The two of them were very close.

Wendy ran out first, and Lin Yuan followed, asking shoulder to shoulder: "Have you thought about it?"

Wendy nodded: "I thought about it, even if it's not all my fault, but as a god of Mondstadt, I also have a certain responsibility, so let her beat me up and vent my resentment."

"Okay, then I won't help you, anyway I can't beat her."

"Hey, what are you talking about," Paimon flew over.

While talking, several people had already run to a remote place outside the cathedral.

At this moment, two Fatui appeared from nowhere and pounced on Wendy.

"Be careful!" Ying shouted, rushed forward, and repelled the two with a sword.

After being repelled, the two Fatui did not move forward, but knelt on one knee, as if to greet someone.

"Oh, finally I found my hamster at home," a cold voice sounded, and then an endless ice storm came, instantly freezing Paimon and Wendy's legs.

Ying was pulled aside by the quick-eyed and quick-handed Lin Yuan to avoid being affected by the ice storm, and then he picked up Paimon who was frozen into an ice cube.

"Who is this person!" Ying wanted to rush forward with the edgeless sword, but was held tightly by Lin Yuan.

"It's the eighth seat of the eleven executive officers of the Fatui, [Madam], don't worry, Wendy is fine," Lin Yuan blinked at Ying.

[Madam] wore a dark red robe, golden hair, and a hair crown that covered half of her face. She had a hot body, bare legs, stepped on ice crystals, walked in front of Wendy, and pinched his chubby baby fat cheeks.

"Oh my, I've caused so much trouble for Mondstadt..." [Lady] looked at Wendy's cheek, then slapped her hard.

With a snap, half of Wendy's face was swollen and red.

After being slapped, Wendy stared at [Lady] "fiercely", and a "huge" amount of wind energy burst out of her body, trying to get her legs out of the ice crystals, but unfortunately failed.

Lin Yuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, admired Wendy's acting skills: See, this is an old actor.

[Lady] was stunned for a moment, then saw that Wendy couldn't break free from her cage, and sneered: "Heh, the god who gave up ruling Mondstadt, only has this little power left?"

"Oh? The capital you use to laugh at me is the power borrowed from [Master]?" Wendy sneered back in order to make sure her acting skills were flawless.

This sentence seemed to touch [Lady's] pain point, she narrowed her eyes, and endless frost burst out of her body.

"Hmph! Slippery tongue!"

With a bang, the lady poked Wendy's body with a palm and directly took out a green chess piece.

"Ugh! Ah!"

Wendy was hit by a black tiger and fell to the ground in "pain", gasping for breath.

In order to make the atmosphere on the scene more exciting, Lin Yuan shouted very "anxiously": Wendy, are you okay? Hold on, I'll find the Knights to save you!

Then he took Ying and ran away with Paimon in his arms.

[Lady] glanced at her but didn't chase her. In her opinion, she was very satisfied with getting [Heart of God] and beating up the Wind God. After all, this was one of the seven countries on par with Zhidong, so she shouldn't be too presumptuous.

"Is this the Heart of God? It's far inferior to the gorgeous chess pieces I treasure," [Lady] looked down at Wendy.

Wendy supported herself on the ground with one hand and covered her chest with the other, and said weakly: "That's probably because your aesthetic taste... is really bad."

[Lady] frowned: "Tsk!" Then she kicked Wendy out.

"Let's go, before the Knights arrive, don't let them catch me. After all, if I beat up the Wind God, I will be hated by others, hahahaha!"


"Lin Yuan, aren't we going to the Knights for help?"

After wandering around the street for more than ten minutes, Ying finally couldn't help but ask curiously.

"No need to ask for help, the [lady] will go by herself later anyway."

"Hmm? What about Wendy? Why do I feel like you guys are hiding something from me?"

"Wendy, she should go there by herself," Lin Yuan thought for a moment, "Anyway, he will be fine. In short, you can think of it as a performance by Wendy to reduce the guilt in her body."

"Performance... okay," Ying accepted this statement, and logically speaking, Wendy is the God of Wind, so she should be fine no matter how you think about it.

"A-choo! It's so cold,

"At this time, Paimon finally thawed and woke up under the sunlight.

"Huh? What happened? I remember we were in the West Wind Cathedral? It seems that a bad woman appeared and froze me. "

"Paimon, are you okay?" Ying wiped the water droplets off Paimon's body with concern.

"A-choo! It seems that I have a small cold," Paimon muttered with his nose.

Lin Yuan came up with an idea: "Cold, then let's go to Miss Barbara, she is proficient in treatment."

Then the three returned to the West Wind Cathedral and saw Barbara at the door.

"Hey, it's the Honorary Knight, what's wrong with Paimon? He looks very weak. "

Barbara hurriedly stepped forward and took the weak Paimon from Ying's arms.

"It's a cold, Barbara, do you have any solution? "Lin Yuan looked around, and there was no trace of the Fatui and Wendy.

"A cold is just a small problem," Barbara nodded, and the Water Element God's Eye on her waist lit up, and then Paimon's face gradually became ruddy.

Lin Yuan saw Barbara's God's Eye and suddenly remembered that he and Ying had no elemental power yet. He originally didn't plan to go to Fengqidi to find Wendy, but now it seems that he has to touch the statue on the way.

"Wow! I'm healed! Thank you Miss Barbara," Paimon regained his usual liveliness.

"It's okay, little Paimon. By the way, the bard who was with you just now seemed to have been beaten up, and then I wanted to heal him, but he left on his own. If you have time, go and see him."

Barbara finished speaking and was about to leave when Lin Yuan stopped her.

"Barbara, do you want to draw a lottery?"

"Ah? Lottery? Is it what Sister... Captain Qin said? But I am not a knight, can I also draw the lottery? "

Barbara was a little embarrassed, feeling like she was taking advantage of the Knights and Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan waved his hand: "Don't be polite, Barbara, anyone I recognize can draw the lottery, it is not exclusive to the Knights, and besides, that dishonest bard can draw."

"Okay, then I won't be polite," Barbara clicked [Pray Ten Times], but unfortunately no gold was produced, only a [Life Potion] was produced.

But Barbara was not depressed, still looking very satisfied.

Lin Yuan looked at his panel, and there were already ten people in the bond column including Barbara.

Among them, the bond with Ying and Paimon is level 4, the bond with Qin and Wendy is level 3, the bond with Diluk, Kaeya, and Amber is level 2, and the last level 1 is Lisa, Eula and Barbara.

I haven't looked at the panel for a long time, and I haven't found that I Now that he can select the skills of Jean and Wendy, Lin Yuan's mind moved, and two options appeared in the skill column:

[Selectable target: Jean]

[Selectable quantity: 1]

[Selectable skill: Meditation (proficient level)]

[Selectable items: Wind Eagle Sword, Eye of the Wind Element God, Letter of Appointment as Acting Leader, House Key, Photo with Barbara, Pure White Boots...]


[Selectable target: Wendy (Wind God Barbatos)]

[Selectable quantity: 1]

[Selectable skill: Way of the Wanderer (proficient level) , **** (unknown), **** (unknown)...]

[Items available for selection: Eye of God (fake), century-old cider, green hat, white silk, small leather shoes...]

Lin Yuan decisively chose Wendy's [Way of the Wanderer], but he had difficulty choosing Qin.

Should he choose [Meditation]? Or the Wind Eagle Sword?

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan finally chose the Wind Eagle Sword.

First of all, he already has enough skills now, [Soul Draining Strike], [Feast], plus the [Wandering Sword] he just got. The second is that the Wind Eagle Sword is too strong. Apart from anything else, the 500-point attack buff alone can instantly turn him into the top fighter in Mondstadt. The third is that Diluk also has the skill [Meditation], so he can wait. Swish! As soon as he finished choosing, a snow-white sword with a cyan gem inlaid on the handle appeared in Lin Yuan's hand, exactly the same as Qin's. Lin Yuan waved it twice casually, and the blade was so sharp that it seemed to have cut cracks in the air. "This is! My sister's Wind Eagle Sword! "Barbara was shocked when she saw what Lin Yuan was holding, and she didn't even notice that she had let it slip.

Ying and Paimeng were also shocked, but they knew Lin Yuan's skills, so they calmed down after a moment of shock.

Lin Yuan put away the sword and said with a smile: "Barbara, it's just a 'fake' given by the system. The one in your sister's hand is the real thing. Mine is female, and hers is male."

"Ah? Female? Male? This thing

Are there still male and female ones? ",

This was a joke, of course, but Lin Yuan couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only attribute everything to the system.

After fooling Barbara, the three of them rushed to Fengqidi.

On the way, Paimon remembered Barbara's slip of the tongue just now, and suddenly realized: "So Barbara is Jean's sister, why did I say they look so similar!"

Ying nodded: "Indeed, they look alike, the same golden hair, the same eyes, the same nose... but the personality is a little different."

"But why don't they make it public? Hiding it so deeply? "

"Maybe there is some unknown secret," Lin Yuan was actually very curious. He didn't know much about this aspect. He only knew that both of them were the best of the Gunhild family.

However, from childhood to adulthood, the elder sister Qin was better. Of course, excellence also has a price, that is, it will bear too many expectations that should not be there, and these expectations will often become a burden...

The wind is located in the east of Mondstadt. After leaving the city, don't turn around. Just walk along the road and you will see a plain and a towering tree that looks like a large broccoli.

In front of the towering tree is a tree several people tall. The statue, from time to time, nuns from the West Wind Church come here to clean, pray and worship.

The West Wind Knights attach great importance to the security here, and have added many guards to patrol along the way, so compared to other places, there are the fewest monsters here.

Because it is rumored that this is the end of the first generation of [Dandelion Knights], it is rumored that the great hero Vanessa who established the West Wind Knights and revitalized Mondstadt came here and boarded the Sky Island at the end of her life.

When the three of them came here, Wendy was lying on the soft grass under the roots of the tree, drinking the dandelion wine that the nuns offered to the statue.

"Hey! Singing, you actually hid here and drank the wine that others offered to the God of Wind! I was so worried about you! Humph!"

Paimon flew over, snatched the wine pot from Wendy's hand, and snorted coldly.

"Oh my wine! "Wendy quickly got up: "What are you doing~Haha~Ouch~"

Lin Yuan's movements froze. He didn't expect to hear a familiar voice even after coming to Teyvat. Is this the Wendy who has been practicing for a year?

"The wine dedicated to the God of Wind, isn't it for me, good Paimon, calm down~" Wendy quickly trotted to Paimon and coaxed and tricked him to get the wine back.

"By the way, Wendy, are you really okay?"

Although Ying saw that Wendy was alive and kicking, he was still a little worried when he recalled the scene where he was beaten up by [Lady].

"Of course I'm fine! I'm the God of Wind," Wendy blinked.

"Okay," Ying didn't want to ask about his past with [Lady], so he changed the subject:

"I see that [Lady] is sincere to you, so...what is the Heart of God? "

Lin Yuan laughed out loud when he heard Ying's choice of words. God is so sincere, haha.

"Uh..." Wendy scratched his head: "This is not a topic that can be discussed with ordinary people, but since you have noticed it, it's okay to tell you quietly."

"You should know that the Eye of God is an external magic organ that very few people in this world can have. It can guide elemental power."

"And the gods don't need primary organs like the Eye of God. As a substitute, our magic organs resonate with the Sky Island...that is, the Heart of God."

Ying glanced at Wendy's waist: "Then what is this hanging on your waist?"

Wendy chuckled: "Hey! It's just a glowing glass ball, used to avoid unwarranted suspicion."

Paimon asked with some confusion: "Why are these called [Organs], and they are both 'eyes' and 'hearts', it sounds like they were taken off someone's body. "

Ying covered Paimeng's mouth: "Paimeng, what you said is so scary! Stop talking..."

Wendy's eyes flashed with shock, but her face did not change: "Hey, I don't know, anyway, everyone calls it that, maybe it's a customary rule."

Lin Yuan also looked at Paimeng in surprise. This little guy actually revealed the truth of the matter by accident...

"Oh! Ying! You covered me so hard that I can't breathe!" Paimeng broke free from Ying and stomped his feet.

"Sorry Paimeng, I just feel that if you continue to talk, something bad will happen..."

"Bad things?" Everyone looked at Ying.

"Well... I can't explain it clearly, it's just a feeling in the dark..." Ying shook her head.

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