something in the secret realm, can he really keep it?

Yang Gui will definitely grab it directly. With his strength at that time, it is impossible to win!

"Brother Lin Mo, wait a minute!"

Thinking of this, Cui Jie immediately restrained all his aura and yelled at Lin Mo.

"Stop when you say so, who do you think you are!" Lin Mo roared angrily, and with amazing sword intent, he slashed directly at Cui Jie's face.

Cui Jie was shocked. At this time, Lin Mo actually wanted to fight to the end!

"I'm going to step on the stone gate!" Cui Jie mobilized his energy and blood to resist the sword. At the same time, his expression suddenly became solemn, because Lin Mo's sword was more terrifying than he imagined!

Although he had overestimated Lin Mo's strength, judging from the power of this sword, if he really wanted to fight Lin Mo, even if he tried his best to kill Lin Mo, he would still be seriously injured in the end!

It must be Yang Gui who reaps the benefits in the end!

Thinking of this, Cui Jie showed a flattering look on his face: "Brother Lin Mo, I was wrong..."

"Then slap me!" Lin Mo said coldly.


Cui Jie slapped himself in the face without hesitation: "Brother Lin Mo, are you satisfied?"

Lin Mo nodded. He knew that this matter would not be revealed so easily, but Lin Mo knew very well that if he and Cui Jie fought to the end, he would definitely be the one who died!

So why not explore the secret realm first and talk about it later!

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