Inside, a shielding array was set up to isolate all external perceptions. A secret room and an escape passage were also dug.

Gu Yun and Guan Yu changed their clothes and left the yard quietly along the escape passage.

As for the secret guards protecting Gu Yun, they did not dare to enter the yard without Gu Yun's order. In addition, the monitors in their hands showed that Gu Yun's location was still in the yard.

So Gu Yun left quietly this time without anyone noticing.

After leaving the yard, Gu Yun immediately used the necklace of the phantom god to change his appearance, body shape, and breath.

After a disguise, Gu Yun now looked ordinary, completely unrelated to the previous one, and his realm was also disguised as a second-level martial artist.

Even if an acquaintance came, he would not recognize Gu Yun.

As for Guan Yu, Gu Yun gave him a treasure that changed his appearance, hiding his iconic red face and long beard.

At this moment, the two looked ordinary and could not be recognized in a crowd.

The two went to the airport in the imperial capital.

After the spiritual energy was revived, all the animals in the wild became monsters, and birds in the sky were no exception.

Monsters are extremely ferocious. They will actively attack humans, and airplanes in the sky have also become their targets.

The human race has no way to deal with it. Only high-quality warriors can fly in the sky. It is a pipe dream to let high-quality warriors escort airplanes.

Therefore, in the past few decades, the aircraft industry was directly scrapped and a large number of airplanes were shut down.

This trouble has been bothering the human race until 10 years ago, when a brilliant scientist invented a liquid.

This liquid can drive away 99% of bird monsters. Bird monsters will take the initiative to retreat as soon as they smell it. Moreover, this liquid is highly volatile, and a drop of it can spread ten miles.

Once this liquid came out, it directly solved the problem of airplanes in the air and was widely praised by people all over the world.

Now all airplanes will be coated with this liquid on the outside.

Before entering the airport, Gu Yun told Gu Yuyun and Xia Muqing that he would be in seclusion recently and might not be able to reply to their messages in time.

At the same time, he asked for leave from the class teacher and arranged everything in the future.

Gu Yun and Guan Yu entered the plane ticket gate together.

Gu Yun was naturally prepared and took out the plane tickets that the two had booked with fake identities.

The security inspector checked and confirmed that they were correct.

The two entered the plane cabin.

Gu Yun glanced casually and found that the passengers on this plane were basically all warriors, and these guys were all at a high level. The worst were all second-level martial artists.

A few of them were even fifth-level great generals.

Don't think that second- and third-level martial artists are weak. Most ordinary people can't even be martial artists. Those who can be promoted to martial artists are already rare.

In ordinary rural areas and county-level cities, there may not be one martial artist promoted among hundreds of people. Those who can break through the second-level martial artist can be kings and landlords in small places. The reason why there are so many warriors now is simply because this is the imperial capital, the political center of the entire China, and a place where geniuses gather.

With this comparison, you can understand how rare the fifth-level great generals are. This level is definitely considered the number one figure.

On this plane, Gu Yun took a casual look and found three fifth-level great generals.

"Judging from their attire, they are all free warriors, and their destination is the same as mine, which is to the Hekou base. It seems that the war is very tense, otherwise so many free warriors would not be dispatched to the battlefield!"

As a descendant of a large family, Gu Yun is very familiar with the war situation.

In general foreign wars, military warriors are enough to crush everything, and there is no need for free warriors to take action.

When encountering a more difficult war, the army will forcibly mobilize free warriors near the war zone, usually a few nearby provinces, and the scope will not be too large, with a maximum of 20,000 to 30,000 warriors.

And like now, the large-scale and large-scale mobilization of warriors means that the war in the front is very bad, the losses may be huge, and continuous replenishment of manpower is needed.

Gu Yun had a vague ominous premonition in his heart that the war with the Demon Horned Ox Tribe might not be as simple as everyone imagined.

Gu Yun had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he couldn't be sure.

"Forget it, we'll deal with it when the time comes, maybe it's just my illusion!"

After thinking a lot, Gu Yun simply stopped thinking about it, leaned back in his chair, and took a short nap.

The plane soon arrived in Danzhou City, Hekou Province!

Hekou Province is located in a plain with a population of nearly 100 million. It used to be a major grain province and transportation hub in China.

Now that the spiritual energy has revived, although it has been greatly affected, it is still strong.

The plane landed directly in Danzhou City, the capital of Hekou Province!

After the plane arrived, the passengers got off the plane in an orderly manner.

Gu Yun took Guan Yu directly to the Danzhou Military District, and the space gate to the Hekou base was guarded by the Danzhou Military District.

Because free warriors have frequently come to support recently, the military district's review has been simpler, but there are still several tedious inspections.

After confirming their identities, Gu Yun, Guan Yu, and several free warriors were taken to a huge bronze gate by the military district.

""Salute, thank you for your support!"

The soldier opened a small gate under the bronze door. Behind the bronze door was a brilliant white light. It was hard to see what it looked like, but it felt very mysterious.

Before the group entered, the soldiers saluted one after another. This scene made everyone a little at a loss. Everyone really didn't expect that the soldiers would salute ordinary warriors like themselves.

Everyone was flattered and hurriedly returned the salute.

Everyone's mentality was different.

Gu Yun was also a little surprised, but he didn't care too much. He returned the salute and took Guan Yu into the space gate.

After the two entered the space gate, they felt a dizzy feeling in front of them. The scenery in front of them changed rapidly, which was very magical.

When the two came to their senses, , already standing in a city.

This city is extremely retro and huge, and the houses here are all made of wood and stone, just like in ancient times. There are also dozens of feet high city walls erected around it. The city walls are made of an unknown material, black and red all over, and look extremely hard. The passers-by around are all warriors. They are all in a hurry, with firm faces, and look extremely busy.

Gu Yun sniffed and soon smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

Gu Yun had just taken a few steps towards the city gate when he stepped on a piece of broken bone.

Gu Yun looked down and saw that the piece of broken bone was the size of a fist, with a faint stain of blood on it, and it looked extremely fresh.

"It looks like the situation is very bad!"

Gu Yun initially thought it was just an accident, but as he got closer to the city gate, he saw more and more broken bones and debris on the ground.

These broken bones and debris were obviously human tissues, and each piece was very fresh. When other bases fought with alien races, they basically intercepted the enemy outside, attacked from high and low through the city walls, and slaughtered the enemy.

The city gate of the Hekou base has been breached now, and the Demon Horned Bull Tribe directly rushed into the base and slaughtered them wantonly.

Gu Yun sighed in his heart, but he could do nothing but pretend that he didn't see it, quickened his pace, and quickly came to the city gate.

"Damn, such a heavy bloody aura! How many people must have died to condense it!"

As soon as he arrived at the city gate, Gu Yun was frightened by a bloody aura that had gathered into substance.

With the naked eye, there was a red mist at the city gate, and that red mist was condensed from the bloody aura. The reason why Gu Yun knew it was because he had heard his father talk about the battle of Chang'an Base 30 years ago. That battle was so fierce that the human race was defeated.

180,000 Chinese people died at that time, and nearly a hundred high-quality warriors were lost alone.

On that day, the sky of Chang'an Base was full of red fog, and there was substantial bloody aura everywhere. Even high-quality warriors could not be exposed to it for a long time. Once exposed for a long time, they would go crazy!

Gu Yun couldn't believe that the casualties at the Hekou Base, which had only been in battle for a few days, had reached this level.

If the trend continues, the battle of Chang'an Base 30 years ago will be repeated again.


Forget it, with my current strength, I can't do anything about it. Instead of worrying about that and that, it's better to complete the task earlier, with more strength and more confidence!" Gu Yun didn't care about being sad and worried. He wanted to become stronger as soon as possible and complete the task as soon as possible.

After Gu Yun sorted out his emotions, he took Guan Yu and left the Hekou base directly.

Gu Yun had prepared in advance the map of the cities of the Demon Horned Bull Tribe, which showed the military situation in the city and the introduction of the strong.

The city closest to the Hekou base is called Tianfu City. This is the base camp of the Demon Horned Bull Tribe's attack on the human race. It has more than 100,000 Demon Horned Bull Tribe soldiers and two Nine Realm Martial Kings. It is too difficult to blow it up, so Gu Yun directly gave up this option. He had to pick the soft persimmon.

Gu Yun had already made a plan for Tianyi City, the city with the weakest front-line defense of the Demon Horned Bull Tribe. Tianyi City is near the towering rocks, steep cliffs and harsh environment. It was a city where the Demon Horned Bull Tribe came to mine. Now the ore has been almost mined out, Tianyi

City is a city where the Demon Horned Bull Tribe came to mine.

The city gradually lost its function.

But because it was close to the human race, it could become a line of defense, and was finally reactivated by the Demon Horned Ox Tribe.

Tianyi City was too remote and had too few resources. Even if they really attacked it, it would not make much sense, so the human race had never cared about this city.

Both sides almost forgot about Tianyi City.

And this situation happened to be very suitable for Gu Yun.

Gu Yun immediately took Guan Yu to Tianyi City. The journey was extremely peaceful. Gu Yun did not encounter any human warriors or Demon Horned Ox Tribe.

Even some birds and beasts, Gu Yun could not find them after a careful search.

It was obvious that both sides were holding back their big moves, and a war was about to break out.

Gu Yun had this guess, and he became even more anxious. He directly asked Guan Yu to drag him to Tianyi City, which directly increased the speed several times.

The city that originally took several hours to reach, now Gu Yun It took Yun just over 40 minutes to arrive.

Tianyi City was just as described in the intelligence, with overgrown grass and jagged rocks everywhere. The environment was extremely poor, with a city standing alone in the wasteland.

This city was only 1/4 the size of the Hekou Base. There were only a few soldiers patrolling on the city walls, and they didn't even bother to close the gates.

The Demon Horned Ox Tribe thought that no human race would be stupid enough to spend so much effort to capture a useless city.

But as luck would have it, there really was a"fool" who wanted to blow up the city.

Gu Yun used the Phantom Necklace to disguise himself as a Demon Horned Ox Tribe and entered Tianyi City.

As for Guan Yu, he was meeting him outside, but when Gu Yun started to act, he was responsible for leading away the masters in the city. As he got closer and closer to Tianyi City, Gu Yun couldn't help but feel a little nervous, worried that his disguise would be seen through.

But as Gu Yun entered Tianyi City, The soldiers didn't even look at Tianyi City, and Gu Yun was completely relieved.

There are still many people of the Demon Horned Bull Tribe in Tianyi City. There are poor people in every world. Although this place is remote, the cost of living here is low, the prices of goods and housing are low...

Gu Yun took a rough look and found that there are still many people of the Demon Horned Bull Tribe in Tianyi City, with a population of more than 300,000.

Although there are many elderly people, children, and women living here, Gu Yun was not soft-hearted and did not waver at all.

The Demon Horned Bull Tribe repeatedly invaded the human race, killing so many good men of the human race and destroying so many families.

If Gu Yun hesitated, he would be ashamed of his conscience and himself.

Gu Yun took firm steps and went directly to the center of Tianyi City, which happened to be the City Lord's Mansion.

Tianyi City is located in the rear, and there is no great danger on weekdays. The City Lord's Mansion is lax in defense, and Gu Yun sneaked in easily.

Ordinary explosives are definitely not enough to blow up a city, so Gu Yun asked people to improve the explosives and add many kinds of intense energy to it.

Just a few kilograms of equivalent can blow down a mountain.

Now, Gu Yun directly took out hundreds of kilograms of explosives and hid them all. Gu Yun was still worried, so he placed several energy crystals next to the explosives.

Energy crystals contain a lot of energy. This thing is generally used in industry to provide energy for large machinery. If it is accidentally destroyed, a lot of energy inside will explode instantly.

The power is huge. There was a case in which a factory did not control the energy crystals well and accidentally caused an explosion. The huge factory was gone, and the whole land seemed to be crushed.

Gu Yun set the bomb to explode in 45 minutes. After eliminating all traces, Gu Yun quickly left the City Lord's Mansion.

No one noticed all this.

Gu Yun was not in a hurry to evacuate. In order to make the explosion safer, Gu Yun also hid some energy crystals in various places in Tianyi City.

Once the bomb in the City Lord's Mansion exploded, the aftermath of the bomb would detonate these energy crystals.

It must be a beautiful scene at that time!

After Gu Yun did everything, he was about to leave Tianyi City when he was suddenly stopped by a team of patrolling soldiers.

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