Genius Is Taught by Geniuses
Chapter 44
044 – Viscount Kayle (1)
Tigris brought the magnifying glass to the sage’s sword.
The Sage’s Sword had a total of five abilities.
Magic storage, magic amplification, rapid casting, eye to detect lies, harmony between magic and sword.
Magic storage was the ability to store up to 7 magic in advance.
Magic amplification was literally to amplify magic.
Rapid casting was the ability to help you draw quickly when drawing a magic circle with magical power.
Other than that, his eye for detecting lies could tell if the other person was telling a lie by holding a sword, and he was able to avoid enchantments that disturb his senses, such as hallucinations or hallucinations.
The final combination of magic and sword was the ability to assist in casting while swinging the sword.
It was a very long explanation, but to put it in a nutshell, I couldn’t find a better sword than this for a magic swordsman.
Tigris thought for a moment.
Shall I give this sword to Rakan?
The worries didn’t last long.
don’t give
Rakan would give up the sword and walk only the path of magic.
Giving this sword was meaningless.
And to give Rakan the relics in the 1st treasury is the same as giving a bag of gold coins to a child in the middle of Gray Town.
It was obvious that Rota and Arphem’s clan would be assassinated to kill Rakan and steal the relics.
Tigris began to check the relics one by one with a magnifying glass.
Regardless of whether it was a sword, a spear, a ring, or a cloak, I checked them all.
There were a wide variety of holy relics, such as a dagger with poison that killed even a giant if stabbed from the back, a spear that would surely pierce the heart when thrown, and an ax that could produce lightning.
However, if they liked the ability, the appearance was strange, and if it was an easy-to-carry type of object, such as an ornament, the ability was slightly ambiguous.
Of course, it was much better than the relics in the 2nd place report, but I did not want to choose the relics that I regretted even though I was in the 1st place report.
‘If there was a sword of the adversary, I would have chosen the sword of the adversary…’
Needless to say, the sword of the adversary, the precious sword of the Lucet family that Tigris used in the last and final war, was a very powerful sword.
In the era of giants when giants occupied the continent, it was the sword used by the adversary ‘Ahambra’ who cut down the king of giants.
The sword of the adversary was a sword that was passed down to the emperor because it was a treasured sword that symbolized the emperor Lucet.
If the Lucet Empire had not been destroyed before the return, Tigris would not have even heard the sword of the adversary.
Tigris confirmed all the relics.
Now I had to make a decision.
Among these relics, there were four relics that captured Tigris’ heart.
A sword that never breaks, rusts, or dulls.
A chain that can force the opponent to escape beyond a certain range.
A ring with absolute defense ability that can protect one’s life from blind attacks at least once.
A cloak equipped with useful auxiliary abilities such as current location, subspace, short flight, short teleportation, stealth, automatic washing, temperature control, and moisture control.
Among these, the one that attracted my heart the most was the sword that never broke.
During the Last War, all three swords used by Tigris were broken and suffered measles.
If it was a sword that could never be broken, even the final war might be quite useful.
But I decided not to choose this sword.
There was the Salamander’s sword, which is backward compatible with the current never-breaking sword, and in the end, Tigris would use either Dwin’s sword or the sword of the adversary.
The advantage of not being broken was not enough to deal with all the members of Rota and Arphem.
Although it was broken, it was better to use the sword of Dwin and the sword of the adversary, which has many secondary abilities that can help Tigris.
There are now three finalists left.
Is it a holy thing that can hold onto and kill Rota and Arfem’s family who are trying to escape?
Is it a holy creature that can reliably protect itself from blind attacks?
Is it a holy creature that can enrich all of your future journeys and create interesting variables in battle?
It took me a long time to think, but I finally made a decision.
“I’ll do it with this chain of heaven.”
The reason Tigris missed his family members before returning was because he was determined and could not hold onto the fleeing opponent.
Among them, there were many high-level wizards, and when the situation became unfavorable, they ran away with space magic or teleport scrolls.
In particular, Levis used the method of taking his soul out of the body and escaping like a soul magician. If you use this chain of the sky, you will be able to prevent Levis from escaping.
“I wish I didn’t let the outside world know that I took this chain of heaven, is it possible?”
Matteo thought for a moment and then nodded.
“I will only tell the Emperor.”
“Thank you.”
Tigris lifted the chains of heaven.
And I took out the pocket watch I carried with me all the time.
The symbol of the Inquisitor was changed to the shape of a pocket watch.
“Remove the chains.”
Then the chain on the pocket watch disappeared.
And Tigris brought the thick, perforated chain to the top of the pocket watch.
Then, the chain of the heavens, which had shone in gold, became thinner and shorter and turned into the gold band of a pocket watch.
The gifted man also transformed his head to fit the hole in the chain of heaven, and the gift and the chain of heaven were attached to it.
Tigris fastened the chain of heaven to the button and put the pocket watch in his pocket.
It matched so well with Tigris’ luxurious appearance, no one would have thought that the gold string was a sacred thing.
Tigris smiled slightly, as if he was getting ready to deal with Lota and Arphem’s clan, including Levis.
* * *
The next day, Tigris finished class and went to visit Rakan.
Rakan was circling the training ground as if he was breaking the daily quest.
As soon as Rakan found Tigris, he smiled brightly and ran right away.
Tigris checked Rakan’s body.
His body was much better than before.
Not only did the amount of muscle increase, but the body was in balance.
Read at
Just running and doing push-ups every day can make a huge difference.
“Let’s talk for a moment. Do you have time?”
“Ah yes. I just finished my daily quota.”
Tigris looked around.
There were a lot of people watching around.
People had gathered since Tigris appeared at the parade ground.
In the past, when Tigris appeared, students would flock to it, but after the Chimera Lab incident, it became more famous and the number increased.
“Just move on.”
Tigris and Rakan moved to the office.
Tigris asked straight-forward.
“I have a job for you.”
Rakan chuckled.
“Does this smell like a quest? What is it?”
“We need to find Viscount Kayle. Do you know who Viscount Kayle is?”
Rakan nodded.
“Absolutely. I’m not the bad guy who made that Chimera Lab.”
Rakan knew surprisingly much about Viscount Kayle.
He knew that the butler, who disappeared with Viscount Kayle, had two children with him, and that he was in the ecliptic when the Chimera Lab incident happened.
“Did you do your own research?”
“yes. A quest appeared recently. So I was doing my own research.”
Since Rakan went into the investigation, it seemed that he would be able to find it sooner than I thought.
“But this quest has a time limit.”
“Time limit?”
“yes. If we don’t find it by next Wednesday, it’s over.”
“Were there often a time limit on the original quest?”
“no. It’s not that common. Oh, I think I know what the instructor is thinking.”
Rakan took a wad of paper from his bag.
“Let’s see… Ah, here it is.”
Rakan took out his newspaper today and placed it in front of Tigris.
“I wondered why the quest told me to finish it by next Wednesday. But on that day, a special event was held in the Empire.”
Rakan pointed to the headlines of the newspaper.
<Wednesday, April 29th, each lord will visit the Imperial Palace.>
<I will report the results of the internal inspection ordered by His Majesty Emperor Todd.>
“Now that martial law has fallen, no one can leave the Empire, but the next Wednesday, all the key figures from outside will come in.”
“It’s the only day the gates are open.”
“yes. Right. Perhaps on this day Viscount Kale and her family will escape in some way.”
Tigris slightly admired Rakan’s sharp insight.
“And when I asked you to find the Chimera Lab, it was 15,000 points, but the quest to find Viscount Kayle is only 3,000 points. That means finding the location of Viscount Kayle is less difficult than finding the location of the Chimera Lab.”
Tigris nodded and listened to Rakan.
“That means at least Viscount Kayle is still somewhere I can find easily, and it’s probably 100% within the ecliptic. Now that martial law is down, I won’t be able to go out until the 29th. The system does not give me impossible tasks.”
Rakan went beyond physical evidence and made a guess by grasping the principle of the system.
Tigris had no choice but to listen to Rakan’s speculation in silence.
Rakan then pulled out a map and held it.
“And I’ve been trying to figure out where Viscount Kayle might be, and there are two.”
There were two red circles on the map.
One was to the southwest of Gray Town and the other was the ‘Black Snake’ mercenary office in Treasure Town.
“The Viscount Kayle has little place to hide in this ecliptic. Their faces are all over the place, and there are a lot of bounties hanging on them, so now mercenaries and adventurers are making a fuss over trying to make quick money.”
“Then why are there two places?”
“First of all, it is no exaggeration to say that the Black Snake mercenaries are private mercenaries created by the Viscount Cale family. Rumor has it that they are security guards in every building the Viscount Kayle owns, and they take care of all the dirty work. So there are a lot of talk about whether the Black Snake is hiding Viscount Kayle.”
But the Inquisitors and the police will be well aware of that.
The Inquisitors are also now desperate to find Viscount Kayle, and they almost doubted the mercenaries that Viscount Kayle had touched.
But the Inquisitor did not find Viscount Kayle.
That said, it was clear that the Black Snake mercenaries were not in a building owned by them.
“Then why are you so suspicious of the area southwest of Gray Town?”
“Not the story of Viscount Kale here, but traces of Viscount Kale here? No, I’ve found evidence that I suspect belonged to Viscount Kayle.”
Rakan pulled out a picture.
Rakan was able to capture the raw scene because he secretly filmed it with a small camera used by the paparazzi.
The photo showed beggars gathering in one place to eat food waste.
“This is Gray Town. But do you see the food these beggars are eating? It’s wheat bread and meat.”
Tigris tilted his head.
“Didn’t the beggars of Gray Town eat these things?”
The last time Tigris went, the beggars were digging through the trash and eating these leftovers.
“Most of the food waste that enters the garbage dump in the southwest of Gray Town comes from leftovers from the factory workers in Purple Town.”
I knew the garbage dump was in Gray Town south of the river and in Academy Town north of the river, but I didn’t know these details.
“Recently, the main bread distributed to factory workers is rye bread, isn’t it? March to May is rye harvesting season, so rye is cheap, barley is slightly more expensive than that, and wheat bread is the most expensive.”
Tigris immediately understood Rakan’s words.
“But these beggars are eating wheat bread.”
“Besides, I’ve been eating rare meat lately. No matter how good the factory workers are, there is no factory that serves meat for lunch and dinner. I decided to ask the beggars, and they said that wheat bread and meat had been thrown away recently. It’s only a very small amount.”
“… that sure is strange.”
“It’s my pure feeling. If we track the source of this food waste, I think we can find Viscount Kayle’s hiding place.”
Rakan had a knack for finding conclusive evidence from trivial or abandoned things.
It was a similar principle that Rakan previously captured three factories that supply various materials to the Chimera Lab at once.
It was because the waste from the three factories had a peculiar sewage odor.
Tigris could not help but marvel at Rakan’s insight.
“…I think so too.”
“But one question arises, why didn’t Viscount Kayle use the teleport scroll? If I were Viscount Kayle, I would have teleported right after the Chimera incident.”
“The destination the teleport scroll is directed to can be an issue.”
“yes? why?”
“As I said before, the Inquisitor’s Hydra is the 7th Circle Archmage. If the teleport scroll is activated, you can immediately pursue it and find the destination of the teleport scroll.”
“Aha~ If you go to the mansion of another noble family or the secret chimera laboratory that helped Viscount Kayle, you can pursue it right away.”
To summarize, from the point of view of the Empire, Viscount Cale was hoping for a teleport scroll.
Aside from catching Viscount Kayle, you can find another noble family or a secret laboratory that cooperated with Viscount Kayle.
“Then I don’t think I’ll ever think of escaping by teleporting.”
“right. So are you planning on going to Gray Town this weekend?”
“yes. “I’m going to go after someone who is hiding in a nearby garbage dump this weekend and throwing away wheat bread.”
“Do you have to? Do you think I can call the Inquisitor and do it?”
Rakan shook his head.
“The quest says I have to find the location of Viscount Kayle myself. If the Inquisitor finds it, you probably won’t get the reward for this quest.”
Rakan has to break the quest himself, so it’s an unavoidable situation, but it’s too dangerous.
If Rakan made a mistake and was caught on the day, he could be killed.
Tigris took out a small box from her arms and opened it.
Inside was the holy relic of the lover’s seat.
Tigris decided to name this necklace simply ‘Perschen and Adne’.
“What is it?”
“The holy relics are named Perschen and Adne.”
“A holy thing?”
Tigris chanted a spell that could create clones of Perschen and Adne.
“May the road ahead of you be filled with blessings.”
Then the necklace started to vibrate and pop! And a new necklace popped out.
It was as if the slime were splitting apart.
Tigris handed Rakan the necklace.
“Take it. And wear it around your neck or carry it in your pocket at all times.”
“What power does this holy thing have?”
“It’s risk sensing and teleportation. If you are in danger, my necklace can react and teleport you near you. That shouldn’t happen, but if there’s a problem while pursuing it, I’ll go to you right away.”
“Five···. It feels like you have one more bonus life?”
Rakan immediately put on the necklace.
He didn’t forget to hide the red ruby under his clothes so that it wouldn’t be exposed.
“By the way, how many points do you have now?”
“About 35,000 points. Ah, I felt that the <Low Search> ability alone was a little lacking, so I recently invested 10,000 points to purchase <Advanced Search>. I feel like this is the way for me.”
Rakan seemed to have noticed that his talent was on the investigation side.
Perhaps even Rakan before the return purchased the technology with points.
“Oh, I have to get up now. Now I have to break another quest.”
“…what kind of quest is it?”
“Studying magic in the library.”
“Ah yes. Should I transfer to that Faculty of Magic? It’s a related quest. If you sit and study magic for 4 hours a day, you get 50 points.”
Tigris tilted his head as if puzzled.
“Surprisingly, they also give normal quests.”
“Oh, of course, if you take your shirt off and study, you get 50 more points.”
I didn’t ask if I would take my shirt off.
Because it was clear what to do.
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