The faint smile on Ye Chaoqun's face turned playful, and the palm holding the old man's neck began to exert force.

The old man's face quickly turned red, and his breathing became rapid.

"How is it? Have you never seen such a play?" Ye Chaoqun looked at Lin Mo and Ye Qing, and said again: "There are more interesting ones, do you want to see it?"

He looked at Ye San in the crowd, and his other hand suddenly stretched out.

With the same action, he grabbed Ye San in his hand.


With a light sound, Ye San's neck instantly collapsed.

"Uncle San!"

Watching this scene, Ye Qing's face was filled with great pain.

Her relationship with Ye San was only average, but seeing her relatives being killed in front of her, the pain was indescribable.

"Tsk tsk, why don't you react at all? This is your own son!" Ye Chaoqun looked at the old man with a cold expression.

"It seems that you don't like this, then what about this..."

He attacked again, grabbed a middle-aged man in his hand, punched him, and the man's body exploded directly!

Blood dripping!

The bright red blood splashed everywhere, and the whole hall looked like Shura hell!

Ye Qing's face was pale, and tears silently crossed her face.

The old man held in Ye Chaoqun's hand just breathed hard and looked at such a scene coldly.

But such an expression directly stimulated Ye Chaoqun, and he started killing, and the whole hall became a veritable purgatory on earth!

On the ground, none of the dozen corpses were intact.

The remaining people who were not killed could not see any blood on their faces.

They slid directly from the stool to the ground, with a look of panic on their faces, kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, like chickens waiting to be killed!

Lin Mo grabbed Ye Qing's hand and exerted a little force.

Feeling the warmth from Lin Mo's palm, Ye Qing's mood recovered a little.

"Hehe, you can kill them all!" The old man finally spoke: "You are holding me now, don't you want to see me beg for mercy? Don't you want to see me sad and uncomfortable?

But I can't let you do what you want!

I want to see you kill all of them with my own eyes!

The Ye family is yours, what does it have to do with me? I am actually happy to see you destroy them with your own hands!"

Ye Chaoqun's face showed a cold look, looking at the old man, his eyes looked like he wanted to eat people!

"I will kill you!" Ye Chaoqun was actually enraged, he spoke in a harsh voice, his tone was like a devil from hell!

Lin Mo stood aside, no matter what, he could not think that it was Ye Chaoqun who lost his mind in the end.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

The old man still said this in a calm tone.

Ye Chaoqun threw the old man to the ground and punched him in the stomach at the same time.

The punch was obviously reserved, blood spit out from the old man's mouth, and there were even fragments of internal organs in it.

But the old man was not in danger of life.

Ye Chaoqun even took out a pill from his body and stuffed it into the old man's mouth.

"Hehe..." The old man's mouth was full of blood. When he laughed at this moment, sticky blood flowed from his mouth, pulling out a long red blood line.

His smile was a bit creepy, just looking at that smile, people got goose bumps.

For some reason, after swallowing the pill, the old man actually stood up and took a step towards Ye Chaoqun.

"Aren't you going to kill me? I'm standing here, come and kill me!" The old man spoke, and kept stepping, approaching Ye Chaoqun.

Ye Chaoqun's face actually showed a look of fear, and he took a step back slightly, but soon stood there again.

He looked sinister and said sternly: "You don't care about them, what about this little girl!

If I kill her, will you be sad?"

While speaking, Ye Chaoqun had already rushed towards Ye Qing. His movements were very fast and he was in front of Ye Qing in a flash.

One hand grabbed Ye Qing's neck.


With a muffled sound, Lin Mo blocked in front of Ye Qing and raised his hand to punch out at the same time!

The terrible power came from the center of the collision between the two. Lin Mo felt as if his bones were about to explode. A sharp pain spread throughout his body along the back of his hand in an instant!

The Martial Emperor is definitely a gap. It is too difficult to cross it!

"Haha, you do have a little talent, but do you think you are really my opponent with your strength?" Ye Chaoqun said lightly and took a step towards Lin Mo at the same time.


The blood and energy on his body spread out, forming a field-like thing. Lin Mo seemed to have suffered an impact, and the whole person flew up and fell heavily on the ground not far away.

"Haha, you also watch carefully, how I killed this little girl!" Ye Chaoqun looked at Lin Mo and sneered.

Lin Mo also smiled, but his eyes looked past Ye Chaoqun and looked behind him.

"Do you really think you will win?" Lin Mo suddenly said.

Ye Chaoqun seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned around to look at the place where the old man had stood before.

The old man had disappeared, and soon he saw the old man sitting on the main seat.

The old man is Ye Chaoqun's clone. Sitting on the main seat at the moment, he far surpasses Ye Chaoqun in terms of demeanor and oppressive feeling.

"Ye Chaoqun, I told you that you are a coward. No matter how strong you are, it doesn't matter. You still don't dare to kill me. Your behavior reminds me of your expression when I was first created by you.

That kind of joy and long sigh of relief. Now that I think about it, I still find it a bit funny! "

"Get down here!" Ye Chaoqun pointed one finger at the old man and shouted sternly.

The power of qi and blood flew out from his fingertips and shot into the old man's legs, hands and other parts of his body. Blood flowed directly from the place where he was hit.

But the old man still had ridicule on his face.

"How incompetent!" the old man said, "I have wounds all over my body, but none of these wounds can kill me!"

In fact, the wounds on the old man's body were only capable of causing pain, and all those wounds avoided the vital parts.

If this is a coincidence, no one would believe that there is such a coincidence.

Therefore, Ye Chaoqun must have avoided all the key points!

Just as the old man said, Ye Chaoqun didn't dare to kill him at all!

"Do you know where I am more successful than you?" The old man suddenly spoke, looking at Ye Chaoqun, with a strange smile on his lips: "I have more courage than you!"

After the words fell, a bottle cap appeared in the old man's hand.

When Ye Chaoqun killed someone earlier, the bottle cap was affected and broke into two halves. When one half was broken, a sharp mouth was formed, about ten centimeters in length.

Ye Chaoqun looked at the lid in the old man's hand, with a nervous look on his face, and he was about to rush towards him in a flash.

But a smile appeared on the old man's face, and he shook his head slightly at Ye Chaoqun: "It's too late! It's too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stabbed the cap in his hand hard into his temple!

With a length of ten centimeters, piercing into the temple, there is no possibility of survival!

This blow can be said to be decisive and sharp to the extreme. Not only did it pierce the ten centimeter sharp part into the brain, it even penetrated a distance behind it!

At this moment, the old man's face is already covered with blood!

"You! You can't die!" Ye Chaoqun rushed forward and hurriedly took out various bottles from his body, took out pills from them, and stuffed them into the old man's mouth.

But at this moment, the old man has lost his vitality, and those pills cannot be taken in his mouth at all!

The old man had a mocking smile on his face, completely lifeless!

"Grandpa!" Ye Qing shouted loudly.

"He is not your grandfather!" Ye Chaoqun suddenly turned around, looked at Ye Qing and said sternly: "I am your grandfather, you are my blood!"

"The corpses on the ground are all related to him, but you are indeed my bloodline!"

Such a voice echoed in Ye Qing's ears, but Ye Qing didn't seem to hear it. He was looking at the old man's body.

"Even if you are my bloodline, you will die now! Everyone he loves and protects will die!" Ye Chaoqun's eyes suddenly turned red and he rushed towards Ye Qing crazily!


At this moment, Lin Mo's figure appeared again and punched him.

A loud noise was heard, and this time both Lin Mo and Ye Chaoqun actually took two steps back, and even a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Ye Chaoqun's mouth.

Ye Chaoqun is injured! Lin Mo injured the powerful Martial Emperor with one punch?

This is naturally impossible, but now Lin Mo can feel that Ye Chaoqun's strength is not at its peak, not even the Martial Emperor realm, at most half-step Martial Emperor!

In other words, Ye Chaoqun's strength has been reduced!

This is the reason why Ye Chaoqun is unwilling to kill the old man, because his inner thought is to refine the old man alive and absorb it into energy.

But who would have thought that the old man committed suicide directly!

"I'm actually very easy to get along with. Generally speaking, I won't offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me... I will destroy them!"

Lin Mo walked forward, activated the Five Beast Fist, and all states were activated!

At this moment, Lin Mo's momentum surged, and he suddenly had an aura comparable to that of a peak martial saint!


Lin Mo rushed out suddenly, because the speed was too fast, so the moment he rushed out, a sonic boom formed on the spot!


The two collided again, and this time Ye Chaoqun took a dozen steps back, and finally half-knelt on the ground!

Lin Mo, on the other hand, continued to fight. He was very fast and his fighting methods were extremely arrogant. He tried his best with his fists and put his life and death aside every time he struck!

There were more and more wounds on Ye Chaoqun's body. Seeing Lin Mo's fighting spirit getting stronger, there was a sense of fear in his heart.

"Lin Mo, stop, I want to negotiate a business deal with you!" Ye Chaoqun punched Lin Mo away and shouted loudly.

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