Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 264: The City Lord’s Conspiracy!

The huge bloody saint slowly appeared in the sky above the entire city, and the huge dharma made everyone look up into the air.

In his heart, the terrifying traction force kept pulling Lin Mo upwards, a force that wanted to merge.

Lin Mo's face was extremely ugly, and he could feel the blood-colored saint's heart longing for him.

It is an endless desire to be reborn, an eager expectation for blood!


Lin Mo's figure flashed and disappeared from here.

The ghostly shadow exerted a terrifying effect at this time. Despite the huge pulling force coming from all directions, Lin Mo still disappeared at the most critical moment!

On the battle platform, the smile on the city lord's face slowly solidified, and he looked around, trying to find Lin Mo's figure.

But it still didn't help. Lin Mo's figure really seemed to have disappeared, and there was no way to find it!


Spiritual power surged from the city lord's body and spread to the surroundings. All the plants and trees appeared in the city lord's eyes, but Lin Mo was still nowhere to be found.

" could it disappear out of thin air?" The city lord had an expression of disbelief on his face, almost suppressing the shock in his heart as he roared angrily.

"The city here was built after countless years of management. After so many years of accumulation, there is no way I can fail!

Everything is under my control. Now that you have appeared, you must become my central flag! "

The city lord smiled crazily while his body slowly levitated.


He roared angrily, and the terrifying power escaped from him, like bloodshot condensed by thunder, constantly bombarding in all directions!

Everything was turned into ashes within the force of this impact!

The corpses of those people were turned into powder, and some people who were not dead suffered setbacks and died directly without even having time to scream!

"Where you are, get out of here!"

The city lord's frantic voice sounded. There was gas condensed by the power of blood in his palm. He threw it casually, and a large piece of broken land collapsed, revealing a deep pit!

The entire square was disappearing, and the terrifying power was being poured out by the city lord, destroying everything that could be seen.

"Come out, otherwise, your woman will die!" The city lord's eyes were searching, and Ye Qing's figure disappeared from the entire city lord's mansion!

Ye Qing actually left here without knowing when!

"Ah! No one can plot against me!"

The city lord fell directly into madness. Looking at the bloody saints that were constantly forming in the sky, a look of determination flashed in the city lord's eyes!

"Don't you like to hide? I want to see how long you can hide..."

He flashed and disappeared from here!

The body of the bloody saint in the air is slowly rising, and the momentum on his body is also increasing.


The city lord flew into a room, and the next moment, the whole room collapsed, and then blood splashed all around!

The blood that splashed out slowly floated upward in an instant and became a part of the bloody saint!

Before the blood could be absorbed, another house exploded, leaving no bones of the people inside, leaving only blood floating into the air!

The massacre has begun!

The city lord transformed into a god of death and was constantly charging to kill.

His physical body has reached a frightening level, and coupled with his unrestricted energy, blood and spiritual power, it is almost effortless to massacre him at this moment!

Countless lives have been destroyed, and countless blood has been condensed!

"I see……"

On a certain ruins, Lin Mo's figure slowly emerged, and beside him stood the pale Ye Qing.

"Sorry, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have let you come with me!" Lin Mo looked at her apologetically. Although her injuries had recovered a lot this time, they were still very serious after all!

Ye Qing shook her head gently and said with a smile: "I still like to follow you, and I will always follow you in the future!"

Ye Qing rarely said these words, but here he took the initiative to say them!

Because I don’t know when I will die!

So if you don’t say these words, it may be too late!

"Don't worry, we will go back safely this time!" Lin Mo smiled softly: "He wants to kill me, but he is still far away!"

Lin Mo placed Ye Qing in a safe position, and then walked into the air step by step.

"How long are you going to hide, do you really want to watch him kill everyone before taking action?

How likely is it for us to make a comeback then? ! "

Lin Mo looked at several corners and spoke loudly.

As the voice fell, several figures slowly appeared in front of Lin Mo!

Looking at the people in front of him, Lin Mo smiled: "I knew you had a problem!"

The visitors are He Yu, the hotel owner, and Dugu Tie, the town guard of the Dugu family!

Although Lin Mo didn't know the remaining two people, he could feel their presence. Presumably they were the ones who came with Princess Yu'er!

"These two must be strong men from the Yu family. They are worthy of the royal family. They are still able to exert their spiritual power and energy and blood power under my restriction!" The city lord's voice sounded, and he looked at the remaining two people. A strong man.

There was a hint of anger in his voice, but there was still a smile on his face.

The voice filled the sky above the entire city and continued to echo.

"The royal family has long been aware of the problem here. This time, they took the opportunity to escort Princess Yu'er here to arrange the two of us to investigate everything clearly!

Although the royal family has already realized that the so-called competition here is likely to be a conspiracy, they never thought that even you are part of the conspiracy!

But since we are here, your conspiracy is doomed to fail!"

A faint voice sounded, and the two royal family strongmen rushed towards the city lord at the same time as they appeared!

Lin Mo stood there quietly. There was too much information contained in their conversation just now. After hearing their conversation, Lin Mo had connected all the things!

The so-called competition and rewards are all false.

Endless years ago, there was a strong man named Blood Saint. After he died for an unknown reason, his blood splashed here, and at the same time, he left a trace of residual consciousness. Over the years, this trace of residual consciousness became the current city lord!

In order to revive himself, the city lord directly opened the so-called competition, which was to select the best people to receive the baptism of residual blood!

This is an opportunity for those excellent people to improve their cultivation, but at the same time, in this process, it is also a nourishing process for residual blood!

As the years passed, the power of residual blood was constantly accumulated, and at the same time, the power controlled by the city lord became stronger!

After the city was formed, the city lord drew the breath of residual blood into the bodies of all the people living in the city, and nourished the residual blood by people's anger!

By this time, the nourishment of residual blood has reached a certain level, and it is time to revive the bloody saint!

But what the city lord did not expect was that Lin Mo, an anomaly, appeared!

Before the game, Lin Mo actually absorbed all the residual blood that had been hidden in the bloody spring water!

This is why the city lord allowed Lin Mo to participate in the game later!

He wanted to kill Lin Mo in the game, take out all the residual blood accumulated in his body, and contribute it to the real bloody saint!


Just as Lin Mo was thinking, two muffled sounds came.

Looking up at the sky, the two strong men of the Yu family were smashed into pieces by the city lord's punch!

The city lord is too strong, and with the bloody saint floating in the air, there is a special connection between the two, which seems to provide energy to the city lord continuously!

"Kill! It will be too late if you don't take action!" Lin Mo roared and rushed up directly!

He Yu and Dugu Tie also nodded to each other. There was nothing to say at this time. If they didn't kill out, they would die!

After staying in the city for so many years, their bodies have long been eroded by residual blood. The city lord can't let them leave!


Lin Mo just rushed out a distance, and the city lord's body has come in front of him!

At this moment, Lin Mo is obviously the city lord's primary target. He raised his hand and slapped him. After landing on Lin Mo's head, Lin Mo twisted his body forcibly and avoided the fatal attack, but his palm still stuck to Lin Mo's body and hit Lin Mo's shoulder fiercely!

In an instant, a large amount of blood splashed, and Lin Mo's body exploded directly!

Blood continued to overflow from the horrible wound, and the pulling force in the air came again, and Lin Mo's wound was bleeding continuously!

It felt like something was lying on the wound and sucking it continuously!

"Damn it, the connection between the Blood Saint and me is too close, and the pulling force on me is terrifying to the extreme..." Lin Mo instantly realized the reason, and his face suddenly changed!

"Lin Mo, the two of us hold him back, and you find a way to merge with the body of the Blood Saint!"

At this time, He Yu's voice sounded.

Lin Mo turned around and saw that He Yu had changed his clothes at some point!

At this moment, He Yu was wearing a black iron armor, with a firm look on his face, and rushed towards the direction of the city lord!

As for Dugu Tie, he also showed great strength at this time. He was also not strong in the power of blood and qi, holding a long sword and performing some terrifying swordsmanship!

Obviously, both of them were fighting desperately!

Of course, they were worried about dying here, but more importantly, they all knew that the Blood Saint could not be revived!

Lin Mo glanced in the direction of Ye Qing, his eyes firm!

"Let's fight!"

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and roared, and at the same time, a vertical eye slowly appeared between his eyebrows!


He actually took the initiative to rush forward and rushed towards the bloody body in the air!

"Don't you want to merge with me? Come on, I'll help you!"

Lin Mo's voice echoed over the entire city!

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