Gate of God

Chapter 952 - Ridiculous!

Panda Novel

“Can’t flee?” Ping Yang missed Fang Zhengzhi and almost fell flat on her face. However, after hearing Fang Zhengzhi’s voice, she was confused.

She did not understand what Fang Zhengzhi meant by “can’t flee”. Did he mean that it was too late? Or did he mean that they were unable to flee?

Fang Zhengzhi did not bother explaining but his words could be easily understood if one thought about the battle situation.

The Heaven Dao Pavilion was attacked from all directions.

The intention of using this battle strategy was obvious. They were using the strategy of distraction and killed several Monster Kings before the Monster Race and Demon Race figured out what the situation was like.

After that?

If Fang Zhengzhi did not appear on the cliff of the Sword Peak, the Monster Race and Demon Race would definitely gather and guard in front of the wrecked black palace, waiting for the Human Alliance to attack.

Fang Zhengzhi could not flee because he really was unable to.

If he had chosen to flee, the battle would eventually end up with the brutal fight between humankind and the Monster Race and Demon Race.

The outcome was predictable.

If the Godly State experts of the Monster Race and Demon Race appeared, judging from the situation amongst the Human Alliance, it was impossible for them to be united.

Fang Zhengzhi did not like to be the hero. However, after these few months, he could understand the meaning behind “when a group suffers, all individuals belonging to it will be affected”.

Although the Human Alliance was not United, he could not sit back and do nothing. After all, if the Human Alliance lost, it would be impossible for him to change the world on his. own

Just like Yun Qingwu.

Yun Qingwu’s strength was in terms of her intelligence, which was almost fully used in her rule. To put it more straightforward, the biggest strength of Yun Qingwu was her cohesion.

The five-year-old Yun Qingwu was sent out of the Blood Shadow City and traveled to a foreign “barren land” with a small amount of cash from the Demon Lord and a few bodyguards.

However, in such a situation, Yun Qingwu was able to develop an entire force with a small amount of cash and a few bodyguards.

The forces multiplied from tens to hundreds to thousands…

Eventually, with the help of the Half Sage Canyang, she managed to conquer the region around the Blood Shadow City and she went back to the Blood Shadow City with the Demon troops.

Yun Qingwu only took five years to accomplish this.

In the following ten years, Yun Qingwu did only one thing which was to find the chance to enter the Holy Region. However, the method she used was also to “look for people”.

To look for people with capabilities who could accomplish great things!

That was Yun Qingwu’s strength.

Now, in order for Fang Zhengzhi to defeat Yun Qingwu and the Monster Race and Demon Race, he had to seek help from others because he needed various types of intelligence report and various forms of collaboration.

After all, the perspective of one individual was severely limited.

“To turn oneself into a bait, hmm… smart!” A cold voice was heard from the back of the six Monster Kings. After that, a figure dressed in a black cloak walked out.

“Sir Demon Deity!”

“Sir Demon Deity, we…”


Upon seeing the figure, the six Monster Kings and the surrounding Demon soldiers all bowed down and fell to their knees.

“Scram, you bunch of useless things!” The figure raised his arm and several Demon soldiers were sent flying in the air before landing heavily on the ground.

This scene shocked the six Monster Kings and the rest of the Demon soldiers.

However, what was more shocking was that the Demon soldiers who were sent flying never stood up again and their faces were as dry as dead tree branches.

“…” Chills rose from the backs of the six Monster Kings and Demon soldiers. Upon seeing this, one of the Demon Vice Domain Chiefs was about to make a comment when he was grabbed on the arm by another Vice Domain Chief and swallowed his words.

“Hmm? You don’t look like you are willing to comply?” The figure turned around before he vanished.


The Demon Vice Domain Chief who swallowed his words fell onto the ground. Unlike the Demon soldiers who were sent flying earlier on, his head was crushed into pieces. In fact, his entire upper torso was broken into pieces.

“Sir Demon Deity, we…” The other Vice Domain Chief shuddered as he looked at the body covered in blood.

“Die, useless things, all of you can go and die! Hahaha…” After a merciless roar, the other Vice Domain Chief also fell on the ground.

A few other innocent Demon soldiers also fell with him.

It was a cruel scene!

Moreover, there were no explanations given!

Chou Qi, the “Sir Demon Deity” who stood on the cliff of the Sword Peak, had told everyone with his method that everyone could die regardless of whether they spoke.

That was because to him, all of the so-called Monster Kings and Demon soldiers were useless things.

This scene caused the six Monster Kings and Demon soldiers to shudder and perspiration trickled down the Monster Kings’ forehead.

To the six Monster Kings, although their status was incomparable to the Godly State experts, they were still Monster Kings and had power amongst the Monster Race and Demon Race.

However, they figured out something at this moment…

To Chou Qi, they were nothing.

“So I see that you, this silly… fool is good at the ‘seven-wound strike’!” Fang Zhengzhi sighed involuntarily when he saw over ten bodies on the ground.



The air was dead silent.

It was not because Fang Zhengzhi said the term ‘seven-wound strike’ which the Monster Race and Demon Race could not understand. It was because of the straightforwardness and harshness of Fang Zhengzhi’s tone.

After all, the phrase “silly fool” shocked them.

The expressions on the six Monster Kings and the Demon soldiers’ faces were complex. They did not know whether to thank “Meng Tian” for attracting the hatred from Chou Qi or to praise “Meng Tian” for being overconfident.

However, a voice seemed to answer their question.

“Seven-wound strike, what is that?” Ping Yang asked innocently, her eyes blinking curiously.

“A formal explanation would be ‘killing 1000 of your opponents with a casualty of 800 of your own men’,” explained Fang Zhengzhi as he touched Ping Yang’s head.

“How about the informal explanation?”

“Didn’t I say that just now… silly fool, did you not hear that?”

“Hahaha…” Ping Yang’s laughter echoed through the air on the cliff of the Sword Peak. Her laughter was so loud that it was heard by a figure hiding in the sky.

The faces of the Monster Kings turned black.

Apart from them, all of the surrounding Demon soldiers could feel a terrifying aura spreading rapidly through the air.

It was the aura of death that was so powerful that its force could cause one’s body to stiffen up.

“Step back!”

“Step back now!”

The six Monster kings commanded immediately.

However, there were still some Demon soldiers who could not step back in time. They fell to the ground with their faces purple and their bodies “wilted” so quickly that they looked like they were being sucked dry.

“Silly fool, tell me your name to make me laugh a bit more?” Instead of stepping back, Fang Zhengzhi stepped forward towards the aura of death.

“Chou Qi!” A cold voice was heard.

“Oh, so you acknowledge that you are a silly fool?”


The simple conversation did not result in a simple outcome. That was because Chou Qi had attacked. With a change in his form, he appeared in front of Fang Zhengzhi.

It was very close…

So close that Fang Zhengzhi could see the terrifying scar on Chou Qi’s forehead. The red scar looked like a cross of death.

Bam! Two palms collided with each other.

Then, two figures separated instantly. Chou Qi returned to his original position and made two deep footprints on the floor he was standing on.

Meanwhile, Fang Zhengzhi flew to the foot of the cliff of the Sword Peak as though he had slipped and fallen after the strike.

“…” The air was dead silent again. As compared to earlier on, there was an additional suppressive force that was as heavy as a mountain.

The six Monster Kings and the surrounding Demon soldiers all widened their eyes because everything happened so quickly that there could not accept it.

As for Ping Yang…

She stood rooted to the ground, completely stunned.

She looked at Chou Qi who was standing far away and the six Monster Kings who were shocked. She felt as though winter had arrived early.

“Don’t tell me this shameless brat is joking at such a timing?” Ping Yang liked thrills but the situation now was way too thrilling for her.

So was Fang Zhengzhi pushed to the bottom of the cliff?

Not sure whether he was dead or alive?


She was all by herself?!

The wind blew past the cliff of the Sword Peak. It was slightly chilly but it felt warm as compared to the coldness from the aura of death on the cliff.

“This… Actually, I… I only passed… passed by!” After saying that, Ping Yang turned around and was about to chase after Fang Zhengzhi.

However, at the instant when she turned around, a black figure had brushed past her head and landed on the edge of the cliff.

“You seem to be laughing very happily earlier on?” Chou Qi’s cold voice was heard. He looked extremely cold when his black cloak flew in the mountain breeze.

“Did I laugh?” Ping Yang looked extremely awkward.

“If you can laugh again like just now, I may spare your life,” said Chou Qi as he took a step towards Ping Yang.

“Haha…” Ping Yang’s smile looked worse than a cry.

She definitely knew that Fang Zhengzhi would not die like that. However, with such a steep and high cliff, Fang Zhengzhi needed at least ten minutes to climb back up.

Ten minutes…

She could have died at least ten times.

What should she do?

Should she fight with all her might? Or smile and delay the time?

Different thoughts flashed past Ping Yang’s mind, then, she threw the Blazing Qilin Spear towards Chou Qi.

Chou Qi stopped moving towards her when she did that. He looked at the bright red Blazing Qilin Spear and at Ping Yang who was masked with a black face cloth.

Then, Chou Qi laughed.

“Hahahahaha…” Chou Qi laughed wildly as though he had seen the biggest joke in his life.

However, after laughing, Chou Qi’s gaze turned even colder and the aura of death he exuded caused his cloak to be blown off.

“Another useless thing!” Chou Qi took a step forward.

“No, don’t kill me, I am really a passer-by…” Ping Yang’s legs turned into jelly and she fell on the ground as though she had no strength for defense at all.

The six surrounding Monster Kings and the Demon soldiers looked at each other, speechless.


She was a Sage?

Did she have to do that?!

Godly State…

Unless this was the difference between a Sage State and a Godly State? The power of a Godly State individual caused a Sage to give up on counterattacking?

“Die!” In an instant, Chou Qi reached Ping Yang and slapped her with a palm that emitted a deadly gray airwave.

“Ah, I have an important intelligence report to tell you, it’s regarding Meng Tian and the Source of God…” Ping Yang cupped her head with her hands and was extremely scared of being smashed into pieces.

“Hmm?!” Chou Qi stopped.

He did not stop because he heard Ping Yang, but rather because the Blazing Qilin Spear that Ping Yang had thrown on the floor was poking on his palm.

There was a Cloud Pattern that looked like fire on the bright red body of the spear. A golden spot was flowing continuously on the tip of the spear.

Then, lime powder was sprinkled from Ping Yang’s hands.

She sprinkled it as she spoke.

At such a close distance and with Ping Yang’s power as a sage, the speed of the sprinkling of lime powder was extremely fast.

Even Fang Zhengzhi who had some mental preparation could not dodge Ping Yang’s lime powder, Chou Qi, whose gaze was fixated on the tip of the Blazing Qilin Spear, was not even mentally prepared.

Therefore, the lime powder had undoubtedly hit the bull’s eye…

Bam! The lime powder exploded on Chou Qi’s face, turning his cold face snow white.

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