The horses were so busy that they were not very busy.

Lin Yuan and Ying drove Wuyun and Jinyu out of the city slowly. It was not because they did not want to go fast, but because there were too many people in the city. Everyone gathered together to see the legendary war horses. If they drove fast, they would easily bump into people.

After leaving the city, there were obviously fewer people on the road. Lin Yuan and Ying shouted, waving the reins and clamping the horses' bellies at the same time.

Wuyun and Jinyu got the order, shook off their hooves, and ran wildly on the road.

The sky was white with clouds, the sun was warm and comfortable, and the scenery was emerald green all around. Breathing the breeze blowing in his face, Lin Yuan felt so comfortable.

"Hmm..." He suddenly noticed a panel popping up above Wuyun and Jinyu:

[Name: Wuyun]

[Level: Unknown]

[Life: 360]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 650]


[Name: Jinyu]

[Level: Unknown]

[Life: 110]

[Defense: 0]

[Attack: 880]

Lin Yuan was briefly shocked. He was not surprised that Wuyun and Jinyu had panels, but that their panel attributes were exactly the same as Lin Yuan and Ying's.

Ying also saw Jinyu's panel, but she couldn't see Wuyun's.

Lin Yuan understood instantly that Wuyun and Jinyu should have recognized their master, and their panel data would change with the master's panel data.

Moreover, the level column of Wuyun and Jinyu was unknown. Thinking of what Kaia said before, Lin Yuan realized that there might be a big story or secret behind these two horses.

Lin Yuan and Ying looked at each other, and they instantly understood what the other was thinking. However, it was too early to explore these things now. What secrets were behind the dark clouds and the golden jade? They would know it in the future.

The most urgent task was to complete Kaiya's mission. Lin Yuan tightened the reins with a sigh, and then took out the map, which marked a total of three treasure-stealing group bases.

The three bases were not far from each other, all between Qingquan Town and the snowy mountain, but not in the same place. To be precise, they were not three bases of the same treasure-stealing group, but three different treasure-stealing groups.

Although the words were a bit confusing, they could be understood as three different organizations.

The treasure-stealing group was not like the Fatui. It was not a strict organization, but a general term for people who stole and robbed.

In other words, the treasure-stealing group was actually a bandit who became a bandit.

So these three places on the map were not so much the bases of the treasure-stealing group as they were bandits from three different hills.

The strange bird is nominally the leader of the Mondstadt Treasure Hunting Group, but in fact, it is just because the treasure hunting group he belongs to is the strongest in Mondstadt, so the treasure hunting groups on other hills respectfully call him the leader.

In detail, it feels a bit like the leader of the martial arts world. The treasure hunting groups on each hill select the strongest one and obey the command in a unified manner to avoid internal fighting and consumption of strength.

In the past, the Knights were relatively weak and did not have enough control over the areas outside Mondstadt, so there were monsters everywhere and treasure hunting groups were rampant.

Now that the dragon disaster has been resolved, the Knights have gradually recruited troops and started a large-scale development of the Mondstadt territory.

The most obvious one is the Whispering Forest, which is the only way for Mondstadt to go east. In recent times, the Knights have gradually resumed their management here and wiped out a group of treasure hunting groups stationed here.

The three treasure hunting groups marked on the map are the Flying Treasure Hunting Group where the strange bird is, the Liangshan Treasure Hunting Group and the Tiger Treasure Hunting Group.

According to Kaeya's investigation, these three are all treasure-stealing groups that have had contact with Gilliana, and she has a high probability of escaping to these three places.

"Let's go, just in time to wipe out these three treasure-stealing groups," Lin Yuan put away the map and galloped away.

Ying also caught up on Jin Yu: "Aren't you looking for Gilliana?"

Lin Yuan sneered: "These treasure-stealing groups are reckless and rob people. Anyway, the Knights will wipe them out sooner or later. We might as well take the credit ourselves."

Ying nodded: "That makes sense."

Wuyun and Jin Yu were very fast, and soon they reached the target range.

Lin Yuan rode on horseback and looked at a simple mountain stronghold built with wood in front of him: Liangshan.

There was a big flag hanging on the gate of the mountain stronghold, with four big characters written on it: Acting on behalf of heaven.

"Liangshan Treasure Stealing Group?" After Jin Yu stopped, Paimeng flew out from behind Ying, looked at the mountain village in front, and asked in confusion:

"There are no mountains here? Why is it called this name?"

In fact, Lin Yuan also wanted to ask this question, because when he saw these two words, he always thought of a famous book he read in his previous life


And what a coincidence, the flags of this group of treasure-stealing groups are also very similar.

"Who are you!" Just then, someone in the mountain village discovered them, and several members of the treasure-stealing group hurriedly ran out with weapons.

"Wow! Such a handsome horse! And a beautiful woman, brothers! Come on! Kill the men, leave the women, and leave the horses too!"

A treasure-stealing group wearing an eye mask and exposing his breasts came out. It seems to be the leader of the Liangshan treasure-stealing group.

"What's your name?" Seeing the treasure-stealing group surrounding him, Lin Yuan was not panicked at all, but asked the leader instead.

"Okay, you dare to ask my name, you have the guts," the treasure-stealing group leader smiled cruelly: "Listen carefully, the world calls me Song Jiang, the timely snow."

"Uh..." Lin Yuan felt a little shocking, he shook his head: "Let me ask you another question, is Gilliana here with you?"

"Why do you have so many questions, go to the underworld to ask the King of Hell," Song Jiang waved his hand, and the treasure-stealing groups rushed up.

"Why do some people always complain about their long life?" Lin Yuan sighed softly: "Although I have decided to send you off, don't blame me if you are so impatient."

Then he and Ying looked at each other: "You take half, I take half, and Song Jiang is left to Paimeng."

Ying nodded: "Okay."

Song Jiang was stunned. What is this person talking about? Is he scared silly?

Then he saw the man and woman adjusting the reins, and with a sound, two strong and tall horses rushed over like dragons.

The horses' hooves were in unison, and the ground was trembling from being trampled.

"【Soul-sucking Strike!"

The man and woman shouted, and the horses were instantly covered with a layer of black and purple gas.

Then in Song Jiang's pupils, he saw his two men being hit by the war horses, directly torn into pieces, intestines and internal organs scattered all over the ground, and blood mist filled the sky.

"I didn't expect that [Soul-sucking Strike] could also work on horses," Lin Yuan originally just had a sudden idea, and told Ying about it.

The two of them experimented and found that it could increase the attack power.

Then the two drove Wuyun and Jinyu and rushed forward. The tall horses were like heavy tanks, and whoever they hit would die, and it was not just a normal death, but the kind of death that was torn into pieces.

Anyway, this group of treasure-stealing groups usually burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil, so the two of them had no psychological burden when killing.


In less than a minute, more than a dozen of Song Jiang's men were slaughtered, and finally the tall black horse raised its hooves and stood in front of him.

"Is Gilliana here with you?" The man on the horse asked condescendingly, and Song Jiang only felt that the voice was the whisper of the god of death.

"No... not here..." Song Jiang knelt on the ground with his butt raised high, crying loudly: "Sir, spare me! Sir, spare me! I didn't recognize the great man! I offended you! Please don't mind it..."

Learning that Gilliana was not here, Lin Yuan was about to let Paimon swallow him, and suddenly a question came to his mind: "I ask you, is this your real name?"

Hearing the man on horseback asking this, Song Jiang thought he was going to let him go, and hurriedly said: "It's not my real name, but the name I changed later."

"Oh? Why did you change it to this name?"

"I picked up a novel before, which tells the story of a group of treasure-stealing heroes. I renamed it according to the content of the story."

"Like Liangshan and Taitianxingdao, I also learned the content in the story."

"I originally wanted to publicize that story to build momentum for myself and compete for the position of the leader of the Mond Treasure Stealing Group, but I still lost to the strange bird..."

"Okay, don't say anymore," Lin Yuan nodded, indicating that he knew.

Song Jiang was overjoyed. Just as she was about to raise her head to thank him, she saw the flying little thing open its mouth and then completely lost consciousness.

"Paimeng, what does the treasure-stealing group smell like?" Ying asked curiously.

Paimeng touched his stomach: "Uh... Actually, it doesn't smell like anything. I even doubt whether it has fallen into my stomach?"

"Although you are also very big now, every time I see you swallow such a big thing in one gulp, I always feel incredible."

Ying looked at Paimeng. Paimeng was almost as big as her now, like a giant baby.

But after a while, Paimeng gradually returned to his original size.

"Okay, let's go to the Weihu Treasure Stealing Group," Lin Yuan took out the map and studied it, then galloped with a sound.

Ying also turned her horse's head and followed, and Paimeng hugged Ying tightly.

Although she can fly, she usually flies at a low altitude and slow speed. If she wants to catch up with the speed of Wuyun and Jinyu, she will probably be exhausted.

The horse's hooves roared, and soon they arrived at another mountain village.

The style of the Shanzhai is similar to that of the Liangshan Treasure Thieves, but the plaque on it is

The plaque was changed to the words "威虎".

This time, Lin Yuan did not stop, and rode Wuyun directly into the mountain village.

Without saying a word, He Ying quickly killed all the members of the treasure-stealing group, leaving only the leader of the treasure-stealing group: a bandit with a cockscomb.

"Who... who are you? I am Zuoshan Diao, the leader of the Weihu treasure-stealing group!" The cockscomb said hoarsely.

"Is Jiliana here?" Lin Yuan said briefly.

Zuoshan Diao's face changed: "She sent you here. That traitor has betrayed us once, and he actually sent people to completely wipe us out!"

Hearing Zuoshan Diao say this, Lin Yuan knew that Jiliana was not here.

So he stopped talking nonsense, took out the Fengying Sword, and his physical strength was +100. He directly used [Feast] and swallowed Zuoshan Diao in one bite.

Lin Yuan's body size also grew again. Sitting on Wuyun, he was like a small mountain.

"You two, don't get so big that Teyvat can't fit you one day," Ying teased, looking at the huge Lin Yuan.

"Haha, that's still too early," Lin Yuan thought, restored his body shape, and then took out the map:

"Then Gilliana is probably in the Flying Treasure Stealing Group..."


There is a large area of ​​no man's land between the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain and Qingquan Town, where many monsters and treasure stealing groups are rampant.

Of course, the main reason is that the Knights of Favonius are not strong enough to control this place.

However, as the Knights grow stronger, this situation will gradually change.

After all, even the leader of the Mond Treasure Stealing Group, the Strange Bird, was captured. This incident can be regarded as the clarion call of the Knights of Favonius to clear the treasure stealing group.

The Flying Treasure Stealing Group's stronghold is the largest among all the treasure stealing groups in Mond. There is no way, who makes them the strongest.

That was all in the past. Ever since their leader, the Strange Bird, and a dozen of his brothers were killed, the Flying Treasure Stealing Group has never recovered.

Some of the surrounding treasure stealing groups got wind of the news and began to make moves, planning to completely annex the Flying Treasure Stealing Group.

At this time, in the Flying Treasure Stealing Group's mountain stronghold, seven bandits surrounded a chubby nun, and each of them had a fierce expression on their face.

These seven bandits were the last members of the Flying Treasure Stealers. One of the skinny bandits stood up:

"Jilliana! You betrayed us once before. We gave you a chance to atone for your sins. You dared to plot against our boss!"

"I didn't plot!" Gilliana yelled unconvinced: "I have already quit the Treasure Stealers and retired from the underworld. Why don't you let me go! Why do you still threaten me with the lives of my husband and children?"

"Whatever information you want, I will take the risk to go to the Knights of Favonius to find out. You said that this is the last time, so you will let my husband and children go. Why don't you keep your word!"

The skinny bandit heard Gilliana chattering and slapped her twice: "Shut up! You bitch! It was you who plotted against our boss and the brothers, so he was caught by the Knights of Favonius."

"Retired from the underworld? You thought you quit the underworld and retired from the underworld. Baotuan, can you wash away your past sins by joining the West Wind Church? Can you pretend that the past things never existed? "

Jiliana covered her swollen face and muttered with blood foam in her mouth: "What do you want? The capture of the strange bird has nothing to do with me. The information I provided to you is true!"

"Quickly release my husband and children, this is your promise!"

The skinny monkey bandit sneered: "Promise?" Then he kicked Giliana to the ground, slapped her left and right, and cursed while slapping her: "Stinky bitch, it was because of you that our boss was captured, and you still have the nerve to talk about promises?"

After slapping more than a dozen times, the skinny monkey bandit wiped the blood on his hands: "I'll give you a chance to make meritorious service, go and rescue our boss, and I will let this matter go."

"No... Impossible, I won't... help you... do things again..." Giliana was slapped into a pig's head, and her eyes were swollen into a slit.

"That's not up to you," the skinny bandit waved his hand, and the people around him understood what he meant, and brought up two people who were tortured to a bloody mess from the dungeon.

"Husband! Child!" When Gilliana saw the two people clearly, she immediately screamed heartbreakingly: "Beasts! You are beasts!"

"Humph!" The skinny bandit filled a basin of water and poured it on the two people. Under the stimulation of the ice water, the two gradually regained consciousness.

"Gilliana! Is it... you?"

"Mom! It hurts! It hurts..."

The man and the child saw the woman clearly and burst into tears.

"How is it?" The skinny bandit looked at Gilliana: "As long as you take me

"If you can rescue our boss from the Knights of Favonius, you and your family of three can be reunited."

Gilliana cried out in pain, until she was hoarse, and finally cried until she had no strength left, then she lay on the ground and nodded: "I will do it! I will do it! As long as you release my husband and children..."

The skinny monkey treasure-stealing group squatted on the ground and patted Gilliana's face: "Haha, this is our former good teammate..."

"What a touching drama..."

Just then, a cynical voice came, followed by the crisp sound of horse hooves.

"Who is it!" The skinny monkey bandit and the other six bandits were instantly shocked and took up their weapons to be alert.

They couldn't help being so sensitive. Now, in addition to the Knights of Favonius, there were also those treasure-stealing groups that used to drink and talk happily.

"Why are you so nervous? I won't eat you... No, haha, I might eat you," a black-haired man riding a sturdy black horse came in with the voice.

Behind him was a blonde woman riding a white horse.

"Who are you?" The skinny bandit trembled and clenched his weapon, not wiping the sweat from his forehead.

It's no wonder he reacted so strongly. Just by looking at the two war horses with well-developed tendons, he knew that the opponent was a tough guy.

Lin Yuan ignored the skinny bandit, but looked at the pig-headed Jillianna: "Let me ask you a question, did you come here voluntarily, or were you forced?"

"Be... forced," Jillianna was not a worldly person like the skinny bandit, she recognized Lin Yuan's identity.

Lin Yuan nodded and looked at Ying: "Old Jiji, half for each of us, and the remaining one is for Paimon. "

Ying nodded, then pointed the reins at the treasure-stealing group, clamped her legs, and rushed forward with hot air coming out of Jinyu's nostrils and shaking the ground with her four hooves.

Lin Yuan did the same, and whoever Wuyun hit with his strong front hooves would die.

Paimon was not polite either. His physical strength had long been restored. He activated [Feast] directly and swallowed the skinny bandit in one gulp.

She is now a circle bigger than Ying.

The man and the child fainted when they saw this scene, but Jiliana had a good psychological quality and was still awake.

Lin Yuan got off the horse and tied Jiliana to Jinyu's back, and tied the man and the child to Wuyun's back.

"Are you going to kill us?" Jiliana asked, spitting out a mouthful of blood foam.

Lin Yuan glanced at her, his black eyes flashing with luster: "Of course not, to be honest, your life or death has nothing to do with me, and I took you back just to complete the task. "

"When you get to the Knights of Favonius, someone will punish you. Although you were forced to do so, this cannot be an excuse, right?"

"Let's go, and return to the capital!" Lin Yuan took the lead, carrying Gilliana's husband and children out of the village.

"Hold!" Ying held Paimon in her arms and followed, waving the reins.

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