Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 22: Team character setting, serial murder case

Didn't practice for long.

Half past seven.

The WeChat voice message rang, and it was Liu Feifei who was added as a friend last night.

"Hey, Sister Feifei, are you okay?"

"Hey~ You're such a good boy, you're actually up! Then I won't knock on your door and come directly to the cafeteria. Sister will take you to eat delicious food!"

"I'll be there right away."

Although Bai Yu only practiced for half an hour, he could definitely feel that based on the information given by his training experience, his training speed would definitely be much faster.

"Sure enough, for me now, this kind of information is the most effective."

"Information on serial murder cases and the like will probably not be suitable for purchase until I take the position of team leader."

As for the new golden pages, he tried it, and it was indeed possible to unlock it with spiritual power, and the first one was the tracking technique.

Regarding this golden page, he was more concerned about the so-called absorption of the evil god's energy.

"Is he referring to the evil god mentioned behind Black Blood Blade? If so, I will have to put more effort into this case."

In the cafeteria, Li Yunbin and his team members sat around a table, surrounded by other members of the seventh team.

In addition to the five combat teams, the entire seven groups also have hundreds of logistics personnel, who are also responsible for processing case information.

Bai Yu quietly enjoyed the red pancakes provided in the cafeteria. He could feel the flow of energy in every bite, which was obviously made from spiritual materials.

At this time, Liu Feifei brought a bowl of soup and said: "Here, this is Bailing soup. It costs 10 contribution points, which is equivalent to one thousand federal coins! The cost will be borne by the group, so feel free to drink it."

Bai Yu didn't expect it to be so expensive. He took a look at the deep red soup. There were red dates, wolfberries, white ginseng slices, and red Ganoderma lucidum slices floating in it. It was obvious that they were not ordinary ingredients.

Damn it! etc!

Couldn’t the ingredients just be [Yang Ling Zao 200g (ling), red meat Ganoderma lucidum 50g (ling), white ginseng 20g (ling)]?

It seems that the ingredients required for the Ten Spirits Great Replenishing Soup recipe should be made from common spiritual objects.


After taking it, he took a sip.

The taste is great~!

Members of other groups at other tables were also very curious about the new Bai Yu. It was extremely surprising to learn that he had joined the first team led by Li Yunbin.

"Why? Is it because you are more handsome than me?"

"Well, with your big nose and small eyes, no matter who you compare with, you'll always get the same result."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but laugh. .


"If you have the ability to fight in a duel!"

"Come on, let's fight one on one!"

Jiang Chen, an active member of the group, was holding a dinner plate and chatting animatedly with the group. Others were full of doubts about Bai Yu's joining, but Jiang Chen explained the whole process.

After learning that Bai Yu had obtained the power of the ancient gods and had completely controlled his spiritual power, everyone said: He can't be compared, he has been honest, please let him go!

Zhao Bin, wearing glasses, checks case information while eating, a typical workaholic.

Qin Wanqing sat quietly next to Li Yunbin, and the subtle relationship between the two was obvious.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu finally understood that there was no room for Sister Feifei's talkative nature to be used, so she had been holding it back for a long time.

Sure enough, as soon as he took a few mouthfuls, Liu Feifei quickly asked: "How is it? Do you feel the effect? ​​Why don't you go and test your physical fitness? If the effect is not good, drink a few more bowls. Don't worry about the cost. Anyway, Our team leader is very capable."

When he said this, he secretly glanced at Li Yunbin.

After a series of blows, Bai Yu had some self-doubts. After staying with Sister Feifei for a long time, he would also become socially fearful.

At this time, Li Yunbin suddenly received new news, saying: "There is a new victim in the Yunhu serial murder case. The deceased is an old man in his sixties from the Yinlian Community near Yunhu."

"Let's go now."

Jiang Chen was having a great time chatting because of Bai Yu, a talented newcomer. There was still half breakfast left. When he heard this, he immediately grabbed it, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and hurriedly kept up.

When Bai Yu heard about the Yunhu serial murder case, he suddenly remembered that the information about Li Yunbin he saw yesterday seemed to mention this.

At that time, he thought it was Li Yunbin's past experience.

Now it seems that it turned out to be an incident in the past six months!

There are also technologies developed by the family. I don’t know if they are the results of the past six months.

‘By the way, the notebook I used to record information is still in the apartment, I have to take it back sometime. ’

However, although he knew about the three subsequent cases, he didn't know much about the process.

At this time, the only option was to find Liu Feifei.

"Sister Feifei, can you tell me about the Yunhu serial murder case?"

"Hmph! Why did you look a little impatient when I was chatting with you just now? Now you know to call me Sister Feifei?" Liu Feifei pretended to be angry.

Bai Yu:.

‘You just talked about gossip in the investigation bureau. It’s really not important information.’

Fortunately, Zhao Bin, who was in charge of data analysis, said something: "This is the internal tablet of the team members. You can take it. I will now pass the data on the case to you."

"Thank you, Brother Zhao Bin!"

Liu Feifei on the side put her hands on her hips unhappily and pouted.

She wanted to talk more.

But Bai Yu ignored this cute look and already clicked on the file and started checking it.

Currently, there are two victims.

The first victim, a young woman, died in the park at night.

The second victim was a young man, an employee of the electronics factory. He died on the way to the staff dormitory and was thrown into the nearby dense forest.

The characteristics of the death of the two victims were that they were cut open by a sharp weapon and bled to death. The blood seemed to contain evil energy, which appeared as a thick black liquid.

Normal investigations start from the interpersonal relationships of the victims, then check the nearby surveillance, lock the suspect, and investigate whether he has a motive and time to commit the crime.

But the extraordinary world is troublesome.

These two victims alone have no intersection.

It looks like indiscriminate killing.

Indiscriminate killing is definitely the most difficult!

Bai Yu thought in his heart: It must be the Black Blood Blade, the murderer is a young man who dropped out of school to work in the electronics factory. How can I reveal this information! ?

When it comes to the electronics factory, Bai Yu suddenly remembered something.

He quickly opened the map and checked the locations of the three cases.

An important clue in this case is that the murderer did not commit crimes while wandering around, but in the eastern part of Yunhu.

Electronics factories in this area

Yun'an Electronics Factory!

My cousin from my aunt's family worked here.

He still had some contact with this aunt, and they had a place to go during the New Year.

But thinking of this cousin, Bai Yu had a headache.

The eastern part of Yunhu belongs to the old industrial area developed in the early stage of Tianhai City.

Most of the people living in Yinlian Community are retired elderly people.

This time, the neighbors smelled a strong smell of blood and a foul odor, so they chose to call the police.

First, ordinary investigators and law enforcement officers arrived, confirmed the situation of the extraordinary case, reported it to the higher level, and then assigned it to investigators of different levels.

When Bai Yu and others arrived, they saw that the community was full of people downstairs.

As soon as they got out of the car, they could hear all kinds of discussions.

"Old Wang was a kind man, and he didn't have any conflicts with anyone. How could he die?"

"I heard that his sons and daughters were doing well, and I always wanted to take him to live a good life. But he lived comfortably here, and I didn't expect that this would happen!"

He walked through the crowd and approached the cordon.

He could see a middle-aged woman crying. Judging from her choked words, she was the daughter of the deceased. She heard the news early in the morning and rushed here.

To be honest, he had lived for 26 years in his previous life and had 21 years of memory in this life, but he had never seen a corpse.

At this moment, he was about to see the crime scene and the grief of the deceased's family, and he couldn't help feeling a little touched.

Just like the previous car accident case, he only saw the changes in cold numbers, but these were all living lives!

Thinking of this, his fists hardened.

If possible, he wanted to guide the team leader as much as possible and catch the murderer today.

And Zhang Youpeng's matter also needs to be resolved!

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