On the side, there is a detailed price of the pair of claws.

"A pair of claws costs 200,000?" Ling Feng was a little surprised, "It's expensive!"

"We can get the purchase price, which is usually 50%-70% of the selling price." Lin Yiping laughed, "Brother-in-law, as long as you say it, I can give it to you! Ling Yuan refused to accept my gift, so I'll give it to you, anyway."

"Give me a gift?" Ling Feng looked at Lin Yiping warily, and said with great sorrow: "I treat you as a brother, but you want to sleep with me!"

Lin Yiping was immediately confused, with question marks all over his face.

What on earth was going on with Ling Feng's brain circuit...

He quickly explained: "No, you misunderstood me... I just wanted you to say a few good words to me in front of Ling Yuan."

Ling Feng suddenly realized: "You should have said it earlier, it made me break out in a cold sweat! I can help you with the matter, but I won't accept the gift. If you can give it to me at the recycling price, I'll consider it as a favor I owe you."

"Brother-in-law, you are being polite." Lin Yiping asked, "Do you want to go and see the tonic area? There are many for the boundary force level 2 The left and right tonic is just suitable for you! "Ling Feng glanced at him:" Jordi level 2? " There was some difficulty in Ping. "That thing can be encountered, I don't know if there is any, I ask the store." Lin Yiping went to the front desk and asked the staff. Soon, he came back happily. "Lin Yiping", "In these strange beasts, there are physical materials of hunting foxes in these strange beasts, but ... the price is more expensive." "How much?" Ling Feng asked worried. "Five million?!" Ling Feng's face suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that the Sky Hunter Ghost Fox was so expensive.

"No, no, no, five hundred thousand." Lin Yeping said helplessly, "Although the Sky Hunter Ghost Fox is difficult to hunt, it is not ranked high, and the price is not as exaggerated as five million."

"But brother-in-law, this five hundred thousand is already the purchase price, can you... give so much at one time?"

Lin Yeping tactfully asked Ling Feng about his cash flow.

He was ready to pay for Ling Feng.

But Lin Yeping never expected that Ling Feng directly took out a card from his bag and said generously: "Isn't it just five hundred thousand? Swipe! Brother has money!"

Lin Yeping was stunned.

He knew the situation of Ling Yuan's family. Five hundred thousand is not a small amount.

Ling Feng could actually take out so much at one time?

"Brother-in-law, are you sure?"

"Sure." Ling Feng said, "By the way, please show me if there is any cheaper blood and flesh of exotic beasts, and buy it for about 300,000 yuan! Take it back together."

Ling Feng calculated that about 10-15 kilograms of spiky rhinoceros meat can produce a blood essence.

But the price of spiky rhinoceros meat is relatively expensive, ranging from 1,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan per kilogram.

The labor cost accounts for almost half of this.

After extracting it, the cost of one is about 20,000 yuan. If it fails, the cost will rise to 30,000 yuan.

Selling blood essence is definitely not cost-effective, so Ling Yuan can only sell it as a gem.

In this way, the profit margin is between 20,000 and 30,000.

The cost of 300,000 can be sold for about 500,000 yuan, and the profit is more than 200,000 yuan. After sharing 30% of the profit with Ling Yuan, the little money-grubber, it is estimated that only about 150,000 yuan will be left in his hands.

"150,000, it's better to be a guinea pig for Jiang Yi!" Ling Feng frowned, "If we can get a batch of cheap flesh and blood at the purchase price, plus the transportation cost, the profit margin should be able to expand."

He planned to keep the remaining money for emergency use.

But when he heard Ling Feng's request, Lin Yeping was even more confused: "You want to buy 800,000 exotic beast materials? Do you really have so much money?"

800,000 is enough for a one-star Chaos to fight for life and death outside the wall for more than a month.

No Chaos Realm dares to do this.

Lin Yeping took Ling Feng to the front desk with curiosity and chose the required

The materials of the exotic beasts he wanted were sent to him, and he paid for them.

Eight hundred thousand were quickly transferred out.

"Your materials have been confirmed, please count them."

The lady at the front desk said respectfully.

After she learned that the buyer was Ling Feng, she couldn't help but look up to Ling Feng.

Because Ling Feng... is too young!

He must be from a big family to be able to come up with so much money at such a young age.

Ling Feng looked at the list. Although the price was much cheaper than what was sold outside, he was worried that the materials of the Sky Hunter Ghost Fox were not enough to open the small world.

The other three hundred thousand exotic beasts weighed a total of three hundred kilograms, consisting of the Barbarian Bull Beast No. 285, the Spiked Rhinoceros No. 455, and the Snake Tail Elephant No. 506.

"Brother-in-law, wait here for a moment, I'll get the materials of the Sky Hunter Ghost Fox for you first."

Lin Yiping ran upstairs happily.

Soon, he came down with a yellow peach.

Ling Feng was confused: "What is this?"

"Sorry, brother-in-law, the team that killed this Sky Hunter Fox was a Chaos Realm team, and the Chaos Realm master who sold the materials just happened to get a butt..." Lin Yiping said helplessly, "I just found out about this, but the weight is right, there is no shortage."

Ling Feng was speechless.

He spent 500,000 yuan, but he only bought a butt.

It's okay to give him a hind leg!

Forget it, I just want the exotic beast materials anyway, I have to find a chance to swallow this butt...

Hmm? Why do I feel that this is a bit wrong...

"The weight is a bit heavy, I'd better find someone to send it back."

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment. He would probably be regarded as a pervert if he took such a big yellow peach to school.

Sent it home with 300 kilograms of exotic beast flesh and blood, so that he could swallow it together at night.

"Our shop provides freight services, and the price is cheaper than outside." The lady at the front desk reminded, "Just write down the address and time."

Ling Feng quickly filled in the information.

After handling everything, he walked out with satisfaction.

Lin Yiping followed him and asked in confusion: "Brother-in-law, don't you want to take a look at the tonic? If you use your 800,000 to buy tonic, the realm power level can probably be increased from 2.0 to 8.0! It's even possible to impact the one-star realm!"

Ling Feng did not answer, but asked back: "Yiping, do you know who is going to compete with you for the exchange competition on Friday?"

Lin Yiping asked in confusion: "Who?"

Ling Feng said lightly: "Me."

"What?!" Lin Yiping was stunned and laughed: "Brother-in-law, don't joke. All the participants in our college are two-star realms! If you go, you will definitely be beaten..."

"You don't believe me?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just..."

Lin Yiping was just thinking about how to persuade Ling Feng tactfully, but he didn't expect Ling Feng to put his hand on the bronze statue at the door of the store.

"Just look at it."

Ling Feng had a calm expression and suddenly pinched the bronze statue!

Lin Yiping looked at the bronze statue in confusion...but nothing happened!

Ling Feng was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect the bronze statue to be so hard.

"Brother-in-law, this is meteorite bronze. Even the Chaos strongmen can't break it..."

"Sorry, I was joking just now. Now I'm serious." Ling Feng coughed lightly, put his hand down, and pressed it on the stone pillar under the bronze statue.

Then, he exerted force suddenly!


A piece of the stone pillar was crushed, and then it turned into powder in Ling Feng's palm.

Lin Yiping's eyes almost popped out!

This stone is not an ordinary material. It is impossible for ordinary people to crush it into powder!

Even those in the two-star realm can hardly do it!

How could this be possible with Ling Feng's realm power level?

Lin Yiping couldn't believe it.

"Did you see that?" Ling Feng said with a smile, "Go back and tell those two-star realm people that I, Ling Feng, will take the place in the research academy!"

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