Gate of God

Chapter 442: Unexpected result

Chapter 442: Unexpected result

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The night was far from calm.

It was filled with screams and shouts of the battle.

But at the current moment, the entire area became calm, almost like the surface of a frozen lake.

There were no commands shouted, no killings, no screams.

Time seemed to freeze as everyone turned to look at the epicenter of that powerful force.


A ray of light flashed right by it.

It was an incredibly quick ray of light, so fast that no one could make out the true identity of the light.

However, that was not the most important point.

Most importantly, that ray of light was headed straight for Canyang. In fact, it was right in front of him.

Less than 50cm away!

Shock, helplessness, terror...

A plethora of emotions filled the faces of the Dragon Protection Squad, the Mountain Breaking Army, the Southern Region soldiers, as well as the demons. However, no one spoke.

They were all stunned by what they saw.

They watched wide-eyed as the blue figure morphed into a ray of light and flew towards Canyang.

What was he trying to do? Why did he do it? Was he courting death? Or was he tired of living?

They couldn't figure it out.

All they could see was that the figure appeared right in front of Canyang and raised his hand.


An earth-shaking sound echoed out, almost as if a bomb had been detonated. Everyone's ears rang from the impact.

Clouds of dust were sent flying in all directions.

No one knew if the dust cloud was a result of the explosive force, or the shockwave resulting from the subsequent attack.

Canyang and the blue figure were completely covered by the dust cloud.

The night...

Was calm and quiet.

The wind blew across the battlefield, bringing with it the stench of blood and assaulting the soldiers.


Someone's weapon fell to the ground, right onto a broken spear, giving off a bright, crisp ring.

It was not loud.

If the battle had been as intense as before, the sound would have been lost amidst the sounds of the battle.

But right now...

It was like a rock being dropped into a still lake. It broke the silence and shook everyone from their trance.

The expressions began to change as eyes widened and jaws dropped. Faces also began to pale...

"He... he moved?!" A stammer could be heard some distance away.

"This... this... the Heavenly Dao... he escaped?!"

"That's impossible! How is that even possible?!"

"The Heavenly Dao! How did he manage to free himself! That is impossible, it is the Heavenly Rebirth Dao. This cannot be happening..."

Various voices began to join in the caucus.

Everyone on the battlefield, humans, and demons alike, couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

The Heavenly Dao had been broken?


Was it broken by a nascent Supernatural State cultivator?

What could possibly be more ridiculous and unbelievable?

Maybe if the sun was to rise from the west...

No, even if the sun was to rise from the west, they would not be as surprised.

The Heavenly Dao was known as the last obstacle before one could enter the Sage State. Countless people were willing to sacrifice everything for a chance to wield it.

And Fang Zhengzhi cracked it so easily?

That can't be!

In order to crack it, he had to wield it!

Is that even possible?!


Countless eyes were fixated on the cloud of dust. They couldn't bring themselves to believe what they were seeing, but it was clear that...

Fang Zhengzhi's original position.

Was now...


"He broke free, he really broke free!"

"He broke free from the restraints of the Heavenly Rebirth Dao?!"

Even though no one could bring themselves to believe it, they had to face the facts.

The light and the blue figure...

That was...

Fang Zhengzhi!

Xing Qingsui was completely floored by what he saw. He had wanted Fang Zhengzhi to escape from the restraints.

However, when Fang Zhengzhi actually escaped, he was in shock.

"He is younger than me!"

Xing Yuanguo was also equally surprised. He was the leader of the Stabilization Constabulary and someone who could keep his cool in the heat of battle.

But this time...

His jaw dropped and eyes widened in disbelief... "He is so much younger than Qingsui!"

The voices continued to echo throughout the battlefield.

Nangong Hao's gaze had shifted from the silver light to the cloud of dust. It was partially due to the fact that the silver light had disappeared...

But more importantly...

Even he raised his hands and rubbed his eyes vigorously in disbelief.

"He... he actually managed to do that?!" Nangong Hao was rarely shocked, and in the rare case that he was, he almost never revealed it.

However, right now, even Nangong Hao could not suppress his disbelief.

Ping Yang's eyes glowed with disbelief, but she was also extremely excited.

"Shameless fella, you didn't disappoint me! You managed to break free from the Heavenly Rebirth Dao?! Wait... damn it, he really did it?!"

Ping Yang rarely cussed, but she did so this time, probably out of excitement as well as influence from her interaction with Fang Zhengzhi.

Shan Ling's blade stopped right above the head of a demon, the wind blowing at the feathers on his hat.

His face was drenched with sweat, and he felt a chill down his spine.

The other settlement chiefs also felt the same chill. Their weapons may have been different, but their weapons were all shaking.

The silver waterfall had all but disappeared.

A figure appeared at the source, her starry eyes looking to the ground. Her pink dress danced in the wind as pride filled her face.

She was incredibly beautiful.

This was Chi Guyan. She was proud and extremely intelligent. She had peerless talent and skill, and outstanding determination.

There was another beautiful face on the ground.


This person was also filled with shock. This shock was a stark contrast from her usual cold and aloofness.

Yun Qingwu was really shocked. Even though she was known to be able to predict many things, she never predicted that Fang Zhengzhi would be able to break free.

"Only those who wield the Heavenly Dao can break it!"

This was something that she had said to Fang Zhengzhi moments ago. But now, Fang Zhengzhi had disappeared.

He had disappeared without a trace.

Almost like the invisible Heavenly Dao!

"Master!" Yun Qingwu managed to recover from her shock before anyone else could. She looked at the cloud of dust behind her, her tone filled with anxiety and shock.

As Yun Qingwu screamed...

The hundreds of other demons and demon elites also responded.

After breaking free from his restraints, Fang Zhengzhi had made a beeline for Canyang. In fact, at the very last moment, he seemed to strike at Canyang.

If the fact that Fang Zhengzhi had managed to break free from his restraints was unbelievable, then the subsequent attack on Canyang was...

Ridiculous and audacious!

Where did he manage to get the courage to challenge Canyang! He would be sending himself to his death right after managing to escape its clutches.

None of the domain chiefs could believe their eyes.

All of the members of the joint forces finally managed to recover from their shock.

All of them looked at each other...

They had the same look in their eyes.

That was one of...


Their minds were blank.

Until now, they still could not figure out how Fang Zhengzhi had managed to break free from his restraints.

Did he manage to wield the Heavenly Dao?

That's impossible!

So how did he do it?

No one could figure it out. Then, Fang Zhengzhi had done something that could only be described as suicidal...


The cloud of dust covered both figures completely. However, they were revealed almost just as quickly.

Countless pairs of eyes were fixated on the two figures.

Normally, they should not be guessing what the result was, but they couldn't help themselves.


When they saw what was in front of their eyes, their expressions froze over instantly.

The blue long sleeved shirt continued to dance in the wind, the skinny man standing his ground, his face lightly coated with dust.

However, he was smirking.

In front of him was a figure in a black cloak, his white hair resting on his shoulders. He was 'looking' at Fang Zhengzhi with dull, empty eyes.

It was a strange sight.

It caused everyone on the battlefield to reel in disbelief.

"What happened?!"

"That's impossible, this can't be true!"

"He... he actually... actually..."

"That's Canyang, the half sage!"

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Canyang on one knee. They couldn't believe that Fang Zhengzhi's attack had hit home.

What the hell?

That was unfathomable!

"Could it be that he really wields the Heavenly Dao?! The Heavenly Rebirth Dao... he... he is a half sage?!"

"How is that possible? How could he possibly be in the Heavenly Rebirth State?!"

"If not, how did he manage to escape his restraints. How did he manage to hit Canyang? Canyang is a half sage!"

No one could understand what just happened. Countless thoughts flew through their minds, so much so that they forgot that they were still in a battle.

All of them looked at Canyang and Fang Zhengzhi, trying to figure out what happened.


That was the understatement of the year.

There were no words to describe this. This was completely unfathomable.

"Master!" Yun Qingwu's voice rang out, her face paling as she screamed.

Fang Zhengzhi escaping his restraints...

That was not something that she had planned or expected.

Over the past decade, there were few things that could surprise her. Even the events at the Icy Monkey Settlement were within her plans and expectations.

But, she had not expected this.

Soon after...

Fang Zhengzhi had charged Canyang!

She knew why Canyang had been hit by Fang Zhengzhi, what she couldn't understand was how this was all possible!

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