Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 90 Simulation Room Training

Leopard Fist!

Lin Mo looked at the martial arts in front of him and smiled. There was no doubt that this was a type of Five Beast Fist.

"I want it!" Lin Mo walked out of the martial arts storage room and handed his choice to the staff.

"Leopard Fist?" The staff looked at the martial arts in Lin Mo's hand and was stunned for a moment: "Not a bad fist, but this thing should be a set. You only got one of them, which is far from enough!"

"It's okay, I like leopards!" Lin Mo made an excuse and left with the martial arts.

After Lin Mo left, the staff looked at Lin Mo thoughtfully for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Someone took the Leopard Fist!"

"Your previous speculation should be correct. Someone knows the Five Beast Fist and is also looking for it!

The person who collected the fist is named Lin Mo!"

After the staff said these words, he hung up the phone directly.

Lin Mo had no idea what was happening behind him. He trotted back to the bedroom with the martial arts, and after closing the door, he carefully took it out and read it from beginning to end.

At this time, Lin Mo was able to truly confirm that this was the Five Beasts Fist.

"Leopard Fist..." Lin Mo looked at the content above: "Leopards are flexible and fast. This kind of boxing can often determine the outcome in one move, as fast as lightning!"

According to the above content, Lin Mo practiced seriously.

The Five Beasts Fist has a characteristic, that is, if you want to learn the essence, you must really stand in front of this beast, understand its habits, and learn its every move!

After Lin Mo mastered part of the Five Beasts Fist, he got up and left directly.

There is a simulation room in the military university. After Lin Mo swiped his card, he immediately got a room. According to the regulations, as a second-class student, he can enjoy 24 hours of use of the simulation room!

This is the first time Lin Mo has entered the simulation room. He looked at the high-tech screens around him, and a curious look appeared on his face.

"Lin Mo, welcome to the simulation room of the military university. Here you can choose various scenes anytime and anywhere, face various enemies, and after the competition, we will give you an accurate evaluation. The specific operation method is..."

A voice sounded in the room. It was the artificial intelligence voice of the simulation room. After Lin Mo said the environment he wanted to simulate, the surrounding scene immediately flashed.

Lin Mo came directly to a forest. He could see the dense tree canopy above the forest and countless fallen leaves piled up below, which looked desolate!

"This scene is invincible!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sighed.

"The opponent I want to choose is a leopard!" Lin Mo made a choice again.


The voice fell, a roar sounded, and a golden leopard suddenly jumped out from one side of the jungle!

This beast is very fast and extremely flexible, and the golden pattern all over its body makes people feel confused.

"It feels a bit like my martial arts field..." Lin Mo fought with the leopard and carefully observed some of the leopard's combat skills.

"It's interesting. I used the Tiger Fist to fight the leopard. In the end, I suddenly found that the Tiger Fist could be called the nemesis of the Leopard Fist. Then, are the remaining two types of boxing also mutually restrained?"

Lin Mo and the leopard fought each other countless times. The wounds on Lin Mo's body looked horrible. Compared with the dream, there was more real blood and terrible pain!

This feeling was really too terrifying. The leopard in front of him was definitely a martial king-level monster, but in the simulation room, the attacks of these beasts were restricted and could not cause much damage to Lin Mo's body.

"Your free use time has ended. Welcome to come again next time!" Just when Lin Mo was about to make some serious summaries of his martial arts according to the comments, the reminder of artificial intelligence sounded in his ears.

"Time flies so fast. Although this place is not as good as the dream exchanged by Qi and Blood Pills, it is enough for ordinary people!"

Lin Mo recalled everything he had just experienced, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Since I have been in the simulation room for a day, why not stay a little longer and practice the part I just summarized!"

Lin Mo chose to pay points to increase the training time.

He now has 600 points left, and it costs at least 100 points to train in the simulation room for one hour!

"It's equivalent to one thousand yuan an hour, which is quite cost-effective!"

Lin Mo still chose the leopard as his actual combat opponent. While performing the leopard fist, he was also carefully studying the leopard's every move.

"Every time the leopard attacks, it is after capturing my movements. Its movements are very fast, and the speed of its eyes is also very fast..." Lin Mo's face was thoughtful.

"If I use spiritual perception to capture its movements, and then make corresponding counterattacks..."

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and he gained something from the battle.

With the spiritual perception turned on, the movements of the leopard in front of him suddenly became slow.

Especially after Lin Mo practiced the leopard fist, he seemed to be able to understand the meaning behind every movement of the leopard.


Lin Mo shouted coldly and punched forward fiercely.

After a muffled sound, the leopard fell heavily to the ground and turned into a rain of light and disappeared!


Lin Mo was stunned as he watched the leopard disappear in front of him.

That was a monster at the level of a martial king, and he actually defeated it?

But soon, Lin Mo chuckled and shook his head. The leopard was a monster of the King of Martial Arts level, but its strength was obviously suppressed.

"In the end, I still won... There is still time. Should I verify my previous guess..." Lin Mo thought about it and said to the surroundings: "I will choose the leopard, the white crane, and the tiger as my opponent!"

Lin Mo now masters these three types of boxing. He wants to study whether there is any connection between these three types of boxing.

Accompanied by a roar and a roar, a tiger and a leopard appeared in front of Lin Mo.


The battle started instantly. The leopard was very fast and rushed towards Lin Mo first.

Lin Mo punched out with both fists, like a tiger descending from the mountain, and the fist wind was clanging, forcing the leopard back.

The wind, the tiger let out a long roar and jumped up and pounced on Lin Mo!

Its body is huge, a full five meters!

"Just like the Mountain King, could it be that the Mountain King was directly simulated!"

Lin Mo screamed and jumped up using the Swallow Flying Technique!

Eagle Step!


Just when Lin Mo performed the Eagle Step, a crane cry sounded, and a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.

That was the White Crane!

Lin Mo's whole body was cold, and he twisted his body in mid-air, and at the same time, he punched hard behind him without looking back!


With a muffled sound, the White Crane spread its wings and slapped Lin Mo's hands, and at the same time, its sharp claws pierced directly into Lin Mo's shoulders!

The severe pain made Lin Mo almost scream, but before Lin Mo could scream, the White Crane's claws exerted force at the same time, tearing a piece of flesh from Lin Mo's shoulder!

"Damn it!" Lin Mo cursed, the martial arts he currently mastered had no way to deal with the White Crane!


Lin Mo fell from the air, stepped on the tiger's shoulder, endured the pain, made his hands into the shape of a crane's beak, and smashed the tiger's back of the head!


After a muffled sound, the tiger also disappeared.

There was only a white crane left in the air!

Spiritual perception!

Lin Mo used spiritual perception again and covered the sky.


The crane's cry sounded again, and the dark red claws glowed dangerously in the virtual sunlight.

"Come here!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and the reaction speed brought to him by the leopard fist showed its effect at this moment.

He held the white crane's feet tightly with his hands like a pair of pliers, and then roared, tearing the white crane's body into two halves!

Huh... Huh...

Lin Mo bent over and gasped. Although the simulated battle was fake, the blood and mental power consumed were real.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart. After leaving the simulation environment, Lin Mo subconsciously looked at the place where he was injured.

The flesh that was originally torn off was intact, and the blood on his body disappeared.

"The authenticity is actually better than the martial arts field, but the guidance and the speed of improving proficiency in combat are much worse than those in the martial arts field!"

Lin Mo packed up and prepared to leave.


With a light sound, the door of the simulation room was pushed open, and several people walked in.

The leader was a young man, who was two meters tall, handsome, and smiling.

They walked in directly, and the young man in the lead stood only a few meters away from Lin Mo, looking up and down at Lin Mo.

"Your name is Lin Mo?" The young man looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Xu Hui. I am a junior this year. My strength is the seventh-grade warrior realm!"

Seventh-grade warrior!

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Xu Hui in silence without speaking.

"Do you know how to be polite? You dare to ignore the senior who is talking to you? If this happened when we first entered school, we would have been beaten!" Several young men behind Xu Hui spoke in dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, we are seniors after all, we won't bother with juniors..." Xu Hui waved his hand generously: "I heard that you sent all the students from our external college to the hospital at the opening ceremony?"

"Not all..." Lin Mo shook his head: "Only 90%!"

After the voice fell, the group of people behind Xu Hui showed unhappy expressions on their faces.

"Boy, do you think you are awesome? So what if you are from the inner courtyard? Many people still have to salute respectfully when they see our big brother Xu?!

I tell you, don't think that you can look down on the outer courtyard just because you are from the inner courtyard.

There are still people in the outer courtyard that you can't afford to offend!"

The people behind Xu Hui opened their mouths and wanted to say something else, but Xu Hui raised his hand to stop them: "Shut up, I didn't come to him today to quarrel with him!

We are seniors, we should be patient with juniors..."

Xu Hui looked at Lin Mo with a smile on his face, and regarded himself as an elder.

The age difference between the two is not big, at most three years, but Xu Hui looked down on Lin Mo.

"Who is the senior? Who is the junior?" Lin Mo looked up at Xu Hui: "Who do you think you are? How dare you call yourself an elder in front of me?

What is there to brag about with such a low level in the junior year?

If you and I were at the same level, you wouldn't even be qualified to let me take action!"

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