Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 68 The Continuation Of Life Is Great

"I thought you were his son. You look a bit like him. I didn't expect that he didn't have any offspring. If his father knew, he would jump out of his grave and beat him up!" Wang Baojia smiled when he heard this. Gu Bai forced a smile, "Uncle Gu may have his own ideas!" He secretly complained in his heart: "You are so shameless!" Then Gu Bai exchanged a few words with him and left. After all, he was afraid that Wang Baojia would see something. The U disk contained some spiritual cooking skills and some dishes that Wang Baojia had taught him before. Gu Bai's cooking skills have also improved over the years. He would discuss cooking skills with Hao Zhengyi when he was free at school. He and Hao Zhengyi improved the contents of the U disk and added some basic skills for elementary spiritual cooking. Hao Zhengyi asked Gu Bai why he did this, and Gu Bai said he wanted to leave it to future generations. After all, food is the most important thing for people, and it's not a loss to have the skills of a spiritual chef. Gu Bai was originally going to pass it on to Wang Baojia's descendants in the future, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity to return to Lincheng Base City and meet Wang Baojia. Gu Bai saved several copies of the USB flash drive. In the future, he will have the opportunity to write his spiritual cooking experience in it and pass it on to the descendants of this spiritual chef guide.

After leaving Wang Baojia's house, Gu Bai asked about the descendants of Gu Qingfeng, the captain of his medical team in the past, as well as the descendants of Sister Hua, Brother Tao and Uncle Li.

There are also people who are familiar with him in the team after he became the captain.

Xiao Huohuo and Liu Junming, the descendants of Gu Bai, have not passed away, but they have become old people.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Junming has opened a small company and has achieved the success of Lincheng Base City becoming a large base city. Now his family is also a wealthy man with a small asset.

Wen Qiang, Gu Bai's junior pharmacist, also retired decades ago and is now enjoying his retirement life.

People who met in the past seem to continue in a different way. Gu Bai looked at their descendants with a smile.

It's great to see them in this way.

Walking and stopping in Lincheng Base City, Gu Bai felt a little relieved, a little dazed, and felt that he seemed to be out of tune with this place.

Qiuluo Lake, Lindong Middle School, the place where he set up a stall when he was a junior spiritual chef...

Gu Bai walked through the places he had passed in the past.

Walking, Gu Bai came to the current Lincheng city wall, and saw the medical team tents under the city wall, which was somewhat familiar.

After the alien beast tide, the tents were not moved outside the city wall. First, it would not affect the work of the medical team inside, and second, the medical team has been improved a lot in recent years.

Before, the medical team was directly admitted through the exam, but now the medical team must first enter the city defense hospital department and go there after they have enough qualifications.

In short, the strength of the medical team has improved a lot.

If the past Gu Bai came to the current medical team, he might not even be the team leader.

Lincheng Base City is like a budding girl, and Gu Bai has learned about it.

It has been a week since Gu Bai separated from Tao Youli and others.

Gu Bai returned to the hotel and saw Tao Youli, who looked resentful. He patted his shoulder and said, "You have worked hard these days. I took care of some personal matters. I didn't expect it would take so long!" Seeing Gu Bai return, the students in the team also gathered around him, "Professor, you are finally back! Brother Tao didn't dare to take us out these days when you were away. We were almost wandering around the hotel. Take us out to play!" "That's right, how about we go to Lindong Park? It is a famous check-in spot for Internet celebrities in Lincheng Base City!"

"Why don't we go to Lincheng College first? Get familiar with it first."

The youthful aura of the boys and girls surrounded Gu Bai. Gu Bai spread his hands and smiled, "You can make the arrangements. Teacher Tao and I will play with you!"

"Okay, then let's go to Lindong Park first, tomorrow..."

In the next few days, Gu Bai and Tao Youli took the middle school student to go around everywhere, without taking a break, just like college student special forces.

The school will reimburse the travel expenses, but when Gu Bai paid back, he found that Cai Shenbao had no money.

He could only look at Tao Youli and say:

"Xiao Tao, you have to pay for these days. I don't have money! I'll ask the school to reimburse you when I get back!"

Tao Youli scanned the code to pay when he heard it. When he came back, he didn't believe it and said happily: "Brother Gu, I heard that you have a company outside. Are you keeping a mistress in Lincheng?"

Gu Bai kicked Tao Youli's butt and almost kicked him away, "What are you talking about! I have lived an upright life and don't even have a girlfriend. How dare you slander me like this!"

It's true that he has no money. These days, he bought some anti-aging potions and marrow-washing potions, which cost Gu Bai all his savings in the past few years. He also owed Caishenbao tens of millions of Longxia coins.

It's not that this potion is expensive, but there is no marrow-washing potion on the market, so he can only buy it in the underground black market in Lincheng.

The potions made privately in the black market are very cheap, but the regular scalper potions are about twice as expensive as those on the market.

Gu Bai was giving medicine as a gift, so how could he buy those irregular ones, even though he knew the efficacy might be the same.

But Gu Bai spent the money happily. In the past, he was an ordinary person with no ability, and sometimes he would receive favors or help from his friends.

Now that he has the ability, it is his duty to help his friends to the best of his ability.

A student heard what Gu Bai said, came to Gu Bai, and whispered: "Professor, you don't have a girlfriend yet, my sister is about the same age as you, you see..."

Gu Bai's face was dark.

At the same time, he was thinking, why not find an opportunity to become a woman to play around?

The time for playing passed quickly, and it was a week later.

Gu Bai led everyone to Lincheng College.

Lincheng Base City is one of the large base cities. As the best university in Lincheng, it also has its own cards! There are more than a dozen senior special professionals, which is also ranked among the top among all universities in Longxia.

The value of each senior professional is no less than that of a sky-breaking strongman.

They are the pillars of Longxia.

After identity verification, the team entered Lincheng College. The air in the college was very fresh, and there were special spiritual plants everywhere that helped the environment.

Except for Tao Youli and Gu Bai, everyone in Gu Bai's team wore the college's uniform white uniform, with Jiangbei College written on the back.

Under the guidance of the staff, everyone came to the large gymnasium in the area of ​​the Spiritual Plant College.

Sitting in the area of ​​Jiangbei College, many colleges around were already seated, and the arrangement was similar to that of Gu Bai's college, with one or two teachers and one professor.

There were fifty-three participating colleges, and these fifty-three were also the colleges with relatively excellent spiritual plant majors in southern Longxia.

At ten o'clock in the morning, all fifty-three teams were present.

A middle-aged man in formal clothes and thick hair walked up to the podium, looked around and slowly spoke:

"Hello everyone, on behalf of Lincheng College, I welcome everyone to participate in the 21st Spiritual Plant Exchange and Spiritual Plant Skills Competition!"


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