Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 36 Gu Yue Leaves, Lincheng Large Base City

Fifteen years have added a lot of traces of time to Gu Bai's face.

Although Gu Bai used the god-level disguise technique to add them on his own initiative.

But it is undeniable that if there is no golden finger, Gu Bai's life is already halfway through.

Gu Bai drove a floating van, slowed down, looked at the endless stream of people, and watched the ruthless changes of time.

The huge screen on the high-rise building played the advertisement of the anti-aging potion.

The anti-aging potion has been on sale for decades. At the beginning, the price of the anti-aging potion was 80 million Longxia coins.

There was a time when it was even hyped up to 200 million Longxia coins on the black market.

Even today, decades later, the anti-aging potion is still the top potion, with a price of about 50 million, and it is still in short supply.

The emergence of the anti-aging potion has a great impact on the entire Longxia. Perhaps in the future, the appearance of middle-aged and elderly people will completely disappear in human society.

After playing the advertisement of the anti-aging potion, the huge screen played today's Lincheng News Network.

"In the latest base city information published on the Longxia Base Network, Lincheng Base City has entered the ranks of large base cities for the first time, becoming the 23rd large base city in the southern region of Longxia. The annual GDP growth rate remains at around 10%, and it is expected to surpass the two old large base cities of Tianhe and Nanming within 10 years! The achievements of Lincheng Base City are inseparable from the efforts of all residents..."

"Senior pharmacist Mr. Zhuang came to Lincheng Base City for training and exchanges today..."

"The first level 5 hunting team was born in the Lincheng Base City Hunting Guild. There are two sky-breaking masters in the team, and both are famous masters in the Longxia Tian Ranking!"

"It has been 56 years since the end of the alien beast tide. During this time, we have worked hard to govern..."

"Fifty-six years! Time flies!" Gu Bai murmured, and disappeared into the wide twelve-lane two-way city road with the night.

Gu Bai did not rush to the direction of home, but came to the food street in the east of Lincheng Base City and started today's stall life.

It was not until around ten o'clock in the evening that Gu Bai returned home.

"Why do I feel even busier after retirement!" Gu Bai dragged his tired body to take a shower, watched some meaningless short videos, and fell asleep.

In the morning, he practiced and read books, went to the pharmacy company to practice or go fishing after lunch, and set up a stall or messed up in the evening.

The day was arranged completely and clearly.

Maybe he couldn't find the direction when he was young, so he was relatively idle. Gu Bai could only comfort himself in this way.

Time is the least valuable thing for Gu Bai.

A few days later.

The east wall of Lincheng Base City.

The wall of the base city was just completed in recent years. It looks not only magnificent and new, but also more than twice the size of the previous one.

The height of five or six hundred meters and the thickness of nearly two hundred meters are visible to the naked eye.

It has to be said that the power of human technology is indeed shocking.

The open space in front of the east wall.

"Is that the captain's father?"

"What father? That's her brother! It is said that his talent is not very good."

More than a dozen team members looked at the three figures in the distance and discussed in a low voice.

"How long will it take?"

"At least thirty or forty years!" Gu Yue thought about it but still couldn't give a definite answer.

Gu Yue reached the Ascension Level more than thirty years ago. With the recommendation of Mr. Ma, Gu Yue decided to take the team to the northern border of Longxia, where their team would get better development.

"An old senior said that the Cold Abyss Sea in the southern border of Longxia has begun to be explored. Let's improve our strength as soon as possible and join it. Maybe we can be the first to eat crabs!"

"Dad said he would take good care of you, but now I'm holding you back..." Gu Bai sighed.

Now I am completely a burden. I can't do anything, and I have become an obstacle to Gu Yue. I really want to punch myself to death.

"What's the matter with being a burden? Live well, don't come back when you're dead!" Gu Yue laughed and scolded.

"Brother-sister love, I'm so envious!~~" An inappropriate voice sounded beside the two.

Gu Yue pushed Lin Liuxin's face away.

"What a nice person, but he has a big mouth!" Gu Bai looked at Lin Liuxin and shook his head.

"What do you mean!" Lin Liuxin pretended to be angry, "I brought you a parting gift!"


"What a face!" Gu Yue covered her face and was a little speechless.

After living for more than a hundred years, the biggest change of Gu Bai is that he will accept other people's kindness frankly and will not feel embarrassed.

The original Gu Bai was: Oh, it's not so embarrassing! No, I have my own money.

The current Gu Bai is: Give it to me! Give it all to me! Give me all the things I don't need!

"Yes!" A silver-white ring appeared in Lin Liuxin's hand, with a small light blue gem on it.

"This is a space ring made by my nephew, with more than a dozen cubic meters of space inside!"

"Godfather, please accept my humble greeting!" Gu Bai pretended to lie down to let Lin Liuxin see what a thick skin is.

But he was pulled by Gu Yue.

"Don't embarrass yourself!"

"What embarrass yourself? This is called a man of insight!" Gu Bai shook off Gu Yue's arm and said unhappily.

Gu Yue smiled at the situation. Although it was indeed a bit embarrassing, such a Gu Bai could indeed live a more enjoyable life.

Lin Liuxin came to Gu Bai and stuffed the ring into Gu Bai's hand: "Keep this for now, and remember to return it to me when your sister Liuxin comes back! Also, there are some combat training methods given to you by sister Yue in the ring, as well as a bottle of anti-aging potion, in case I can't recognize you when I come back! If you don't want to use it, that's fine!~"

"Okay, thank you! I will definitely try to live well!" Gu Bai nodded heavily.

"Ah~ I said I don't like you, why did you confess to me!"

Lin Liuxin suddenly exclaimed, scaring Gu Bai to the point of having a heart attack.

From a distant perspective, Lin Liuxin's shy refusal and Gu Bai's bewildered look holding the ring are indeed easy to be misunderstood.

"This is the 123rd time Sister Lin has been confessed to, and this time the target is the captain's brother!" The team members of Gu Yue's team behind him whispered gossip.

"The captain's brother is too untrustworthy. He looks middle-aged, but he still wants to eat young grass."


Gu Bai forced a smile, his back teeth were about to break, "For the sake of the space ring, I will bear it!"

"Okay, stop making trouble, get ready to go!" Gu Yue rolled his eyes at Lin Liuxin.

Lin Liuxin smiled embarrassedly, "Brother Bai, goodbye!"

Then he walked to the Blade Squad.

There were only a dozen members in their team on this trip, all of whom were at or close to the Ascension level.

"Stop gossiping, get ready to go! Get on the shuttle!" Lin Liuxin restored his dignity as the deputy captain and faced everyone.

There were seven shuttles around them, which looked a bit like a fighter plane without wings, with light white and light blue all over.

It was the fastest official tool for Longxia's single-unit travel.

"Live well!" Gu Yue hugged Gu Bai gently and patted Gu Bai's shoulders gently.

"Take care. If you don't come back, I will go to my dad and slander you!" Gu Bai smiled softly.

"Got it!"

After boarding the shuttle, Gu Yue and Lin Liuxin waved to Gu Bai outside, and the other team members did the same.

"Be safe!"

Gu Bai shouted to everyone.

The shuttle slowly rose, and with a burst of air explosions, it arrived at the sky in an instant, entered the invisible state and disappeared.

"Oh, after tens or hundreds of years, there won't be anyone I know in the base city!"

The news of Gu Yue's departure was told to Gu Bai several months ago. Although he had been prepared, he was still a little sad.

After getting rid of the bad mood, Gu Bai returned to his daily life.

Since Lincheng Base City has developed into a large base city, the rent of Gu Bai's house in the center of Lincheng has increased several times. If he doesn't go to set up a stall, his daily practice will be more than enough.

But Gu Bai still wants to set up a stall. He wants to reach the level of an intermediate spiritual chef, one more skill, one more way to make a living.

Time always slips away inadvertently.

On this day.

In a house in a certain community in the base, there were loud laughter.

“Hahahaha, my fate is in my own hands!”

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