Chapter 49 Skirmishers: Travelers? How about killing it!

According to Lisa's information.

Lin Tian came to a house.

The house has three floors and has a very Western architectural style.

This house is the property of Mr. Goethe, the largest landlord in the area.

That is, the owner of the Goethe Hotel.

From the outside, this house should be worth a lot of money.

"I don’t know how many molas Mona used to rent."

Lin Tian was thinking and had already arrived at the door.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, his nose suddenly moved.

He followed the smell and looked up.

He saw a man wearing an astrologer's hat, purple magic clothes, and draped over his back shoulders. The woman in the robe was standing on the eaves, holding Mu Feng mushrooms in her arms, and she was still picking them with her right hand. Because she raised her head

, she saw her long legs wrapped in black pantyhose. There are still stars on the pantyhose.

They are not the pants before the revision! After looking at them for a while, Lin Tian suddenly realized something and said,"Mona." Miss


"Eh?!"Mona obviously didn't expect anyone else to come over, and the hands she was picking mushrooms trembled slightly.

There was a flash of water, and the next moment,

Mona reappeared in front of Lin Tian.

"Who are you?"Mona asked.

She collected the Mufeng mushrooms she picked from the eaves.

This is her simple meal.

As a great astrologer, in her own words

"Limiting material desires is part of the astrologer's practice. Only by living a simple life can we get a glimpse of the reality of the world."

Actually, Mona is not"poor".

It's just that her expenses are higher!

If you go to Mona's research room, you will find that her research equipment is worth a lot of money.

A solitary book placed casually on the ground. They are all worth 990,000 molas.

Moreover, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

No one can afford such an expense!

Therefore, Mona"should" become a"negative woman". often hungry...

The Mufeng mushrooms on the house became Mona's simple food.

This is not the first time I have gone to pick mushrooms on a house like today.

In order not to be discovered.

Mona will divine whether anyone is coming.

Avoid all possibilities of being discovered......

However, her divination skill just now was obviously ineffective.

Lin Tian came over so silently that even astrologers couldn't predict it!

"Hello Mona."

Lin Tian simply introduced himself and then expressed his apology slightly.

After all, he didn't expect such an embarrassing scene to happen.

"His name is Lin Tian?..."Mona hummed.

Then quietly began to divination......

Now that you know the name, you should be able to divine something, right?


However, nothing came of it.

Mona was a little surprised. Could it be that the information was not complete enough?

As a self-proclaimed"great astrologer," Mona obviously would not accept such a result.

Immediately, she wanted to take out the"Water Divination Tray" and use all her strength to perform water divination!

"Miss Mona, do you want to divine for me?"

Lin Tian also seemed to be interested.

Then, he told Mona some basic information about himself.

Originally, these were no secrets.

Moreover, he also needed Mona's help.

So this can be regarded as a bit of goodwill released in advance. Got it

"Lin Tian...People from a foreign land...Practice dragon-slaying magic..."

"Well, these basics are enough."

Mona hummed.

She drew a circle with her hands.

An ancient water occupancy disk appeared in front of her.

After turning, the middle of the occupancy disk became blank.

This was supposed to be the place where the seat of fate was revealed.

However, Lin There was obviously no such thing in the sky.

Mona was surprised, her eyes widened slightly, and then her hands sped up. This time , lights appeared in the middle of the disk. Lines, intertwined lines......A soaring dragon appears!

Immediately afterwards, Tianlong quickly transformed into a fire dragon, a poisonous dragon, and a thunder dragon.......

In the end, the water occupancy disk was spinning extremely fast, and it was somewhat unable to keep up with the changes.

With a"bang" sound, the water plate turned into nothing


When Mona saw this result, her face was filled with astonishment.

"how so?"

"Water fortune doesn't work anymore..."

This is the first time that Mona meets someone who cannot be observed.

"perhaps...Maybe it’s because I’m not being watched by the gods."

Lin Tian expressed his guess.

Mona's hydrodivination is actually a technique displayed through the reflection of the destiny seat of the owner of the"God's Eye" in the starry sky.

Past, future, present, all Everything is revealed in it, and Lin Tian does not have the eye of God, and the seat of destiny is not clear, so there is no way to talk about the results of"divination".

"What a strange person."Mona murmured.

Then, she observed Lin Tian carefully and asked


"What's your purpose of coming?"

Cannot be observed, then the only way left is to ask.

"Is such that..."

Lin Tian briefly talked about the"falling meteorite" in Mondstadt.

He did not mention Miss Lisa.

Lest this fortune teller becomes interested and gives Lisa another prediction...

"Then you have found the right person!"

As soon as she heard that her own divination was needed, Mona immediately became interested.

Having said that

, Mona also had her own little thoughts.

Her own divination skills could not predict the fate of the stranger.

But, similarly, the stranger You can't find out where the real"meteorite" is.

As long as your divination can be found, you can prove the greatness of"astrology" in front of strangers!

"Then come with me to Eagle Beach"

"The sky is wider there and you can see more clearly."

Mona said this...... at the same time.

Yingying and Paimon are on the way to deal with the meteorite.

I found a person who fell to the ground, and a shota man wearing a city girl's hat beside him.

And this person is no one else.

It was the stragglers who were entrusted by the"Harlequin" to investigate the meteorite!

"Did he also fall into a deep sleep? Paimon asked, pointing to the people on the ground.

From the appearance of the skirmisher, he looked like a harmless shota.

Therefore, Paimon didn’t think much about it.

"I'm afraid so, I tried many methods but couldn't wake him up."

The skirmisher held his chin and thought deeply.

This was actually the first time he met Ying and the others, so he didn't think much about it.

His mind was entirely on the"falling meteorite".

This meteorite can make people fall into deep sleep when touched. What kind of power is it?

At this moment, even the self-proclaimed"transcendent" was caught blind here.

"There are no meteorites around. It seems they have been disposed of...."

Ying looked around and made a judgment

"Are you talking about the rock on the car? Don't worry, I took care of it with magic."The soldier said calmly.

Then he said something he had forgotten just now.

"Did you just say that?"

"Has anyone else fallen into a deep slumber?"

The skirmishers realized that this matter is not that simple.

"The princess's sin-judging eyes witnessed nightmares pouring out from the Valley of Demonic Skeletons, and the people of Qingquan Town were suffering from them and were writhing in pain."

Fischer spoke.

The Eye of Judgment...Nightmare, demonic corpse?

To be honest, the skirmishers did believe it at first.

What Fischer said was plausible, but if you were an ordinary person, you might subconsciously doubt it.

After all, everyone has rarely seen any demon gods or demon corpses.

But skirmishers are different.

He is a serious creation of the God of Thunder.

Now, the sixth seat among the executive officers of Fools!

In his opinion, perhaps only demonic bones can produce such an effect.

Just like the rice wife's"evil spirit", it can affect people's minds.

Moreover, the Dark Crow next to Fischer looked extraordinary.

So how can such a person talk nonsense?

Being curious.

Skirmisher asked

"The demonic corpse in Qingquan Town?"

"Then you are......"

"I am the condemned princess Fischer, and this is my beloved Oz."Fischer said.

The background is very big.

All the family members have been sorted out.

The skirmishers turned their attention to Ying and Paimon again.......

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